College Students...?

My name is Rachel, I'm 20, and quite introverted in person which makes going out and getting things done hard for me.
I'm a junior in college and finally ready to get back to my activity level I had in high school and losing approx. 70 lbs in the process.
Also recently went gluten free to be rid of some extremely uncomfortable digestion/intestinal issues(and it worked!).
I'm in desperate need of a buddy for motivation and support :( I feel like having someone with me on this journey would make it easier to handle :)


  • AmyJo527
    AmyJo527 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Rachel,
    My name is Amy, I am 29 and am about to start my last semester of college. I will be 30 shortly after graduation, and I want to be down about 30lbs by that point. I have been going through this awful cycle of losing weight over the summer and winter breaks, maintaining during the semester, and gaining weight around finals because of all the stress.

    Feel free to add me, I could use some motivation too!
  • Jetamu96
    Jetamu96 Posts: 963 Member
    Hey ^^ I'm Jess. I'm 19 and a first year med student (the system is different over here, i'm not a freaky genius xD). I'm looking to lose 86 pounds through healthy eating and exercise. So far i'm actually enjoying this new lifestyle! Feel free to add me :smile: