giving up

meetpapa Posts: 20
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello all, I feel like giving up. No weight lost for lost two weeks or any inch lost. Can't tell what I am doing wrong? I workout 6 days a week and been following this MFP program. I need help. Please give me some feed back. Thanks.


  • we can't see your diary and without knowing what you're eating and how much, its really hard to help. if you unlock your diary you'll get a lot more feedback.
  • purple_punk
    purple_punk Posts: 174 Member
    same thing happening to me now, really frustrated me this morning but my advice is dont give up :)
  • hm4xmas
    hm4xmas Posts: 5
    My first concern is, are you getting enough to eat? And secondly, do you know if you're burning more calories than you consume? That's the magic formula moreso than how many days you're working out. Don't give up - no matter what!:blushing:
  • lisy28
    lisy28 Posts: 156 Member
    really 2 weeks and all ready about to give up!!!

    Come on where is your motivation!!!

    I once went a whole month with out losing anything... but the eating healthy and excersise is GOOD FOR YOU!!

    it is not all about the weight loss it is about living the best life possible!!!

    stick with it results will come
  • Starkle09
    Starkle09 Posts: 238 Member
    u could be losing fat and gainging muscle...try tracking measurements instead of ur weight. also make sure ur getting lost of water to flush out all the toxins. best of luck to u. feel free to friend me if ur looking for support.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    DO NOT GIVE UP. it has only been two weeks! I GAINED 5 lbs in my first month on here exercising 4-5 times a week sttaying under 1350 calories.

    this wont happen with a snap of your fingers. It takes time, and hard work, patience, and alot of energy to keep yourself going even when you dont see retults.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    yeah, we must see your food diary....that happened to me last year...I would run everyday for two hours and not lose an inch....then I noticed I was eating the wrong food....
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    It could be alot of reasons. You could have hit a plateau. Changing things up (workout and diet). Zig zag your calories or increase your calories. I know it sounds backwards, but it really does work. Last time I stalled, I increased my calories which caused me to lose weight again. Remember, this is a slow process. Slow and steady wins the race. You want the weight to come off slower. If you just started the program, sometimes, it takes your body a few weeks to adjust to the "new lifestyel".
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Ok, I know this is gonna sound pretty harsh, but here goes:


  • beachbumdoug
    beachbumdoug Posts: 171 Member
    the first step is to not give up. If you quit there is no hope, if you keep on plugging away, you will see results. Every day is a new chance to improve.. So stay focused and keep on trying. you can add me if you want.
  • WillWorkout4Food
    WillWorkout4Food Posts: 94 Member
    2 weeks compared to how many years it took to get to this point? Don't give up...check in again in 2 months, and then we can look at reasons that may be hindering your weight loss. It took me a month to lose 2 pounds exercising daily and eating the calories suggested on this site. Now I've lost 12 in the last 2 months. You can do it! Give you body a chance to see that you are ready for a change before your mind continues on a path you don't want to avoid.

  • llpruitt
    llpruitt Posts: 5
    Don't feel bad at all. I'm always wondering why isn't the scale changing, however my clothes are loser so I know I'm losing inches. And when you workout out are you really pushing yourself? You should feel like you've worked out. Last week I did two two a days, and I felt it and loved it. I was sore so make sure you're pushing yourself.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Last week i gained 4 lbs on my weigh in but it turned out to be to much sodium. I cut it down and dropped 5. This week i didnt lose any lbs i lost a half an inch all over though. how do you feel health wise? It has got to be better than before. Is your strength improving? You need to have a few goals to try to bet each week besides just weight and measurement s. it will keep things interesting.
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Don't give up!!!! Sometimes it takes a little while before you're body to become a fat burning machine. Keep it up, you can do it!!! No one said it was gonna be easy, but you will be so proud of yourself once you've lost some weight. You can add me if you need some more encouragement!
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Don't you EVER give up on yourself!

    Give time

    Give energy

    Give effort

    But don't ever give up
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    Don't give up. Instead, mix it up. Look at what you're eating and how you're exercising and see what might need tweaking. Ask yourself how you FEEL--I've gone a week or more without losing since I started, and it is frustrating, but I was still feeling better, and that's what this is about for me, more than anything.

    Hang in. Let folks see your food diary and exercise logs so they can help you out.

    Don't give up.

  • EliteDeeDee77
    EliteDeeDee77 Posts: 103 Member
    DO NOT GIVE UP. it has only been two weeks! I GAINED 5 lbs in my first month on here exercising 4-5 times a week sttaying under 1350 calories.

    this wont happen with a snap of your fingers. It takes time, and hard work, patience, and alot of energy to keep yourself going even when you dont see retults.
    This was very encouraging to me. I'm less than 2 weeks in and no progress yet, right now I'm just trying to stay faithful to logging everything and being a little more active.
  • scotland123
    scotland123 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. Sometime it takes a bit to get the ball rolling, but once you get in a routine your body will adjust. Also, what do you mean by 'giving up?' If by giving up you mean going back to fatty/sweet foods then of course that's not the best thing to do... But if you feel you need to consume some more calories for the day to maintain the proper energy levels required, then by all means increase. But even if weight is not lost, choosing healthy options over more fatty or high calorie optsions will always be the best choice, simply for your overall health. Food does a lot more for your body than simply gain or lose fat, it runs your entire body and everything in it. Also, how is your exercise? There are some fantastic online weight loss aerobic workout videos online that are free and reputable and they can be found simply via google. Also, netflix has many videos that can be viewed on demand or via dvd. Best of luck to you! I'm sure you can do it! And listen to your body, only you know what your body needs!
  • gec1266
    gec1266 Posts: 201 Member
    Two weeks? Do yourself a huge favor and throw your scale out the window. The more that you keep weighing yourself and don't see the "microwave results" (losing 20 pounds in 10 minutes) the more you will feel like this isn't going to work for me. Just a suggestion,take a measurement... your caloric intake versus your calories burned. If you aren't eating enough,then you will not burn off the weight that you feel you should be. Just remember this, you are on a journey to change your lifestyle and not a sprint to see how much weight you can lose in 10 minutes....Give it time and I am sure that you will see the weight loss that you desire. P.S....How much water are you consuming? If you aren't drinking enough water then you will also not get your desired results......
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    If all of these people pushing and rooting for you doesn't help, not sure what will.

    Don't give up, we have all felt like we want to give up and you have to just keep going. I agree with all the comments: watch your food, eat your calories, push yourself, and don't give up!!!!

    MFP friends will get you over this hump
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