No matter what I do I can't lose weight



  • ARTaa2015
    ARTaa2015 Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah I can see where you're coming from but that would then mean I'd have had about 3,500 calories a day. There is honestly no way that that's possible for me. There really isn't. I measure every little bit I have in an obsessive nature thanks to my eating disorder in the past. I even measure the amount of lemon juice I put in water. I measure the amount of whole grains I'm having because that's the one thing I know that really can make me gain weight although I only have a portion of grains every other day really and it's never what my meal revolves around
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    s0600 wrote: »
    The secret is eating every 3 hours and nothing after 7 pm. at night. Try it!

    Hogwash. If this were true, then every single person who works midnights would be obese.
  • ARTaa2015
    ARTaa2015 Posts: 6 Member
    I just don't have the time to be eating that often. I'm at college from 9 and then I go straight to work so I just don't have the time to. So I eat at about 6 in the morning and then at about 5 when I get back from work and that'll be it for the day. I'll just have water or herbal teas
  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    Another option, if you really are weighing everything, is that you're choosing the wrong things from the database. Unfortunately, the database here is a real mess and can't be relied upon - including the "verified" options and results from barcode scans. Double check the data that MFP gives you against the packet or the store website (I know Sainsbury's has all the nutrient data on their site).
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    s0600 wrote: »
    The secret is eating every 3 hours and nothing after 7 pm. at night. Try it!

    Nope. Meal timing/frequency don't matter.

    OP, please see a doctor. If everything is 100% accurate and you're gaining on 1000 calories, then something is definitely wrong.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    s0600 wrote: »
    The secret is eating every 3 hours and nothing after 7 pm. at night. Try it!

    Neither of those things is true.
    Eating less calories is what matters. You can eat all your calories just before bed and you would still lose.

    Over eat calories every 3 hours and eat nothing from 7pm and you will still gain weight.
  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    ARTaa2015 wrote: »
    Yeah I can see where you're coming from but that would then mean I'd have had about 3,500 calories a day. There is honestly no way that that's possible for me. There really isn't. I measure every little bit I have in an obsessive nature thanks to my eating disorder in the past. I even measure the amount of lemon juice I put in water. I measure the amount of whole grains I'm having because that's the one thing I know that really can make me gain weight although I only have a portion of grains every other day really and it's never what my meal revolves around

    Your low calorie intakes and eating disorders make you high risk for sleep eating disorders. There may be thyroid issues... But the laws of thermo dynamics must be obeyed. Either way... A dr visit is due.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Are you eating exercise calories back op?

    Can you open your diary so we can see if we can spot what is going on? I'm almost certain the answer will lie in there and we can help you start losing again :)
  • ARTaa2015
    ARTaa2015 Posts: 6 Member
    Are you eating exercise calories back op?

    Can you open your diary so we can see if we can spot what is going on? I'm almost certain the answer will lie in there and we can help you start losing again :)

    I'll open it back in a week. I haven't logged in for about 2 months because it just got on my nerves. And no I don't eat my calories back from the exercise
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    ARTaa2015 wrote: »
    Are you eating exercise calories back op?

    Can you open your diary so we can see if we can spot what is going on? I'm almost certain the answer will lie in there and we can help you start losing again :)

    I'll open it back in a week. I haven't logged in for about 2 months because it just got on my nerves. And no I don't eat my calories back from the exercise

    You've just answered all your questions with that one statement alone.
  • ARTaa2015
    ARTaa2015 Posts: 6 Member
    ARTaa2015 wrote: »
    Are you eating exercise calories back op?

    Can you open your diary so we can see if we can spot what is going on? I'm almost certain the answer will lie in there and we can help you start losing again :)

    I'll open it back in a week. I haven't logged in for about 2 months because it just got on my nerves. And no I don't eat my calories back from the exercise

    You've just answered all your questions with that one statement alone.

