HIIT Training

Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
So I started doing this yesterday with running, I jogged to a field near my house and did a mile of HIIT training, basically running to one end and walking back. I am doing this 2-3 times a week to try to help break this plateau I have hit while reaching my last 10lbs of weightloss. Can anyone recommend any other kind of HIIT training and what kind of results did you get from it?


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I enjoy timed HIIT sprints. I do a 5 minute jogging warm-up and then do intervals of 15 seconds of sprinting followed by 45 seconds of recovery jogging repeated for about 15 minutes. Sometimes I do the sprints at about 80% instead of 100% so I don't get exhausted all at once, and then after the 15 minutes is up, I continue doing lower intensity jogging for another 20 minutes or so. That way I get my quasi-HIIT done and my moderate intensity cardio done to target all the different energy pathways the muscles use. I don't know how many calories it burns because I don't bother tracking that with an HRM or anything, but I can tell you that the fat seems to shred faster that way than with steady state cardio all the time. I did steady state for years, and HIIT (or those quasi-HIIT sprints that I do) appear to be working faster than the cardio I did before.
  • Nessarose1022
    Nessarose1022 Posts: 15 Member
    4 Minute Fat Buring Cardio Exercise Bike Workout

    Here is a four minute fat buring exercise bike workout that will increase your metabolism for up to 31 hours after the wokout.

    The exercise bike workout routine uses the Schwinn Airdyne exercise bike that incorporates your arms in the exercise bike workout. It does not matter too much if you just have a standard upright exercise bike though - you will definately feel the effects of this workout!

    Warm up for 5 or more minutes. Then sprint flat out for 20 seconds. Recover for 10 seconds and sprint again for 20 seconds.

    Do the 20 second sprint and 10 second recovery for 8 sets, giving you a total workout time of 4 minutes

    This exercise bike interval workout will raise your metabolism for a long time after you stop exercising, which will help to burn fat well after you stop.

  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    The sky is the limit for HIIT exercises:
    burpees, uphill repeats (100 yards), sledgehammer swings, box jumps, ropes gone wild, step-ups, kettlebell swings, to name a few. Plus, you can mix up a circuit using many different exercises.
    Look up Crossfit and Tabata. It's tough, yet highly rewarding.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I do lots of HIIT - love it

    Check out http://www.intervaltraining.net/

    Loads of info and programs there :happy: :happy:
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    Bump...I am always looking for new training techniques. My favorite are hill sprints. I find a nice big hill (I live in Colorado so they tend to be more like mountains!) and sprint up it and then jog down.
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116
    I just began doing this on the treadmill this past week . I start off with a walking warm up 4mph for 2 minutes and then I run 2 minutes at 6mph, then back to 4mph for 2 minutes -the next burst I go up to 8mph and then back to 2 minutes at 4mph,- the next burst I crank up to 9mph though I can only do 9mph for a very short time. I continue alternating this pattern for 30 minutes. It usually works out to 2.5 miles by the time I'm done. I don't have any results to share yet but just wanted to add that I am also trying to break a plateau to lose 10 pounds.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Thanks Guys, I will be trying out all of these wonderful suggestions!!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    HIIT is great. I use a hybrid of HIIT and strength training called Metabolic Resistance Training. I have some stuff on that in my blog here at MPF. I also do HIIT on my bike and the recumbent. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/rileysowner