frustrated with tummy bulge

I am not overweight. I am 5'5", weigh about 120 pounds and have been working out (cardio and weight training) since March. I try to average three to four days a week, but recently stepped it up to everyday because I CAN'T GET RID OF MY BELLY BULGE. In the morning, however, my belly is not that bad, but get's progressively bigger by the end of the day. I'm beginning to think this is not fat but something else. Any suggestions?


  • bayabaya
    bayabaya Posts: 52
    my stats are very close to yours. I am 5'5 and 123 pounds & i too have the tummy bulge! :( I am def looking forward to reading the responses!!
  • smbland
    smbland Posts: 22 Member
    Sounds like sodium or water... I'm over weight, but I know from experience if I have too much sodium or I am pmsing I tend to bloat. maybe analyze what you're eating?
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Are you staying under your sodium count regularly?
  • Booper83
    Booper83 Posts: 70 Member
    Maybe the carbs you are eating. Or sugar. The experts say it's usually that. Or, if you work out a lot, it could be stomach acid building up. Try less carbs/sugar and see what happens.
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    That little pooch is the hardest to get rid of! It's mostly diet. It sounds like you could be bloating towards the end of the day? But my advice, drink a lot of water and lots of veggies!
  • rainydayboys
    That would be the food you are eating throughout the day, some bloat from digestion. It's a natural thing.
    Make sure you have a strong core, tone your abs to help them hold themselves in better. Cardio and ab workouts are the best way to go, also watching your yeast intake - breads, alcohol, sugars, contribute massively to bloating and puffy stomachs.
    I carry my weight in my stomach and have been asked many a time when the baby is due. It's frustrating.
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    make sure to suck in your stomach when you do ab workouts you can work your abs to grow out
  • susysez
    susysez Posts: 1 Member
    It's all diet. Not sure about your workouts...cross training is key. Could also be alcohol. I am 5'5 and weigh 117. I still had a little tummy. When I stopped drinking weeknights, it went a way.
    Invest in a heart rate monitor and really track your calories burned. That is a key. Also, eat clean real food in small portions.

    Hope this helps.
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    Also watching this post to learn about the bulge myself! :grumble:
  • emmalene1984
    emmalene1984 Posts: 137 Member
    definitely look at what you are eating, especially as it gets worse throughout the day, i'm the same and i find that if i eat too much gluten or consume too fizzy drinks or alcohol my tummy bulges more and more :-( also, if you do some core exercises, it will help to strengthen your stomach muscles which can then hold in your tummy for you (as you must have very little 'fat' being only 120lb and 5'5, im 5'4 and my goal weight is 119lb)

    good luck and let us know if you manage to sort it :-) x
  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    make sure to suck in your stomach when you do ab workouts you can work your abs to grow out

    suck in all the time, whenever you think about it, it will help your abs to get stronger eventually and help your back too if it gets sore thru the day (from your tummy bulge).
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I too have that, and have been trying to pay attention. For me, breads seem to really make it bad (to the point my boyfriend asked me if there was something I wanted to talk about because it's ALL in my belly lol) Also, as others have said, too much salt will do it. Drink lots of water, and if it's "fat" then cardio is the way to can have an amazing 6 pack from doing ab workouts but if you don't do the cardio then the layer of fat is still there. But to me, it sounds more like a bloat than actual fat, i'd recommend really paying attention to what you've eaten when it's gotten worse.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    Are u going to the bathroom to do #2 at least twice a day? Are u getting enough fiber in ur diet?
    Drink hot tea after big meals and drink ur water...
  • undrmyspl
    undrmyspl Posts: 2
    Thank you for all of the helpful replies! I am fairly certain that it must be what I am eating. I am going to watch my sodium intake, because I have not been monitoring that...but I'm not sure how much sodium I should be allowed. I already stay away from sodas and alcohol. Also, I will add more fiber to my diet because I do not use the bathroom everyday! Thank you all for providing me with some great tips!!!
  • d_smith85
    d_smith85 Posts: 94
    I have the same issue, when I wake up in the morning I look pretty thin and I'm usually pretty happy with my body.... by the end of the day I look 6 months pregnant. For me its just food, even when my sodium intake is low.. and I have a really good food day. I'm bloated by the end of the day. Regardless of what I eat, I cut out gluten for a while and that really helped. Also diet pop bloats me realy bad. Its definetly frustrating though.. I feel ya!
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    I switched to almond milk and it seems to have made a huge difference, I don't look 6 monhts pregnant at night anymore.
  • jessicazanebell
    jessicazanebell Posts: 67 Member
    I have the same issue, when I wake up in the morning I look pretty thin and I'm usually pretty happy with my body.... by the end of the day I look 6 months pregnant. For me its just food, even when my sodium intake is low.. and I have a really good food day. I'm bloated by the end of the day. Regardless of what I eat, I cut out gluten for a while and that really helped. Also diet pop bloats me realy bad. Its definetly frustrating though.. I feel ya!

    Im in the same boat 5'4" and 120lbs. but i have thr tummy bulge. In the morning I look nice and flat but by the end of the day it appears so annoying. I just started a low-carb high fat diet and i am drinking more water, lowering my sodium intake and upping my fiber. Hopefully this helps. Its been about 3 faar no difference but too early to tell maybe, I am also starting to do strength training 4 days a week and cardio 2 days a week in hopes to just tighten everything up.
  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    Thank you for all of the helpful replies! I am fairly certain that it must be what I am eating. I am going to watch my sodium intake, because I have not been monitoring that...but I'm not sure how much sodium I should be allowed. I already stay away from sodas and alcohol. Also, I will add more fiber to my diet because I do not use the bathroom everyday! Thank you all for providing me with some great tips!!!

    Not sure how much backround this has, but a nurse my employer brought in one day for health screenings said that we should actually try to take in half of what is recommended (1250).
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Sodium limits were recently changed as follows:

    2300mg/day max for everyone except the following people:

    1. Diabetics
    2. African-Americans
    3. People over 51 years of age
    4. People with kidney problems

    People in categories 1-4 should limit their sodium to 1500mg a day. It's pretty hard to do that though, sodium is everywhere.
  • d_smith85
    d_smith85 Posts: 94
    I should show my mom the sodium in her diet! She's killing herself with processed junk! 1500 a day would be tough for even me, and I'm used to "watching waht I eat" but my mom doesn't watch a single thing.. doesn't care. Yipes. awful