giving up



  • Angiebug1969
    Angiebug1969 Posts: 152
    Allow yourself to fall in love with the change in lifestyle!! I know (trust me I know) how frustrating it can be when you're toiling away counting every calorie taken in & burned... busting your butt in exercise, etc. But hang in there! Let the lifestyle of being fit & healthy be your main goal... and the weight loss the fringe benefit. :happy:
  • TakuraHunt
    TakuraHunt Posts: 208
    Why give up... that's pretty much what got most (not all) of us where we are today. I know its frustrating and damn near depressing when you work hard and your scale doesn't move, but for me that means maybe I need to change things up a bit, or work a little harder. You haven't lost anything in 2 weeks... Hell I gained 3 lbs last week, I was PISSED, but I didn't give up... I increased my water intake, I have recently increased my cal intake (was well under 1200 cals) and this week I lost a total of 5 lbs. Giving up isn't worth it... My advice is make up food journel public, so many people here have viewed my journel and are helping me fix my problem areas... add a little lemon juice to your water (this helps with bloating)... maybe change your workout a little... BUT PLEASE DON'T QUIT!!
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!

    Please do not give up.

    Everyone has already said it, but you can't think of this journey as an overnight thing. You are changing your lifestyle, not dieting. If you give up, you will achieve nothing.

    Just keep going. Keep moving. Keep eating well.

    You will see benefits, including weight loss, in the future, as you slowly chug chug chug along. I PROMISE YOU!!!!!!!

    I'm going to say it one more time.

  • alfredapittman
    alfredapittman Posts: 256 Member
    Why give up... that's pretty much what got most (not all) of us where we are today. I know its frustrating and damn near depressing when you work hard and your scale doesn't move, but for me that means maybe I need to change things up a bit, or work a little harder. You haven't lost anything in 2 weeks... Hell I gained 3 lbs last week, I was PISSED, but I didn't give up... I increased my water intake, I have recently increased my cal intake (was well under 1200 cals) and this week I lost a total of 5 lbs. Giving up isn't worth it... My advice is make up food journel public, so many people here have viewed my journel and are helping me fix my problem areas... add a little lemon juice to your water (this helps with bloating)... maybe change your workout a little... BUT PLEASE DON'T QUIT!!
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116
    You sound the same as I felt yesterday but I have been watching calories, eating really healthy, and working out everyday for 6 weeks and have seen no lose, in scale weight or measurements. BUT what I can say...I feel great, I feel stronger, I have more energy, my skin looks better, my moods are better...I am getting healthier and stronger with every work out and healthy food item I ingest...I almost feel that when the pounds do start shedding (and I'm sure once I figure out what works for me, they will) that it will just be an added bonus to the benefits I am already getting from the way my body is feeling.
    I noticed you are also my age...I think it gets a little harder to figure it out for us because we have other factors playing a role in our weight lose.....keep trying you are worth the effort...if you don't do it- who will do it for you????
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Don`t give up on yourself.2 weeks isn`t enough time .I`m sure it took awhile to put the wt on.If you open your diary,people could suggest somethings based on your food.
    Quitters never win and winners never quit.
  • rickpearce
    rickpearce Posts: 100 Member
    The reason we are all signed up for this site is that at some point we gave up. We all understand how you feel and I'm sure we've ALL been there at one point (many times for lots of us).

    Think about why you started this and what your motivations are and ask yourself if those things don't matter today as much as they did 2 weeks ago.

    I saw some good suggestions on here already like zigzagging. There are a lot of threads on here about plateaus and eating your exercise calories, etc. Do some more research on this stuff before you pack it in. Just committing to this for 2 weeks is a huge accomplishment. Don't throw that out the window because you aren't satisfied with the results so far.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Pick a goal that has nothing to do with scales and inches. For me, it was training to run a 5k, but any kind of physical challenge is good. Do the 30 day shred. Do XX amount of pushups or jumping jacks or crunches every day. Challenge yourself to walk, ride or run XX miles this week or this month. Pick a goal and tackle that sucker.

