Kinda new had app for years rarely used it bout to start getting serious

vegan bodybuilder


  • ObscureZodiac
    ObscureZodiac Posts: 5 Member
    You're pretty massive - where do you get most of your proteins?
  • rmfarris987
    rmfarris987 Posts: 15 Member
    Quinoa, legumes, lintels, and beans a cup of black beans has 40grams of protein
  • ObscureZodiac
    ObscureZodiac Posts: 5 Member
    Oh yeah, quinoa's quite the power food, isn't it?
    You look pretty ripped already, what's your objective?
  • rmfarris987
    rmfarris987 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 235 probably 12-14% bf I'm gonna try and get under 8% by slowly lowering my calories and keeping my carbs high. It always depleted carbs and I get flat and miserable... This is what I love about bodybuilding there's not one way of doing things and if you experiment you can find better ways to accomplish your goals
  • ObscureZodiac
    ObscureZodiac Posts: 5 Member
    Amen to that. You try things and then you fail or succeed.
    When you fail, you just try to acquire more data and understand what's happening.
    I couldn't gain mass, so I consulted a nutritionist who suggested that I'd get a fitbit to know exact how much calories I burn - turns out I burn 3000 calories on days I go to the gym so I was told to eat 3500 calories per day. Pure joy.

    How will you go about lowering your calorie intake while keeping your carbs high?
    Don't calories and carbs usually go together?
    Also will you attempt to limit your daily intake of fat even more to reach your objective?
  • rmfarris987
    rmfarris987 Posts: 15 Member
    Fats are essential for healthy hormone function but I try to limit healthy fats to 65g a day also fats are very high in calories carbs have a decent amount of calories too but my mass gaining meal plan was 150g pro 600g carb 65fat 3750 calories my first phase of cutting will be somewhere around 160g pro 400g carb 65g fat 3250 calories. Anytime you make changes you want to start off slow or the smallest effective dose to much to fast and you have no room to improve
  • ObscureZodiac
    ObscureZodiac Posts: 5 Member
    65g of fat only per day! Sounds like you'll have to be super careful what you eat.
    Then again, since you're vegan, it's not like you'll come across fat in your plate as often as I do.
    You're starting slow and then you'll go all out, huh? Sounds like a good plan.
  • rmfarris987
    rmfarris987 Posts: 15 Member
    Kinda as far as diets go if you want to gain weight add 500 calories to your meal plan you will slowly grow and hit a wall when you do add 500 more ect.... Instead of starting from 2000 and jumping to 5000 you'll put a lot of fat on not muscle same applies to losing weight subtract 500 shoot for a lbs a week slow and steady for real improvements. It takes about 6 months to start seeing big changes which is why most people give up. I've been lifting since 2002 I've made a million mistakes and I have tried a million things and what I learned over the years is supplements are a waste of money and food is the most important part along with time and consistency. You have to allow your body to change it can take years to reach your goals I started 6 feet tall 147 lbs and I got sick of being the skinny kid in a year I was 180 3 years 215 5 years 230 8 years 250 and that was my limit I could get bigger but I can't afford it. When I was 250 I spent 1,100 a month on just food!!!! And I had no life all my time was spent cooking eating lifting and sleeping so I backed off now I like to stay around 230 I'm still big but it's easer to maintain I don't have to eat 10 meals a day like when I was 250. What ever you want you can get there but it takes time and a hell of a lot of effort
  • ObscureZodiac
    ObscureZodiac Posts: 5 Member
    Wow, quite a long journey you've described there.
    I started at 5'6 120lbs 7 years ago, now I'm 144lbs. I still believe I can do better, because I didn't get serious about my diet until two months ago - and I'm already starting to see changes.
    Like you, I tried and ditched things, namely protein powders, once I realized that just having the right diet is enough.
    I am however spending a lot of time cooking and eating... I need 6 meals per day! :(
  • rmfarris987
    rmfarris987 Posts: 15 Member
    I try and cook 3 days of meals at one time it only takes an hour or two depending on your meals. Saves a ton of time and the food stays pretty fresh
  • rmfarris987
    rmfarris987 Posts: 15 Member
    You only need .7 grams of protein for lean body mass not total body weight I only eat 150g a day and it's plenty
  • Lance6142014
    Lance6142014 Posts: 14 Member
    I would be ecstatic if I could get that size, but as a runner it is highly unlikely. Do you do much cardio? I'm aiming for a triathlete routine these days.
  • rmfarris987
    rmfarris987 Posts: 15 Member
    Not much cardio right now, but when I cut I will do hour am hour pm 5 days a week. You can add size you just have to figure out how many calories you burn and add 500 calories a day but every 5-10 lbs you need to adjust and add more calories to grow. Being a runner you would have to eat a lot of calories and muscle won't support that kind of endurance more muscle will slow you down to some extent. But it can be done when I bulk I only get up around 4000 calories a day you could probably achieve the same with 5-6000 you just have to monitor it and see how your body reacts