    No not exactly. I haven't logged in because it was so much hassle. I have a notebook I write on when I cook or cut my veg up. It has nothing to do with me not logging on to the app
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Are you eating exercise calories back op?

    Can you open your diary so we can see if we can spot what is going on? I'm almost certain the answer will lie in there and we can help you start losing again :)

    I second this. At your age, height, and weight, even with a medical issue eating 1000 calories per day should show a loss. It should not show a gain and most definitely should not show a 14 pound gain in 14 days. Especially when you're saying you weigh out everything you eat. Something is amiss here.

    If you are truly accurate in your statements, then you need to get to a doctor ASAP. It would be a medical condition that is extremely rare and transcends thermodynamics to the point where a case study would most likely have to be done on you.

    I know people on this thread are trying to be helpful, but the most helpful thing for us would be access to your food diary. Being vegan doesn't matter, eating after 7pm doesn't matter, consuming sugar doesn't matter, and thyroid issues/PCOS/insulin resistance can affect weight loss, but certainly not to this degree if everything here is accurate.
  • JasmijnRF
    JasmijnRF Posts: 184 Member
    ARTaa2015 wrote: »
    I just don't have the time to be eating that often. I'm at college from 9 and then I go straight to work so I just don't have the time to. So I eat at about 6 in the morning and then at about 5 when I get back from work and that'll be it for the day. I'll just have water or herbal teas

    And you don't see how unhealthy this is?!
  • izerop
    izerop Posts: 69 Member
    The problem with these kinds of posts is that there will be no help given and no help received. If you're not logging your food accurately, with a food scale, in MFP how are we as a group supposed to help? When pressed for the logs, excuses are fired back... You say it's a hassle to log, I can assure you, you're not being honest with yourself.

    Secondly, if you say you've got some medical condition that magically puts weight on you then you've already got your answer.
  • twoeight80
    twoeight80 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm new to all of this but I just want to add that your sugar level does play a role in your overall health. Skipping meals can affect way more than we imagine. It's just science. I think you should look into sugar levels and thyroid. There are ways to eat on the way to work. I did the college/work thing for a while and was able to sucessfully control my blood sugar by eating on the way. It's doable. And it's necessary for your health.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    ARTaa2015 wrote: »
    Are you eating exercise calories back op?

    Can you open your diary so we can see if we can spot what is going on? I'm almost certain the answer will lie in there and we can help you start losing again :)

    I'll open it back in a week. I haven't logged in for about 2 months because it just got on my nerves. And no I don't eat my calories back from the exercise

    So you have absolutely no idea how much you are eating.
    Talk to a dr first. Rule out anything really wrong with your health. Then talk to a dietitian. Be honest and ask for basic guidelines regarding portions and meal planning. If you have been overweight and through different diets throughout your childhood, it might not be at all easy for you to figure out on your own portions, hunger cues and how to plan your meals.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I honestly believe the mystery is solved. This happens often on the forums. "I only eat 1000 calories or less" We ask: Do you use a food scale? When they say yes and we ask to see the diary it's full of incomplete/inaccurate entries or the OP all of a sudden changes their tune about logging accurately.

    How is logging in MFP a hassle but you write it down in a notebook? That seems odd and convenient with regard to what you've presented in this post. You can't say that you're not losing weight consuming 1000 calories or less when you can't be sure of your calorie intake.
  • amber68rose556
    amber68rose556 Posts: 20 Member
    how do you know you aren't eating back your calories, if you haven't logged in two months!? Plus, two portions of veg a day is pitiful - aim for 5-10.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    how do you know you aren't eating back your calories, if you haven't logged in two months!? Plus, two portions of veg a day is pitiful - aim for 5-10.

    I take it, that's every meal & snack? I probably have 2 portions a day if that!
  • jnunez1963
    jnunez1963 Posts: 35 Member
    Very good advice here on measuring. Also, you have to count everything you ingest. Salad dressing (yes weighed!), energy drinks, Starbuck's, juice, sauce, gravy, that one tiny tootsie roll. Good luck dear.