
Well my name is Ashley, I am a 33 yr old mommy of two girls under the age of two. I weigh well over 200, and I need to make a lifestyle change, I want to be a happy healthy mommy for myself and my family. Any And all help will be appreciated. I am wanting to be a New me...


  • Love_April
    Love_April Posts: 14 Member
    I am new too! I've been looking for a diet buddy as well. I'm April, I'm 19 227 pounds. I am looking to lose 97 pounds over the next year. I am getting married in June and trying to start a family. Would love to make a change and need someone to help keep me on track!
  • Mendybel76
    Mendybel76 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there I use to be 192 pound I wasn't happy with my self and I knew that I need to.make a change in my life and I did im 160 now with so much energy and is because Im eating healthier so if I did it u guys can do it to so what I did because ai didnt know nothing about eating healthy or working out I educated my self I learn about macros how many protein,carb,and fat I have to eat every day and I started to see a big different so if u want to lose weight eat more protein,less carb and some fat cause fat are good for you like almond,olive oil,peanuts so.meke sure you find out your macros hope these help
  • natandmaddie2015
    natandmaddie2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Love_April hey if you want we could be weight loss buddies?!?!?! I definitely need someone to kick My add in gear when needed. Mendybel thanks so much for your advice, I can use any and all the help I can get.