Wanting to lose 140lbs

I'm a 26year old, super Friendly mom of 2 boys! I've let my weight go totally off the rails - and am just starting to eat healthy and work out! Looking for a few accountability buddies with similar goals (hopefully!)

I'm new to this whole community thing, I don't believe there was a forum last time I logged in to MFP but I'm excited it's here! :D


  • leesabella
    leesabella Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I too am trying to lose around 100-120 pds. It seems extremely daunting right now but like they say... One day at a time. It would be really nice to have some friends in this who could really understand the task at hand. I've been good for about a week now. I have tried many times to lose weight but this time feels different!!! :)
  • notmyrobot
    notmyrobot Posts: 14 Member
    leesabella wrote: »
    Hi! I too am trying to lose around 100-120 pds. It seems extremely daunting right now but like they say... One day at a time. It would be really nice to have some friends in this who could really understand the task at hand. I've been good for about a week now. I have tried many times to lose weight but this time feels different!!! :)

    Task at hand! That's the key! Haha I have been going to the gym with my sister but she weighs what I need to lose.... I need to lose her haha. So it's hard to explain how I feel etc because she just needs to maintain basically. I love having accountability buddies! I'm determined to stick to t this time! I went to a movie with my hubby the other night and I ALMOST didn't fit in the seat for the first time ever! Need to change that asap ! Feel free to add me on here if you'd like! :D good luck with your journey!! We got this!
  • leesabella
    leesabella Posts: 22 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! It breaks my heart to here about the movie theatre situation as I have been in similar situations before and it's not fun. Also most of my friends need to lose like 10-20 pds which don't get me wrong isn't easy but it's hard for them to understand I need to lose an entire person from me. Not to mention working out is hard to do with them cause they can move and do much more than I can. Let's do this together! I've been going hard lately and have decided to consider it just "eating clean" rather than dieting. I lost 50 pds once in 4 months but I gained it all back. Now that's depressing. Anyways... I won't get off track here... I'll add you! :) we will be skinny minny before we know it!
  • stephaniev53
    stephaniev53 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I need to lose about 100lbs and it's great to see other people who know where I'm coming from. Most people i know need to lose like 20-40lbs but the amount I need to lose is a huge goal so i'm glad i can find others who are in the same boat.
  • leesabella
    leesabella Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I need to lose about 100lbs and it's great to see other people who know where I'm coming from. Most people i know need to lose like 20-40lbs but the amount I need to lose is a huge goal so i'm glad i can find others who are in the same boat.

    Yes! We can all be here for each other :) add me if you'd like!
  • dhuskey25
    dhuskey25 Posts: 2 Member

    Put together through a lot of hard work. 240 pounds to 172 in 20 weeks
  • gracepost123
    gracepost123 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey! I need to loose 200 lbs!! I'll add ya and we can be buddies :). I also feel like this time is "different". I've tried a few times to be healthier and drop the pounds.
  • singinteacher
    singinteacher Posts: 5 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi, I'm working on a big amount too, probably around 120 lbs. I'm 31. I've attempted to lose weight several times, and haven't had any long term success, but I'm hoping this will be it! I'm not a mom, but I'm still hoping to be one day, and would like to be able to happy and healthy for my future kids, and in the meantime, for the kids I teach. I'm happy to friend anyone who is looking for accountability buddies.
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    I was in a similar boat last year. Needed to lose almost 95 lbs. I lost 60 lbs in 2015, only about 35 lbs to go until goal weight. I would recommend breaking it down into smaller goals. Losing a large amount of weight can seem overwhelming when you are starting out. But if you have smaller, achievable goals that you keep working towards it can really help.

    Personally I did 10% goals and am working on my 3rd right now (have about 6 lbs to go to achieve that one). After each goal I reward myself. Last one I bought a new workout out fit, this one I'm going to buy a nice piece of jewelry.

    Feel free to add me if you like. Definitely helps to have friends who have similar goals.
  • singinteacher
    singinteacher Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats on your success so far, JennieMaeK! I've always loved the idea of rewarding smaller goals. I have a charm bracelet (Pandora) that I have from a previous weight loss journey that I added beads to every 10 lbs. lost. I took the beads off and am going to restart it, adding the beads back 10 lbs at a time, and then hopefully, I get to purchase some new ones as I keep going past my former low weight.
  • Latifah2
    Latifah2 Posts: 8 Member
    JennieMaeK wrote: »
    I was in a similar boat last year. Needed to lose almost 95 lbs. I lost 60 lbs in 2015, only about 35 lbs to go until goal weight. I would recommend breaking it down into smaller goals. Losing a large amount of weight can seem overwhelming when you are starting out. But if you have smaller, achievable goals that you keep working towards it can really help.

    Personally I did 10% goals and am working on my 3rd right now (have about 6 lbs to go to achieve that one). After each goal I reward myself. Last one I bought a new workout out fit, this one I'm going to buy a nice piece of jewelry.

    Feel free to add me if you like. Definitely helps to have friends who have similar goals.

    Congrats on your journey! That's a great idea! I usually divide my goals in 10kgs, but 10 % goals seems more encouraging!

    I'm hoping to lose 65kg and would love some friends with similar goals! My struggle is the seat of flights...

    All the best and may we succeed this year!
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    notmyrobot wrote: »
    I went to a movie with my hubby the other night and I ALMOST didn't fit in the seat for the first time ever!

    That's the worst feeling EVER. I had to stop going on rides with my children at theme parks for this very reason, telling them that I didn't want to go on them when the reality was that I didn't want the embarrassment of not squeezing into the seat. Horrible, horrible, horrible.

    I can also relate to the "lose a person" aspect - when I started this I had to lose 60% of my body weight. I weighed more than the weight of two people. A scary thought. That's the equivalent of both of my daughters (one a teenager, one a toddler) plus a bit. I have so far lost the weight of my toddler twice over - I just need to lose her weight another three times and I'll be at my goal :smile:

    I am absolutely determined to do this though; I have never been slim and want to know what I'll look like. There are times when I falter but each day brings a new opportunity to achieve so you just have to forget the bad days and keep moving on.

    Good luck guys :smile:

  • notmyrobot
    notmyrobot Posts: 14 Member
    So glad to see I'm not as alone in this as it feels like! :) thanks to those who have added me ! Let's do this!!
  • dollbushie
    dollbushie Posts: 3 Member
    I'm looking to lose a 100lbs, support and encouragement...want 2016 to be the year I wake up and work hard for the best body I can have...add me :)
  • VansBel374
    VansBel374 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I've got a long way to go as well and would love to have some accountability buddies. Need to lose about 85 pounds, and hoping I can keep it off this time.