Diets that work

Good afternoon MFPs,

I made 80 days on My Fitness Pal yesterday. I feel that I am at a halt/plateau now. I really don’t want to become discouraged.
Please provide any great diets that work. It seems that I have been at 14 pounds for the last month.
I work out daily and I play Tennis 3 times a week for about 2hrs.



  • heathhumble
    heathhumble Posts: 178
    Hello,we all have times where we seem to slow down than you start to loose again.Don't be discouraged.Open up your food diary and let us take a look in side.Good luck.Remember to stay focused.:smile:
  • flutterby321
    flutterby321 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started and I don't really have any specific diets, but just make sure that you're lowering your calories as you're losing weight. Because the calories you were consuming before are probably the amount that you need to maintain your current weight, lowering them should help some. And I'm sorry if you already knew that but it's really the only advice I have :P
  • evesacks
    evesacks Posts: 94 Member
    Low carb, low fat - so eat some carbs like dairy, vegetables, but cut out sugar, wheat. Limit fruit to low sugar fruit like berries, apples and pears and even then to 1-2 pieces a day. So stacks of veggies plus lean protein.

    Have a little brown rice, and some oatbran, and occasional oats.
  • gsterlingdiva02
    Thanks for all of your input guys! I really appreicate it..........

    Good luck to you all!