all that jiggles

Hey everybody! I'm new to this site and LOVE it so far! I'm looking for accountability and support and I never turn down a new friend! I've tried A TON of diets, but for the last almost 2 years my life has been caught up in being a newlywed and one day I looked down and realized I'm twice the woman I want to be! Haha!

Not many friends yet, and I'm not trying to win any popularity contest, but I'll support and encourage anyone who needs it!

Wishing us all success!


  • SusiB60
    SusiB60 Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome Beth.
    You've made a good choice it's a great site with some even greater people on it.
    Will add you ...Sue
  • mikesnwgirl
    mikesnwgirl Posts: 112
    Request sent! Welcome to MFP!
  • DizneGal
    DizneGal Posts: 5
    Hi Beth! I'm Trinity and a newbie to the forum even though I've been using the site on my phone for months!! Welcome and goodluck!!!
  • bethmakesmusic
    bethmakesmusic Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks Everybody! Good support right from the start!!! Yay!