Mamas unite!!

Hello! I'm Amanda! I'm a full time mommy of two little girls(6 years and 15 months) and a part time nurse! I've struggled with weight since I was a teenager! After my first daughter was about a year old I weighed about 179lbs so I joined mfp that was in 2010, I lost about 30 pounds I think. Anyway I got comfortable with my weight and stopped tracking calories and I gained all the weight plus a little more back! At 186lbs I got pregnant with my second in 2013 I got up to about 215 or more during pregnancy (I honestly stopped looking at the end


  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    Hello, Welcome to MFP. I am a mother to 3 boys 3,5, and 13. I also have lost 30lbs and then stopped due to college stress. i log in every day! feel free to add me! Best of luck! You've got this!!! :)
  • klala042
    klala042 Posts: 175 Member
    Im also a (mostly) stay at home mom to 2 little girls (almost 2 and 5mo). I have lost 25 lbs so far and hope to lose another 45-50. I'm focusing on eating healthier, specifically adding more veggies to my diet, and exercising 4 times a week. I am currently nursing my 5mo old so I try and stay between 17-1800 calories a day. Both of my girls are not sleeping well right now and it has been very difficult the past few days but I'm hanging in there. Feel free to add me and we can all motivate each other! My diary is open to friends to help keep me accountable :)
  • agl88mfp
    agl88mfp Posts: 8 Member
    klala042 wrote: »
    Im also a (mostly) stay at home mom to 2 little girls (almost 2 and 5mo). I have lost 25 lbs so far and hope to lose another 45-50. I'm focusing on eating healthier, specifically adding more veggies to my diet, and exercising 4 times a week. I am currently nursing my 5mo old so I try and stay between 17-1800 calories a day. Both of my girls are not sleeping well right now and it has been very difficult the past few days but I'm hanging in there. Feel free to add me and we can all motivate each other! My diary is open to friends to help keep me accountable :)

    Hello! My 15 month old is still waking up 2-4 times a night to nurse! It's exhausting to say the least! I would love to be friends and help to motivate each other! Mfp put me at like 1440 calories per day to lose a pound a week but I'm thinking that might not be enough since I'm still nursing my daughter!

  • klala042
    klala042 Posts: 175 Member
    It had me at 1200 to lose 2 lbs per week but I add breastfeeding as an exercise everyday for an extra 500 calories. If I stick to the 17-1800 a day then it works out pretty well and I lose 1.5-3 lbs a week. I'm sure it will slow down once I lose more but so far it's working.
  • agl88mfp
    agl88mfp Posts: 8 Member
    klala042 wrote: »
    It had me at 1200 to lose 2 lbs per week but I add breastfeeding as an exercise everyday for an extra 500 calories. If I stick to the 17-1800 a day then it works out pretty well and I lose 1.5-3 lbs a week. I'm sure it will slow down once I lose more but so far it's working.

    Thanks I'll try that!

  • mama_nat7
    mama_nat7 Posts: 1 Member
    hello!! I'm Natalie and I'm also a mother to two little girls and a step daughter(ages 6, 4, and 21 months). I can totally understand where you're coming from. You got this girl, think about how much better you will feel. Stick to it and you will rock it!
  • klala042
    klala042 Posts: 175 Member
    mama_nat7 wrote: »
    hello!! I'm Natalie and I'm also a mother to two little girls and a step daughter(ages 6, 4, and 21 months). I can totally understand where you're coming from. You got this girl, think about how much better you will feel. Stick to it and you will rock it!

