Aussie chick ready to lose 36kgs (80lbs) looking for friends and allies!

Hey!! I'm just about to turn 31 am starting my 2nd journey to become a healthier and stronger version of me!
I have always been either slightly or very overweight... Emotional eater from way back... But then before I fell pregnant with my second child I had lost 45kgs (100lbs) and was in the best shape of my life! Hence why I fell pregnant! Now I have 36kgs (80lbs) to lose and am determined to get it off this year!! Looking forward to talking to some lovely ladies that have similar goals for 2016 :)


  • Janicejharvey
    Janicejharvey Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I know I could use some support staying in track. I've only gained weight the past 3 years, so if this year I can actually lose weight I will be happy. I am transitioning to vegetarian with the hopes to go vegan, but in order to do either I really need to kick this fast food habit!
  • LibbyLoss
    LibbyLoss Posts: 1 Member
    Keep that mind set and you've got this!
  • kobielee31
    kobielee31 Posts: 12 Member
    @Janicejharvey we can do this!! Fast food is my biggest down fall but I'm determined to put those $$$'s into healthier food choices! I really need to get off my butt and get active again!
    @LibbyLoss it's all about mind set :) positive thoughts and believing in myself again!
  • Janicejharvey
    Janicejharvey Posts: 3 Member
    Me too. I have to spend money on food no matter what I do. I really hope to be doing more grocery shopping this year.
  • lpappas84
    lpappas84 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey there! Sounds like a similar story to mine - I'll be 32 this year, and am looking to lose 75-80 lbs. Shoot me a friend request if you like, and good luck!!
  • kobielee31
    kobielee31 Posts: 12 Member
    I've told my family what I'm doing and we are only having fast food one night a week, my cheat day, and I won't be ordering half of the menu lol! I have found doing grocery shopping online and having it delivered is a much better option for me, then I don't get tempted by specials or all of the junk food!
  • kobielee31
    kobielee31 Posts: 12 Member
    @lpappas84 thank you :) and good luck to you too!
  • cameravixen
    cameravixen Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat! It's cold up here in Canada but need to loose this winter weight (100pds, That I keep forgetting to lose for the last 10 years!) looking for people in similar mind set to keep on track :)
  • running_in_tiaras
    running_in_tiaras Posts: 29 Member
    You sound like me... 31, always been on the bigger size, have 2 kids, and want to lose 100 pounds. Add me and we can do this together. Good luck on your journey. We can do this!!!
  • avathevegan
    avathevegan Posts: 2 Member
    Planning to lose the same amount of fat as well!! Would love to do this with a supportive group of people.
  • kobielee31
    kobielee31 Posts: 12 Member
    @cameravixen it is summer here in Aus so I need to start making the most of the lovely weather... But I don't have a lot of summer clothes that fit me. I don't want to buy any either so I have no choice but to lose weight!!!
    @asykers wow! You're right! Our stories are pretty much identical! Look forward to going along this journey with you :)
    @avathevegan lets do it!! Having people with the same/similar goals will help keep us on the right path!!
    Thank you so much ladies and good luck to you all
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Hello from Mexico !
    Feel free to add me, always looking for more friends :)
  • Shesaleo18
    Shesaleo18 Posts: 126 Member
    Hey kobi fellow Aussie here. I gained most of my weight during pregnancy and am still trying to lose it. You sound like me with the whole take away 1 night a week lol. I don't know about you but I have 2 other adults in the house that don't care about their unhealthy eating which really doesn't help my cause hence why I turn to MFP for support and motivation. So feel free to add me
  • ryjaaah
    ryjaaah Posts: 85 Member
    Good Luck I wish you all the best :)
  • kobielee31
    kobielee31 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi @ElizaRoche and thank you :)
    @Shesaleo18 YAY! Another Aussie :) and I have my hubby who doesn't give a rats about healthy eating which makes it hard. My children are 9 and 1 so they eat whatever and don't really have a say lol. Do you cook different meals for everyone? I used to try cook the same for everyone with heaps of green veg for me and add extras for everyone else. Didn't always work though :neutral:
  • kobielee31
    kobielee31 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you @ryjaaah same to you :)
  • Shesaleo18
    Shesaleo18 Posts: 126 Member
    Yeah I also have my younger sister who is overweight and also doesn't care. My kids are 7 and 3.i usually make 3 meals which is insane but hey that's what works in our family.