My Struggle

Ive been on this for almost 3 years now. when I started I was 300lbs and at my best I made it all the way to 216, that's actually what I weigh in my profile pic. For the better part of these past two years I've done great working out and just doing physical things that I really enjoy like hiking and walking hunting and fishing. Well once my wife was pregnant all of my good habits started slipping. Eating junk, not working out, over eating late night video game sessions. All of that and I still maintained 230-240 and then my son was born. Since my little man has gotten here I made it up to 265 and I said that's enough. I wont ever go back to 300. It is scary though that I made it this far back. I feel like my eating habits are on the right track. I know all about healthy eating and even more about exercising. My problem is I just don't want to exercise!! I get up at 5 am and I cook my breakfast and lunch for the day, and I get to work about 6:30.
I work from 6:30 to 5 Monday through Friday. When I get off work I just don't feel like working out. I know I can lose all of my weight through healthy eating and I guess I'm not even asking for motivation. I'm just not there yet. I think that's the biggest thing for me, I'm a new Dad and I'm adjusting and its taking me time. When I get home it's family time, feed the baby, wash the baby, play with the baby, put the baby to bed, and some time in there wash and feed myself lol. This is different for me, before I had all the time in the world, and now I just don't. I will find the time, but in the meantime I'm at least happy to be getting back on this path come back to clean eating.


  • FullLifeNeil
    FullLifeNeil Posts: 50 Member
    I get the struggle. I found when we had our daughter, it helped push me to get in shape. I kept thinking of all the things I wanted to be able to do with in the park etC. feel free to add me if you want some encouragement and support . FullLifeNeil
  • J383
    J383 Posts: 4,573 Member
    Baby steps, good luck on the journey. Feel free to add me. I'm on daily.
  • UnicornAmanda1
    UnicornAmanda1 Posts: 56 Member
    I get the struggle. I just had my second baby a few months ago. I slipped into some old habits too.. I just got back on the wagon too!!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Just tighten up on your eating- slowly. Work on maintaining for a month, and as you get the old habits back, cut the calories a little. There's no rush.
  • phys72
    phys72 Posts: 66 Member
    Give yourself a little bit of a break. Having a new baby is wonderful but it's also tiring. Enjoy this time, it goes so fast. Keep your eating on track. In no time, you'll be burning calories by chasing your toddler around the house. Congrats!!
  • jessicaerfer906
    jessicaerfer906 Posts: 6 Member
    Having a child makes what is necessary so much more difficult. As a mom with PPD/PPA, j still struggle with the guilt of leaving my kid while I go to work let alone to the gym. And I have a needy child so I have little time to cook properly. It's awful and I've gained back more than I lost before getting pregnant. I am the heaviest I have ever been but knowing I can't keep up with him, I don't want him to be ashamed of me, and I want to live long enough to see him grow up has become my motivator. I had endless time before and weight fell off. It can be a struggle for me to see any self worth so I focus on him. Dads have the same issues. Focus on why you want to have a healthy lifestyle and let that motivate you. It's incredibly difficult. Taking your child for a walk is a great step and gives your wife some peace too! Good luck.
  • aceman8206
    aceman8206 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for all the positive encouragement! I am working on this one day at a time and making small changes as I go. I just have to remember to be patient and not be so hard on myself :) Your all awesome, thanks again !
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I agree with giving yourself a break and just focusing on getting your eating in check. Becoming a parent is huge. It is exhausting physically and mentally and sometimes you have to go hour by hour, not even just day by day. It does get easier though. It's different for everybody but I'll be honest and say I didn't enjoy the baby years much at all (love my daughter dearly but I'm not a big baby person) but something clicked the day she turned 2 and it was suddenly 10x easier. Hopefully things will get easier for you soon but until then, don't get too down on yourself.
  • Reneebycakes
    Reneebycakes Posts: 24 Member
    Fit in little activities here and there. Park further away at work, walk up and down stairs in your breaks, check out baby and me workouts on YouTube.
  • tthoma5201
    tthoma5201 Posts: 63 Member
    Try one thing at a time. Just keep tracking your calories as accurately as possible and then when you get ready, you can start exercising.
  • groove2rude
    groove2rude Posts: 5 Member
    My suggestion is to enjoy the time with your little one (and congrats) for now and stay on-track with your healthy eating. My son is turning 6 and I always catch myself asking where the time went and thinking back to when he was younger, so make some great memories. Recently, my son, wife and I go for walks when we pick him up from school as an effort to get exercise into our daily routine.
    Takeaway: Time (and energy) for the gym and extended exercise sessions will come back to you as your child gets older. Enjoy these early childhood moments and stay-on track with watching your eating and making those small changes like parking further away or going for a walk at lunch.
  • MikeAV8s
    MikeAV8s Posts: 85 Member
    All good advice offered so far, I don't have anything to add I just wanted to say, "I feel you". Good luck!!!