Back to running as a Toe Striker :)

Lo0BLu Posts: 84 Member
Hi guys,
Happy new year and healthy wishes to all.
I'm back to running as a toe striker and I am keen to chat to other toe strikers to chat about techniques etc.
I will be running an ultra marathon in 2017 for the first time.
So tips from others that run ultras would be appreciated.
I am slowly building up my distance but focus sing mostly on not over taxing my calves. I'm slow but I get there in the end ;)
Anyone want to chat?


  • HankGreen
    HankGreen Posts: 6 Member
    Man! Ultra marathon is crazy. How long have you been running? I used to run short distances like a year and a half ago but stopped due to lack of motivation. Im starting again for 2016. Wish me luck! I feel like im starting at level 0 again after gaining 30 pounds. Lol
  • Lo0BLu
    Lo0BLu Posts: 84 Member
    Well I am not planning on running the whole 50 /100 miles hahaha.
    I am going to be part of a relay team in the 100 mile entry, so it should be 25 miles with rest in between short distances. Also, It's in 2017 so I have some time. I am hoping for that to be the motivation too :)
    I am working on a run walk strategy and loving it. Tomorrow is gonna be 6-7 miles at a steady (read slow) pace.
    Are you running tomorrow??
  • HankGreen
    HankGreen Posts: 6 Member
    I havent ran in about 15 months. I want to try and see if I can make it a mile just for something to judge my restart by. It doent help Im carrying an extra 30 lbs. Plus its cold as crap outside.
  • karierogers
    karierogers Posts: 9 Member
    I would love to follow you on your journey! I'm a runner too but I've gained some weight from not running enough! I did several half marathons 2014 & beginning of 2015 but after an injury I had to stop for a while and put on some weight. I'm looking to loose 20-40 pounds and complete 4-6 races.
    Good luck!!
  • HankGreen
    HankGreen Posts: 6 Member
    Im glad I found a few people on here that enjoy running. Guess its time to lace up the shoes in the morning. Really hoping the weather cooperates. Ill let ya know in the morning.
  • kevin_bvbfan
    kevin_bvbfan Posts: 37 Member
    I love running. Was suppose to do a few smaller races this year but dealing with a foot injury has me shut down for a bit. I only started running again back in November after a twenty year break. Guess I got to excited. Would love advice on technique and training
  • Lo0BLu
    Lo0BLu Posts: 84 Member
    So what did you do to your foot?