Nike +

mjpmark Posts: 16
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi Guys

Just about to invest £200 in a pair of the new 2011 nike air max+ running trainers and nike + gadget.

Im sure its been asked, but are they any good?
Are they accurate?




  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    Hi Guys

    Just about to invest £200 in a pair of the new 2011 nike air max+ running trainers and nike + gadget.

    Im sure its been asked, but are they any good?
    Are they accurate?



    I assume you're talking about the GPS watch for that kind of cash?
  • bobbie228
    bobbie228 Posts: 53
    Don't know if they would be any comparison to the Nike Free run + at all (which is what I wear) I love mine! They are comfy and cozy and the chip with teh Ipod is accurate as long as it is calibrated!
  • mjpmark
    mjpmark Posts: 16
    sorry i meant £200 for all items (trainers, wrist thingy and chip for shoes)
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I have Nike+ Sports band (wrist thingy) with the chip, I dont have shoes - I attach the chip on a thingy on my shoe...but sure have Nike shoes if you can!
    I LOVE it, very motivating, and for me very accurate once I calibrated it!
    My nick on Nike+ website is Lainauriel, feel free to add me as a friend when you figure all out!
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Also, very serious runners will say its not the best thing around, but I am a beginner and I love it:)
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    No idea but very interested in the outcome....
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    Whew, that sounds kind of steep, I think that combo would be closer to $150 USD ( £90 ).

    Anyhoo, the Nike+ sensor is really just an intelligent pedometer, so if it's calibrated properly, it's quite accurate. If it's not calibrated properly, or your stride length changes, it will be off.
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    Are you certain it's not the Nike+ SportWatch? (GPS). That's closer to the $300 USD total that you mentioned. (Assuming the Air Max are around $100 USD.)

    The SportWatch is pretty nice, for running. Very accurate.
  • Trimi
    Trimi Posts: 57
    Do you have a smartphone? You can track your distance/calories pretty accurately with something like (apologies if the link offends the admins or smth).
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    I use the Nike+ and iPod and love it! I find it so motivating.
  • mjpmark
    mjpmark Posts: 16
    hmm maybe im paying too much. The UK Nike site - the trainers i have ordered are £150 direct. then the additional hardware.
    Ill keep you all posted how i get on with it. thanks for the posts.
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