A Word Of Encouragement

lorilynette Posts: 39
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
OK, so I know most of us are on MFP to make a change in our lives. Something isn't working, we aren't feeling well, looking well, or doing our best. We feel hindered, burdened and pulled down by the extra body mass we carry every day. At least, that's the way I feel.

I know that in order to make change I have to honestly assess what I'm doing or not doing that is contributing to my weight, and make some changes. I have documented my physical shape, so that I can look back and remember what it felt like to be in that skin.

But I refuse to look at those pictures and my starting weight with disdain, anger, and self hatred. I see on the pages of MFP people speaking terribly of themselves, things they wouldn't say to others or about others.

Even though I do not fit our cookie culture ideal of beautiful, I am. I may not have taken the best care of myself, but I am still strong, loving, and do a great many things that help other people out. I am a passionate wife, loving mother, and die hard friend. I am still good and amazing, an incredible creation unlike no other. I will be kind to myself, to treat my own esteem with gentleness and kindness so that I can move forward and do even better. I hope that I can measure my contribution to the world other than how I look or what size I am. I am willing to work hard to effect change in myself by eating and exercising , and I am willing to stand in front of myself everyday and say "you are good enough!" Can you?


  • Beautifully written and well done. :) Thanks!
  • himitsusj
    himitsusj Posts: 9 Member
    I think this is a really lovely thing. I definitely have some pretty severe self-esteem issues because of my size, and I have my whole life; now that I'm trying to get myself better, for me and my family and my girlfriend and my future children, I think I really need to remember this. Instead of telling myself how ugly I am, I need to remind myself of all the good things I do, and that I'm trying to get myself into better shape.

    One of the things I like to think is that I'm beautiful inside, now I'm just trying to get to a place where I recognize that my outside, no matter what, is just as beautiful as my inside is.

    Thanks for posting this. :)
  • amberlee2011
    amberlee2011 Posts: 129
    This is wonderful! Thanks so much!
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Well said! I have been frustrated with my body at times, but I have always tried to honor my body no matter what. It has served me well for 46 years big and small. It saddens me when people berate themselves.
  • Bless your heart!! That was beautiful and very well put!!!
  • madivp
    madivp Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you so much for saying that so well!! What a perfect affiration to start my day with thank you!
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Thank you for writing this. I think it's funny how much we all love to criticize ourself and how it almost seems easier to pick out our weaknesses and be negative about ourselves when really it should be easier for us to be positive and proud of what we are and what we have.

    Sure, I don't have a body like Kim Kardashian's but hey I've got more because I'm determined to work hard enough to feel, look, and be a healthy person.

    Besides, if we were all Kims then how could any of us be as beautiful as we are?
  • bless34
    bless34 Posts: 1 Member
    WOW!!! Words can't explain how I thank you so very much for your encouraging words! I can truly relate. My mottos are "You do not have to be thin to be BEAUTIFUL", "Love Thyself Just the Way You Are", and "To A Healthy Me, Mind, Body, and Soul"!!! Once you learn how to believe and have confidence in yourself, the weight loss will follow! I have lost a total of 128lbs within 2 years, I am now working on loosing at least 60-80 more pounds. This is now my biggest challenge because my weight is now coming off slowly. However, I will continue to work out and eat the best that I can. Honestly if I do not loose another pound, I am finally comfortable with who I am, just the way I am!! I am BEAUTIFUL, SMART, INTELLENGET, STRONG, EXCELLENT MOTHER OF 3, and A LOVING PERSON!!! So all of my attributes and more is what makes me an AWESOME person! If GOD wanted us all to be skinny then we would be. I indeed believe in being healthy, and living an healthy lifestyle for myself and for my kids to learn. DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY, LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLIEST, MOVE YOUR BODY, PRAY, STAY POSITIVE, AND GREAT RESULTS WILL SHOW...MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY, AND PHYSICALLY!!

    Again I say unto you THANKS!!!

  • yaritanew
    yaritanew Posts: 2
    This is my first day of a lot of first days trying to change my life style and the way i look, I already lost 20 pounds but it is difficult to keep the weight off so I found this website today and after signing up I read your beautiful words and I felt like ... that´s exactly what i needed to read thank you so much, we need to start loving ourselves the way we are before trying to change anything in our bodies, we should stop thinking about what we hate in our bodies and start thinking about what we love !!! that will make a change,
    thanks for your words !!!
  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    Nicely said :)

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