
Hello all, I'd like to know if any of you are trying to recover from holiday's delicious meals or at least knows how to do that, any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance


  • klopatowski
    klopatowski Posts: 5 Member
    I think we all partake in meals that aren't the greatest for us but it's best to keep them in moderation and not punish ourselves when we do enjoy them. If you're new to trying to change your eating lifestyle, and yes it's a lifestyle, not a diet!, take it in small steps - don't feel like you need to remove & change everything because you will be discouraged & overwhelmed which leads to failure. Each week try to omit a"bad" food, say white potatoes or soda and add a quality food like Brussels sprouts or oatmeal to your breakfast. Be honest with yourself, log everything you consume so you have a clear picture of your intake, note how you feel when you eat clean, high quality meals versus "dirty" meals, and most important, get some exercise each day.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    By now you should have recovered already if you went back to your plan.
  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    For me... Amnesia and routine. Amnesia to forget about what happened or what I did... Don't obsess over your failures. Routine... I work on establishing daily habits to get myself on a routine. It's a lot easier to say no to the office donut if you build up a routine of eating the same way every day. But if you eat the donut? Log it.... And move on..... Your success is based on what you do for 6 months... Not any single day.