Fast food: always a no?

nibbpe15 Posts: 1 Member
edited January 2016 in Food and Nutrition
For as long as I can remember fast food has been my weakness. How much is too much? Or is any amount too much?????? McDonald's, Taco Bell...ect


  • CombatGirl93
    CombatGirl93 Posts: 45 Member
    When I go to anywhere like that now (mostly McDonalds as we don't have a Taco Bell in the UK *cry*) I set a compromise with myself and buy a happy meal. 539 calories, 7g sat fat etc buuuuut it's enough to fill me up and it doesn't make me feel bad at all. It's just when they serve the cheese bites and the mozzarella sticks...well that's a different story ;)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,574 Member
    Not always a no, but maybe not always a yes? That's my only answer. That stuff doesn't fill me up for the calorie count, and I can have a burger with good meat and bread and cheese at a lovely restaurant instead.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Depends on how many calories you have available, what your goals are and what you order. Not always a no. Not always a yes.
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    No exactly, sometimes a crunchy wrap might come good for your goals, as it contains several types of nutrients, the quantity is key, check this out:
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    I always ask myself 'is the juice worth the squeeze?" As in, are the calories and lack of nutrients worth the taste. Most of the time, my answer is no.... I'd be better off making a burger at home or piling some cheese, beef and veg on some chips and baking my own nachos or putting in the effort to make my own al fredo pasta ( my super weakness when it comes to eating out). I usually try to think about it from a taste standpoint instead of just calories or 'clean' eating. It's helped me more than once avoid eating something easy and fast to pick up and instead finding time to make something myself.

    That being said some times there just isnt time in the day or energy left so a fast food meal once in a while isn't going to derail any goals as long as it fits in your calories and macros (for the most part at least) and is more of a treat than an every day thing.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Do the research for all the chains you could find yourself in and preplan 'safe' choices for each one.
  • hchoi25
    hchoi25 Posts: 3 Member
    Personally, I'm a firm believer in food made from my kitchen. I prefer things to be kept natural and in portion. But we all have those days when we either crave junk food or just don't have time to cook (If that is your reason, try food prepping!). I would go for the healthier alternatives on the menu (salad with no dressing, panera bread, soup, nothing fried and preferably not grilled, minimal dressing or sauces, loaded in lean protein like chicken). Go for the simple stuff or things where you can see it being made right in front of you, such as chipotle.
  • Rabidrunner
    Rabidrunner Posts: 117 Member
    If we're on the road I know I can grab 3 Chick-Fil-A strips and a pack of the buffalo dipping sauce plus an iced teas for about 370 cals. It's not the best but it's ok in a pinch when there's nothing else.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I am unashamed to say I love fast food. I just make reasonable choices. Example, I had an Egg McMuffin and a small coffee today, and passed on the hash brown and orange juice. Earlier this week I had a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger instead of the Baconator at Wendy's, no fries/chips.

    It doesn't keep me super full for long, but neither do the heavier versions. But, I stay within goal while still getting to eat at places I enjoy several times a week.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    If you like it, find a way to fit it into your daily calorie allotment. Is it a good idea to eat it constantly? Probably not. But the best thing about counting calories is that you don't have to give up any of the foods you love.
  • themadteapot
    themadteapot Posts: 41 Member
    The thing that got me today was the calorie versus fill up! I have been eating a lot of fast food in the last couple months because of my boyfriends work schedule, laziness, and etc. I find that a lot of the time I don't feel full and if I do it doesn't last.. And almost anything on the menu that I want exceeds my daily caloric intake.

    I know I'm still gonna eat it now and again.. But i seriously don't understand how it is SO high calorie! I could totally make a yummy burger at home for a lot more money but way less calories.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    Most fast food is just that. Fast. Not very tasty, not very nutritious, and not much time to get.

    I can eat way better burgers and tacos at home, and they are much more nutritious as well. And when you make them yourself, you have to option to spread that nutrition to where you want it, rather than working around it or ordering what fits when you pull up at the drive through.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    nibbpe15 wrote: »
    For as long as I can remember fast food has been my weakness. How much is too much? Or is any amount too much?????? McDonald's, Taco Bell...ect

    Too much in what way? You can lose weight eating only fast food, if this is the question. Health-wise, it depends on what type of fast food, how often and what you consider healthy. For me, most fast food is not worth it, basically because I hate both the smell and the taste, plus it does not really fit my definition of healthy. I eat the occasional pizza, because pizza is something I do like, but not daily.
  • GsKiki
    GsKiki Posts: 392 Member
    Everything in moderation!
    I eat fast food sometimes but I take smaller portion, and I do a bit more of some exercise that day.
    You just have to be aware that fast food is filled with fat, so make sure to work it in your food schedule, and as I said moderation is the key.
    How much is too much is up to you. I personally eat fast food maybe twice a month, because I simply don't need more. I would suggest not going over once per week tho, but it's up to you.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I've lost 35 pounds and I eat fast food once a week
  • PiSquared
    PiSquared Posts: 148 Member
    Like so many have said, so long as you're expending more calories than you are taking in, it doesn't matter where the calories come from.

    With that said, one thing food logging has done for me is to make me super aware of where I'm spending my limited calories. If I'm going to waste calories on something, it had better taste good. For example, my husband and I went on "date" this weekend to have lunch and catch a matinee of the new Star Wars movie. I had a blue cheese and bacon burger, french fries, and a beer, and let me tell you, it was all totally worth it!

    If you love fast food, and you have enough calories in your plan to allow it, then I don't see why you shouldn't indulge in it every now and again.
  • nickynoneck83
    nickynoneck83 Posts: 25 Member
    A grilled chicken sandwhich tell them to hold the mayo & ask for mustard get a small fry or salad with a water.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,195 Member
    In as of itself fast food does not make you fat. As with all documentaries including those that would say the opposite like Super-size Me, a documentary like Fat Heads not to mention the Texas teacher who lost 60 pounds eating nothing but McDonalds make it clear that the issue has less to do with fast food, and far more to do with eating too many calories total. The biggest issue with fast foods is the lack of veggie options. Veggies are nutrient rich, and lacking them in your diet at all could bring issues long term. Personally, as long as: 1) You fit it into your calorie goal 2) You perhaps can even fit it into your Macro (Carb, Protein, Fat) goal 3) It does not result in your losing control and trigger overeating, fast food as part of what you eat is just fine.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    edited January 2016
    It depends on your goals and if you are meeting your nutritional needs. I don't think nutritionally it would be great to eat fast food for every single meal because they tend to lack a variety of vegetable or fruit options.

    I do have fast food once a week or once a month and have lost weight. It is always a planned meal. I look up nutrition information and plan/log my order before I even leave the house. It fits my calorie goal.
    I don't get a triple bacon cheeseburger with large fry and a shake because I choose to eat more than once a day. I might get a regular hamburger with a side salad with a vinaigrette dressing and an unsweetened iced tea and that comfortably fits my calorie goal.

    Watch things like cheese, condiments, bacon, dressings that can pile on extra calories. Be careful of portion sizes. Planning and pre-logging are helpful in knowing what/how much you can get. Fast food places have their menu and nutritional information online. Look up the places you go to and think about what choices fit your goals best that day.