If you've never taken a group exercise class....



  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I only started doing classes a few months ago, I love Body Combat, X Biking and Pilates now. I may be a fat *kitten* but I kick *kitten* too.
  • LuvsToSpin
    LuvsToSpin Posts: 52 Member
    You sound like me!!! I just started taking spin classes 6 weeks ago, and not only am I completely addicted, but I have noticed that my strength is much improved when I do lift weights! As soon as I get a HRM I am going to attempt a kickboxing class - I want to know the calorie burn for the class. Good job!!!
  • LesmillsJunkie
    What do you do at a body pump class?
    I really want to add weights, but am also scared of the machines!! But my gym has body pump classes - I just wondered what they were?

    It's a cheorographed weight lifting class. It's amazing. Give it a shot, at least 3 shots, you won't be sorry :)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    What do you do at a body pump class?
    I really want to add weights, but am also scared of the machines!! But my gym has body pump classes - I just wondered what they were?

    Oh, you've gotta take one! :-) It is a one hour barbell class. It is all done to great music. You just have your bar, a few different weights and a bench. Every body part is worked individually with each "track"/song. It will always go warm-up, squats, chest, back, triceps, biceps, lunges, shoulders, abs, and cooldown. It's low weight with lots of reps. ANYONE can do it. i have lots of grandmas!! Rockin' it!! I'm still afraid of the machines and I work at a gym! LOL! It truly changes your body!
  • FitCoachJen
    FitCoachJen Posts: 139 Member
    What do you do at a body pump class?
    I really want to add weights, but am also scared of the machines!! But my gym has body pump classes - I just wondered what they were?

    It's a cheorographed weight lifting class. It's amazing. Give it a shot, at least 3 shots, you won't be sorry :)

    I just wanted to add that it's a high rep, low weight class (great for building muscular endurance, NOT gaining muscle mass). So you'll typically do dozens of lunges, curls, etc while holding ~5lb weights. It's a great intro to free weights to learn some basic moves and combos.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    That's so true! I need to find time for more classes, they are a great way to burn a ton!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    What an inspiration you are. Now you have something that most instructors don't have...empathy for your members/clients. Once you can "relate" to them and help them in their journey, the walls will come down. Being a child of a morbidly obese mother, and watching her "diet" year after year after year without any permanent changes, I know I can relate to many at the gym. I always make sure to smile at the "newbie" and introduce myself, or joke with them during a dance or Zumba class. Making them feel welcome and a part of the group. Too many times people forget the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."

    My "change" moment came after a community theater production I was in. I saw my photos and was aghast at how I looked. After spiking to the highest weight I had ever been, I knew I needed a change. I made changes and dropped 30# over the course of nine months. Still not at my ultimate goal weight, but very happy at where I am.

    I too hope to take what I have learned and pass it on to others and become an instructor. What an awesome thing to be able to say "I know what you feel"..."I've been there myself." Truly uplifting, encouraging, and an amazing "Aha" moment.

    I carry a picture of myself in my size 20 pants when my son was 3 months old in my gym bag. It's always hard to visualize a fit person fat until you get a picture from before. I always let them know that I am right there with them fighting the fight every day. :-)
  • zojo78
    zojo78 Posts: 29 Member
    Wow, that sounds pretty cool! Thanks for the info everyone! I'm gonna find out my gym's schedule! :-)
  • Lttlbird
    Lttlbird Posts: 51
    Love your story - thanks for sharing!!!
  • VanessaFaith
    VanessaFaith Posts: 171 Member
    I'm a big chicken when it comes to taking exercise classes. I've lost some weight, but is there a good class to take that maybe I'd feel more comfortable in?? I'm not big on humiliating myself :-/ I keep hearing about Zumba, but I really don't think I could keep up (not really a dancer, but willing to change). Any suggestions??
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I started going to Jazzercise in my 50's. I was the fat chick in the last row who was always out of step. I left early, discouraged. I sometimes sat in my car and cried. Somehow I kept coming back. I got better, learned the steps, made some acquaintances. In under a year I was dancing down Main Street with my Jazzer-buddies in the Christmas Parade! When I turned 60 I reluctantly bid good bye to Jazzercise as my heart rate kept going way too high and I opted for other exercises. I miss it still and hope to go to Jazzercis Lite when I retire.
  • justyourtypicalgirl
    justyourtypicalgirl Posts: 136 Member
    Cheers to that! I attribute most of my success to Zumba, BodyPump, and Spin. I still use all the weight and cardio machines as well but I will take a class over the hamster wheel any day.
    When I started this back in September at 258 lbs, I was completely intimidated in the classes but I quickly learned that there was no reason to be...not to mention that because of these classes, I've lost 61 lbs!!
    I always say that nobody is looking at your jiggly *kitten* because they are too worried that someone is looking at their jiggly *kitten*. Everyone is at the gym for the same reasons.
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Not only am I fluffy...ok fat...but I'm WAY non coordinated. I've never ever enjoyed dancing or aerobics type moves. It takes me forever to learn a new step and by the time I do we've moved on. I try doing DVD workouts because at least then I can do the same one over and over and try to learn it so I can burn something than spending time watching and trying to figure it out. No matter how many times I have tried I still have no idea how to do the grapevine...sad huh?! I will most likely NEVER take a group dance class....