    Natalie is my youngest daughters name :)
  • loribethreed
    loribethreed Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I have 3 kids, 2 girls and a boy (7 months) I gained a little over 50 lbs with this pregnancy and really I had about 10 to 15 lbs to lose before I'm 40 down and now I'm kind of in a rut. I haven't lost anything in about 3.5 months, but I'm back at it!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Hi! I have a 10 year old, 7 year old and 4 month old. I lost 85 a few years ago, then I let things slide, then I had another baby. Now I have about 45 to lose again. I've lost 20ish (i also stopped looking at the scale at 215) since the little guy was born. Feel free to add me :)
  • lalababi04
    lalababi04 Posts: 3 Member
    Stay at home mom here ebf a 8 month old.. I have 4 children 12,11,3 and 8 months. Everyone feel free to add me so we can motivate each other I have about 60-80 lbs to lose to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight so I could use the support ! Good luck to you all !
  • cateuro
    cateuro Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies, I just gave birth to my 4th child 7 weeks ago and I lost about 15 pounds of the 28 I gained but over the holidays and with my sugar cravings I am back up to my pregnancy weight of 180! My goal is 135 so I have 45 pounds to loose. I find the hardest part is having prepared foods that I can grab so I won't go over my calories. With lack of sleep nursing my willpower is weak then I grab anything, usually sweet and then beat myself up about it. I need lots of motivation and tips on how to make this work. I started out pregnant in the 150's which is about 20 pounds more than my normal. Any help or support would be wonderful!!
  • StrongerMomto7
    StrongerMomto7 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Hi :) I'm a full time mommy of 7 kiddos. I have been so busy taking care of our family, that I forgot to take care of myself! Now I am paying the price to the tune of over 100 lbs to lose. *sigh* I wish I could say it is just vanity that is driving me to lose the weight. Sadly, I now have quite a few medical conditions thanks to all the extra weight! :/ TIME TO LOSE THE WEIGHT once and for all. Help and support is so important, please feel free to add me! :)
  • hookahbinx
    hookahbinx Posts: 74 Member
    Hello I'm a mother to a 15 month old daughter. I'm currently down to 201 lbs. Started at 240 lbs on nov 1st. Everyone feel free to add me.
  • TeresaGooby
    TeresaGooby Posts: 115 Member
    Hi! I am a stay at home mom to three boys (4.5, 3, 1) and over the past few years put my eating/exercising on the back burner but now I am making time for me. I have about 20 lbs to lose but since my first kid I lost a lot of my muscle and am going to work on getting it back.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Hello! I am a working mom, but have a 20 month old that I gained about 75 pounds with. He weaned at 14 months when I was expecting number 2, but unfortunately ended in miscarriage. I went through a lot of depression and gained more. I am now ready to lose weight, again, in hopes to having another little one. Feel free to add me. I am on a 65 day streak of logging in, with about 14 lbs lost so far.
  • embtreas
    embtreas Posts: 8 Member
    Hi mamas! Im mum to a 3yo boy and have about 40lbs to go, have lost 20 so far and this app has been great! Dont forget to add your running around the park/backyard with the kids as exercise - I find it helps with the sense of achievement! Even 15mins of soccer is better than nothing! Best wishes, we can do this ladies
  • jamieshaffer
    jamieshaffer Posts: 1 Member
    Hello fellow Mamas! I'm the mother of 3 boys ages 10, 6, and 3. My oldest will be 11 next month! Wowsa. I work full time. My husband is a full time student and works a part time job. Needless to say, life is busy! I easily and quickly lost weight after my oldest, Sylas, was born. I was also barely 20. Things were a little more difficult after our second son was born. It took a good bit of motivation to get back in shape. I had never put myself on any kind of exercise plan, but once Charlie was around 2 we found our swing and became very fit and healthy. A couple years later....enter baby 3, Nolan. His pregnancy was the worst. It ended with around 3.5 months of bed rest. My husband started working full time again and my mother in law (she's the best) would come over from 8-5 Mon-Fri and take care of my house and Charlie. We ate A LOT of fast food. She was still teaching full time online courses, so expecting her to do all the cooking and cleaning was unreasonable. So I gained roughly 80lbs and, even after dropping 30 of those poinds, I sit heavier than I have ever been. I feel gross. I feel tired, sick, and just nasty every day. I remember how much energy I had when I exercised every day before going to work and had proper eating habits. I'm also severely anemic, so that isn't helping me at all. I am here to get back into the swing of things. This isn't a New Year's resolution for me. It's something I have accomplished before and can do again. I just need accountability and support.

    Sorry for the long blah blah, but that's me. I also talk too much haha

  • tmac8902
    tmac8902 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey mamas
    Im a mom of two, I have an 8 year old daughter and a 4 year old son who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in the summer. It hasn't been easy but we get through it. I gained a lot of weight with my daughter in my first pregnancy. After I have birth I don't know my weight but I was a size 22 so I guess we'll over 220 pounds. I lost most of the weight and got down to a size 10. When I got pregnant with my son I was a bit smarter. I ate right and was actually able to exercise this time around. After I gave birth I was size 15 in jeans 3 weeks after. Not to bad I guess compared to te first time. After a few months I got my *kitten* in gear. I did it slowly and went from 210 and now I'm around 160 and a size 8. I'm strugfing with these last 10 to 15 pounds. I've been trying for months but nothing. I will admit after my sons diagnosis I did. Stop for a bit to get educated and learn about his condition. Well *kitten* in gear again. Would love support and motivation for those bad days and in return I will be giving the same to you guys! Good luck everyone! You will reach your goal!!
  • agl88mfp
    agl88mfp Posts: 8 Member
    Hey ladies so happy to hear your stories! I love have people to connect with who are in a similar situation as myself! Please feel free to add me if you haven't already done so!
  • prissymuskoka
    prissymuskoka Posts: 5 Member
    Hey there!
    I worked hard pre-pregnancy and lost 80lbs.
    My baby is now almost 12months old and I have 30lbs to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
    It's hard....
    Great to see mamas support!