Restarting and need motivation



  • ChunkyBoySlim
    ChunkyBoySlim Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm JR, on Instagram too @ChunkyBoySlim

    I'm re-starting to, for the milliont time
  • ProjectYummyMummy
    ProjectYummyMummy Posts: 98 Member
    I'm also new (again) looking to add more friends. Please feel free to add me.
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    Im in the same boat! I did great w MFP 3 years ago, then baby #2 came along and now it's time to do it again. My big problem is time - working plus two kids but i know lots of you out there are the same way. Always looking for friends, do add me.
  • NatalieThomas90
    NatalieThomas90 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm also re-starting for maybe the 6th time over the last three years...
    I start off really well...usually with a holiday looming as my goal. I go on holiday for a week or two and undo a lot of my hard work then find it really hard to get back into the swing of things. I tend to drop off plan all summer whilst I'm hitting bbqs and pubs most weekends then the HORROR of my gain hits me around September when I get back on the band wagon for a few months until I can use Christmas as my excuse to binge again.

    this is a patter I've noticed over the last few years.

    This year has started much the on plan and trying to be good as I have a swimsuit to be in soon. Only this year I have a few more incentives to get back to plan... a wedding and a late holiday in October. SO I'm hoping these will keep me on plan and break my habbit of yo-yo-ing. but we will see..

    Best of luck on your new venture though loves :)
  • vortex15
    vortex15 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi All,
    I only joined this discussion yesterday and we have so many people joining in. This is great. We all know this isn't easy since we have done it before, but it will be great if we can commit to support each other everyday. Hearing about everyone's good and bad days will help.
    If you figure out a solution to a problem, please post. My issue is eating correctly when I get home. I am tired at the end of the work day and feel like the last thing I want to do is cook. I am trying some different things with my schedule and planning to avoid just eating whatever when I get home. Yesterday, I just had a quick snack and went to a zumba class. I was still hungry after snack, but knew that I could not jump around full of food.
    By the time I got home from class, I had a bit more energy and then cooked dinner. This worked well yesterday, so we will see what I can figure out today when I can't go to a class.

    Best wishes today!
  • agl88mfp
    agl88mfp Posts: 8 Member
    I'm restarting too! I lost about 30 pounds in 2010 and would love to do it again!
  • vortex15
    vortex15 Posts: 19 Member
    How is everyone today? Hope this Friday is great for you. I really need to organize this weekend to make sure I am set up for success for next week. This week has been good and do not want to lose momentum.
  • KayV85
    KayV85 Posts: 19 Member
    Hiya I'm restarting again, fed up with fad diets so going for the healthy eating long term. Feel free to add me.
  • Cambridge727
    Cambridge727 Posts: 50 Member
    Trying stay motivated and live a healthier lifestyle. Feel free to add