    Worst case scenario, you get stronger and healthier. Best case scenario, you get stronger and healthier and lose weight. Even if the worst happens, you're still winning. :smile:

    I didn't get on a scale the first week I started being more active, so I don't know if there was any loss, but there were about three weeks from when I started actively weighing myself and logging food to when I dropped even a pound. But since my focus wasn't on the scale, I stuck at it.
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116

    Worst case scenario, you get stronger and healthier. Best case scenario, you get stronger and healthier and lose weight. Even if the worst happens, you're still winning.

    EXACTLY! Well said....and as you see here -there are lots people to support you when you are feeling frustrated and everyone will also be here to celebrate when you are feeling successful...keep going.....
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It says you've been on this site for more than a year. Have you lost any weight in that time? If not, then yeah I'd give up on this site because it's clearly not helping. But don't give up on taking care of yourself or losing if you need to. Just find something that will work for you. But if you have been losing for more than a year, why would you give up just because you are stuck for 2 weeks?
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Don't do it!!!! Just give yourself a little time to re-group & then start again from the top & forget what happened/ didn't happen in the past. Then think of yourself as an elderly person & how different your life will be IF you "give up" and go back to unhealthy habits.
  • daisymaegreen
    daisymaegreen Posts: 50 Member
    bumping for those times when this is EXACTLY what i need to hear
  • meetpapa
    meetpapa Posts: 20
    Thanks everybody. I opened my food intake . Please give me some advice to see if I am eatting the wrong food.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    I've done dieting the wrong way with the wrong attitude for decades. I finally figured out I cannot look at it as a temporary thing, but as something I need to do for the rest of my life. Ironically, accepting that I will be dieting more days than not for the rest of my life was a revelation. I'd always looked at dieting as a temporary thing. And that's just what it turned out to be. Temporary. Halfway. If that. I had an 'all or nothing' attitude and it sabotaged me every single time.

    I don't set deadlines. If I'm in this for life, it doesn't matter how long it takes. Once the weight is gone, I will still be dieting at least a few days each month, in order to keep it off.

    If I eat over my net calories a few days, it doesn't matter. I will not erase all the days I did diet by giving up and going back to unaware eating. I will not accept an 'all or nothing' attitude from myself anymore.

    I will log my food and some days I won't. I accept that. I will cycle my net calories between 1200 and 1800 and some days I will get stuck in a rut. I accept that too. I will exercise regularly for my heart health and record it. As I lose weight, I will make small changes in my diet to increase the 'healthy' factor instead of trying to do everything now. I know myself, my limitations and my weaknesses. I will work around them and do things that work for me without causing myself undue stress or anxiety over food choices. Had I figured this out 30 years ago, I would not be where I am today. I will not dwell on that either.


  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 480 Member
    Hello to the OP. I checked out the food and exercise diary and I'm just like everyone else... just giving opinion w/ good intentions... but here's the main thing I saw. You're logging "cooking/food preperation" as cardio which gives you more cals burned each day. In my HUMBLE opinion, you shouldn't count it. I didn't look back more than a few days, but I would assume that if you are logging food preperation, then you may be logging other things that simply make you active. I also get exhausted and put forth much effort while cooking, but I never count it. I think you'll find better results if you're doing more cardio (the running/biking/swimming/circuit kind). My 2 cents! Oh, and never give up... its not worth it.
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    What if you change your settings to keep track of your sugar intake? I never really paid attention to that, but now that I do I had no idea how much bad sugar I ate.

    I always say to add lots and lots of fruits and vegetables.

    Good luck.
  • meetpapa
    meetpapa Posts: 20
    Thank you, I will start doing more cardio.
  • meetpapa
    meetpapa Posts: 20
    Maybe I should start doing the 30 day shred . It will help out alot with workout. I think I am doing to start today.