    Yeah, I tried Zumba and I'm CLEARLY entirely too much of a white girl for that. klutz+no rhythm=bad Zumba experience.

    My friends keep on at me to try Zumba but I am a total klutz always the person going the wrong way at the back and no ryhythm whatsoever. The only time I dance is when I am very drunk and I think im the best dancer ever. :laugh:

    That said I went to body pump the other day and I loved it, No rhythm or co-ordination needed on my part a good fun workout. Maybe once I have got that class nailed I might be tempted to try some others!
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    Your story sounded a lot like mine!

    I was 265 at my heaviest. I finally found a gym I felt comfortable going to and after several months, summoned up the courage to try group fitness classes. I was 50 lbs down when I took my first spin class (finished the whole hour ---but mainly because I went with a friend and I refused to be the fatty that left early!) and fell in love. At my most addicted, I was taking it 5 times a week!

    I also tried cardio kickboxing -- too jumpy for me! And Zumba -- which isn't for me, either.....I may be Latina but I am not coordinated at all..... I do take Body works (which is like your body pump class --I love that I work my upper and lower body at the same time) and Boot camp now.

    As a side note, I have made some wonderful friends in my classes and became friends with some of my instructors as well. I love the accountability but I also love that making friends makes going to the gym more fun! I love that I can look forward to hanging out and sweating with my buddies after work. AND ..... I met my boyfriend at the gym....in SPIN class no less ;-) 2 dogs, a townhouse, and almost 3 years later...still going strong ;-)
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    currently working up the courage to take a kettlebell class.......
  • instructor03
    instructor03 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm a big chicken when it comes to taking exercise classes. I've lost some weight, but is there a good class to take that maybe I'd feel more comfortable in?? I'm not big on humiliating myself :-/ I keep hearing about Zumba, but I really don't think I could keep up (not really a dancer, but willing to change). Any suggestions??

    I tell new members that come to my class that their hearts don't know the difference between left and right, a chacha from a mambo, etc. Just keep moving, get the heart rate up and the moves will come with time. Remember, those people who know how to do the class was not born knowing how LOL. They, too, were new to the class at one time. As far as Zumba, there is a Zumba Gold class that is out there. It is a slower pace class. Maybe your gym or one near you has it.

    the second paragraph is my addition. I am not sure why it is in the quote box. Tried to fix it but FAILED haha
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    Not only am I fluffy...ok fat...but I'm WAY non coordinated. I've never ever enjoyed dancing or aerobics type moves. It takes me forever to learn a new step and by the time I do we've moved on. I try doing DVD workouts because at least then I can do the same one over and over and try to learn it so I can burn something than spending time watching and trying to figure it out. No matter how many times I have tried I still have no idea how to do the grapevine...sad huh?! I will most likely NEVER take a group dance class....
    im really uncoordinated too, and when i first started step i was all over the place! You get use to the steps. i still mess up every once in a while.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    Not only am I fluffy...ok fat...but I'm WAY non coordinated. I've never ever enjoyed dancing or aerobics type moves. It takes me forever to learn a new step and by the time I do we've moved on. I try doing DVD workouts because at least then I can do the same one over and over and try to learn it so I can burn something than spending time watching and trying to figure it out. No matter how many times I have tried I still have no idea how to do the grapevine...sad huh?! I will most likely NEVER take a group dance class....

    Yeah, I tried Zumba and I'm CLEARLY entirely too much of a white girl for that. klutz+no rhythm=bad Zumba experience.

    My friends keep on at me to try Zumba but I am a total klutz always the person going the wrong way at the back and no ryhythm whatsoever. The only time I dance is when I am very drunk and I think im the best dancer ever. :laugh:

    That said I went to body pump the other day and I loved it, No rhythm or co-ordination needed on my part a good fun workout. Maybe once I have got that class nailed I might be tempted to try some others!
    haha i tried zumba like 5 times, and i suck, by the time i figure out how to do one move, they're moving on to something else, i gave up on that one. ill stick with step aerobics, spinning and cardio boxing thank you very much.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I would never have started my journey if not for a friend talking me into going to the boot camp class they started offering in the building I work in.

    The first day, I was terrified. Everyone else seemed like they were in such good shape already when I walked in. I just said, I paid for this, I gotta do it for the length of the course. Several people dropped out. I'm not surprised. It was pretty intense, but they scaled it to the level each person is at. I've found, though, that the people in that class have become friends. We all support each other. Sure, some people are in much better shape than others (me) and I'm often the last one done with a workout, but I've done it.

    If I didn't have the accountability of people knowing I'm supposed to be there and knowing if I skip, I might not go. (I was sick yesterday and missed, and the trainer commented on my facebook.) At least that was where I started. Now, I've added CrossFit another day a week, and Olympic weightlifting another day.

    Having a class is more motivating. I also know that I'm doing things right when there's a chance that doing it wrong could cause injury, because the trainers are watching out for what we're doing. They also are there to help me modify things where I need it. And they're there to cheer me on. (I think the person who was most excited with how well I've done so far was one of my trainers. She grabbed me and hugged me, tears of joy in her eyes, when she saw my 6 month measurements compared to where I started. 6" off my waist, 4" off my hips.)