15 pounds to loose!!

I used to way 195 pounds. It was so hard to give up everything I loved eating. Cut out sweets, bread, pasta, rice, and fried foods. I weigh 140.9 pounds now and my goal is to get to 125. Seems like my weight is stuck here and won't drop anymore... Any tips?


  • BekiClark
    BekiClark Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there, I am in a similar situation as you. I weighed 158 this time last year, lost ~18lbs and now I have been floating around 140 for nearly a month now. My goal is also 125. I can't seem to wrap my brain around the concept of needing to eat ~1200 calories per day with regular exercise to get that extra push and make it down to the 130s, even though it was very easy for me to be in that mindset and eat that low when I was in the 140s. I'm having trouble giving up sugars and saturated fats again, after having given in to so much junk food on Christmas. Maybe we can try to motivate each other?

    I'm curious, now that you've hit 140, what does your average daily calorie intake look like? Is it consistent? What are you doing for exercise?

  • kristennchangg13
    kristennchangg13 Posts: 3 Member
    To be honest I don't really exercise but only do like simple ab and leg workouts daily for 15-30min. I don't have problems with giving up sugars or bad food because I don't even think about eating it anymore and when I do eat them I eat only a couple bites and even then I feel guilty. I feel like you really have to have a motivation in order to stick to your diet. Eating healthy is everything. I was 195 pounds at the beginning of last year and hit 140 at the end of last year. And all I have been really doing is eating healthy and staying away from bad foods. I eat around 700-1,200 calories per day. Most of those calories are from eating a lot of fruits and veggies. I've been able to keep it up without any problems.