Knee surgery

Hey everyone! I am look for some advise on a knee arthroscopy. I have been dealing with pain for about 2 years. I decided to get a second opinion after numerous x rays and mri, and steroid shots in my knee. The latest Mri showed a possible meniscus tear with cysts along my meniscus and acl. After trying a base and exercises I had an arthroscopy done on Tuesday. The doctor told me that everything looked fine except I had some build up of scar tissue that was rubbing my bone. So he removed that. I am still have pain when I hyperextend my leg, just like I had before surgery. Has anyone had this procedure done to remove scar tissue and If so, how long did it take you to start feeling better? Also, when did you begin exercising again?


  • kbeardmore22
    kbeardmore22 Posts: 283 Member
    Hi there,

    I had a torn medial meniscus & had surgery this past July. In my case things are progressing, but rather slowly. I'm still going to PT once a week and have not been able to go back to the level of exercise that I had been accustomed to. I have started going to the gym to at least do some core, abs & arm work though as it's driving me crazy to do no exercise. I hope you heal a lot quicker than I have! Good luck :-)!!
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    I had knee arthroscopy a few years ago because my doctor suspected I had a meniscus tear, and also just had scar tissue removed. The first couple of weeks it was pretty stiff/sore, but I really only needed to use crutches for the first day (I still used one crutch for a couple of days, just for balance purposes). I didn't really have any proper physical therapy for it, but after about 3 weeks I was walking home from school again in the afternoons (I was in high school at the time) and after about a month and a half I was riding my bike a couple of miles a day. I think that might be a little fast, though. My doctor seemed surprised by it.

    It still has some pain, but that's partially due to re-injuring it.
  • CandaceTaylor2014
    CandaceTaylor2014 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you both! Nuttyengineer where did you have pain at before surgery?
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    Erm... It was so long ago that I don't really remember, to be honest. I only remember that I couldn't fully straighten my leg before.

    Now the pain is on the outside of my knee. I also occasionally get shooting pains from my knee down to my ankle, but that is definitely an entrapped nerve from a different injury.
  • CandaceTaylor2014
    CandaceTaylor2014 Posts: 12 Member
    I have pain when I straighten my leg completely out as well. I was also having pain on the outside of my knee. I am afraid though that my doc focused more on the outside of my knee rather than me not being able to straighten my knee all of the way out. I am 5 days post op and I am still experiencing the same pain as before. I do have a lot of tenderness at the bottom and top of my knee cap as well. I am hoping this is all related to the surgery itself.
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    I also hope for you that it is related to the surgery itself. I remember mine was pretty tender for the first week or so and straightening it felt like it was going to rip apart.

    I wish you a speedy recovery!
  • CandaceTaylor2014
    CandaceTaylor2014 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you so much for replying to me! I feel so much better after talking to you! I really appreciate it!
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    I had a knee scope three months ago. I am 35 and the MRI I had showed a cartilage defect that was bone on bone. The doctor scheduled a microfracture and biocartliage surgery to try and repair it. Once he was in my knee though, he found two additional areas of bone on bone, and a torn meniscus. He shaved the miniscus and my tibia, and cleaned up the other 3 areas of cartilage that were bone on bone. Unfortunately, the damage was considered past the point of benefiting from the microfracture repair, so now I am stuck. I qualify for a knee replacement already, but my age is an issue. For now we are looking at pain management, and the doc even offered to at least try the microfracture surgery in the weight bearing defect, but he doesn't know how much of a difference it would make. He would rather try that, than replace at 35. I am just so against anymore surgery right now, but my knee hurts literally every day. I still have stiffness and inflammation, which is normal after surgery, but I didn't expect to have this kind of pain, three months after.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hey everyone! I am look for some advise on a knee arthroscopy. I have been dealing with pain for about 2 years. I decided to get a second opinion after numerous x rays and mri, and steroid shots in my knee. The latest Mri showed a possible meniscus tear with cysts along my meniscus and acl. After trying a base and exercises I had an arthroscopy done on Tuesday. The doctor told me that everything looked fine except I had some build up of scar tissue that was rubbing my bone. So he removed that. I am still have pain when I hyperextend my leg, just like I had before surgery. Has anyone had this procedure done to remove scar tissue and If so, how long did it take you to start feeling better? Also, when did you begin exercising again?

    I've never had it but wife had torn her ACL and Meniscus. The best I can say is to consult with your surgeon and probably explore a Physical Therapy option if one is available to you. The therapist will guide your recovery and get you to a point where your leg is functioning properly and you can look into exercise once they've released you to do-so.
  • Pie319
    Pie319 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi, I realize this is an old thread but I'm just seeing it now. As a former gymnast, I have a history of knee trauma.

    Surgery #1 was to replace my ACL and clip the mensicus tear. I came back from that 100%

    5 years later, surgery #2 was to replace my ACL again and clip more meniscus. I had re-injured myself and ignored it for about 5 weeks while I was on a long trek. Hiking on an unstable knee for 5 weeks cause A LOT of cartilage damage so my surgeon also did the micro-fracture. It did nothing to alleviate the arthritis and bone to bone rubbing. My knee has never been the same.

    Now 8 years later I'm having Surgery #3 to clear out scar tissue and loose bodies floating around in there causing me major pain. I also have arthritis, several cysts, possible further meniscus tear, and potentially an overstretched ACL graft.

    My best advice is DO EXACTLY WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS. I didn't and now I'm a 30 year old with pretty advanced arthritis. When they say don't start walking yet? Don't. When they say don't start running yet? Don't. If I had listened, I might have a better outcome.

    My other advice is keep your legs as strong as possible. I spent a long time trying to figure out why my knee STILL hurt doing certain movements, and it turned out to be weak muscles in my hips/glutes. So keep your legs/hips/glutes strong. Your muscles can bear the brunt and your joints will thank you.