Anyone train BJJ?

I need to lose weight, just for life in general, about 40-45 pounds. But, in the short term, I need to drop a weight division for upcoming tournaments so as not to be in the "and up" weight division a*k*a HELL.
And, of course, also to get faster and smoother on the mat. I feel like the extra weight is holding me back form progressing.
Anybody else out there into Jiu Jitsu?


  • SweetHeresy
    SweetHeresy Posts: 15 Member
    ...are you me??

    I've competed twice in the "and up" division and I feel your pain...probably quite literally. lol. I'm trying to get below 160 which is about 25lbs more to go. Add me! How long you been training for?
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    (I logged in under the wrong name lol, add this one instead, my bad)
  • AllisonSmith254
    AllisonSmith254 Posts: 13 Member
    LOL! Been training for a year and a half but I have followed the sport for many years. This last tournament I got stuck in Nogi with only 1 other person 60 pounds heavier. While I do enjoy a challenge, I also enjoy not feeling like my ribs are being broken.

    How long have you been training?
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    On and off for 2 years...more "off" than I'd like because I work full time and go to school. I've trained in martial arts since I was 10 and I miss the days where I could just train and not be bogged down by adult life. Lol.

    I'm hoping for more mat time in the new year :p
  • AllisonSmith254
    AllisonSmith254 Posts: 13 Member
    Definitely can understand that. For me, it is pretty much, work BJJ and that is about it lol. It is hard to see the younger guys/girls in there who have so much free time to devote, I wish I would have started many years ago.

    I am interested in seeing if dropping this 15 pounds by tournament time (and more wight in the future) will affect my strength level. I have a lot of muscle mass (for a female) and I don't want to lose my strength. I I slowly creep down the scale , will I still be able to handle those larger people that I roll with? Wonder how I can make sure i keep the muscle but lose the fat...?

    Random BJJ related question time:
    Top Player or Guard player?:
    Favorite submission?:
    Favorite BJJ Athlete?:
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    Blue Belt - BJJ is my obsession...I mean hobby that I really like :)

    RE your questions (bear in mind that I'm a relatively junior blue belt & with the exception of a few brand new white belts that may or may not "stick around" - but really hope they do - I'm pretty much the most junior guy where I train).

    - I would prefer to be on top, but often find myself fighting to get back to guard after they've passed it
    - Favorite submission: whatever I can get :) but the one I seem to be able to get the most is a cross-choke from technical mount. Sometimes I can use that to set-up an armbar, but not always.
    - Fabricio Werdum (cuz he's a big guy like me- although I'd prefer to be a little less heavy)
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    I train bjj. Plan for my first tournament in the spring. I'm kinda on the heavy side for a female so I'm working on weightloss now in hopes I can be a competitive weight by then.
  • AllisonSmith254
    AllisonSmith254 Posts: 13 Member
    It is not easy being female in this sport shabaity, glad to have some company!
    Hi Matt, glad to see another "hobbyist" lol!
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    It really doesn't seem to be I've gotten to the point I'll drill with the other females but I grapple with the guys most often. They at least don't limp noodle and fight back. :(
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    It is not easy being female in this sport shabaity, glad to have some company!
    Hi Matt, glad to see another "hobbyist" lol!


    Allison - your answers to your questions? Just to keep the conversation going... :smiley:

  • AllisonSmith254
    AllisonSmith254 Posts: 13 Member
    Oh, sorry! lol!

    Top Player or Guard player?: Top player (or half guard only)
    Favorite submission?:baseball bat choke
    Favorite BJJ Athlete?: Lucas Leite

    Random sidenote: today it seems that the entire inside of my ear has turned purple. Interestingly, the outside of my ear is just fine so I am struggling to understand ho I could have injured myself only in that area. Jiu Jitsu seems to be the sport of mystery bruises.

    I have dropped 3 pounds so far after a week of logging everyday, how is everyone else progressing?
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    Love the baseball bat choke - I usually have more luck with the no-gi grip even in the gi (often have trouble getting grips in deep enough).

    Yep - I'm always sporting a bruise or two or more...

    RE: Ears. Lucky for our little gym, one of the brown belts is a Vet. Best pre-cauliflower ear drainer around... :)
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    I'm not sure I like rnc so much because it's been drilled so much since I started or because I like it. I'm used to fighting from bottom but I honestly prefer from the knees or standing set up a gator roll or lions ride to rnc. I'm not sure how far I've gotten lol scale need batteries.
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    What's the "lion's ride?" I haven't heard that one before.

    As an aside, I love the etymology of BJJ: some things metaphorical Japanese, some things metaphorical Portuguese, some things named after a fighter that made it famous, some things descriptively named, and then some crazy Eddy Bravo names for techniques...
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    I don't but my son is law is the reigning No Gi world champion for his division with the IBJJF. I could ask him what he does.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    Favorite BJJ Athlete?:

    I may be a little biased because he is married to my daughter but my favorite BJJ athlete is Moises Antonio Lopez or "The Honeybadger".
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    There's another name for it that I don't remember that's just what it's called in my local school. I train thru a Machado school not one of the Gracie schools so some names are different. Basically take the back roll forward during the roll adjust arms and grip to rnc.
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    @shabaity - aaah, got it. Part of my earlier etymology comment - I love that stuff!
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Lol I think that counts as crazy eddy bravo name. Either way it's been part of drill at least somewhat 5 of 12 monthes this last year so I like it and can land it from a few different positions but I don't feel I know enough to have a favorite.
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    LOL, I'd put it likely in the English translation of metaphorical Portuguese (RNC in Portuguese is Mata Leo - "Lion Killer"). Eddie Bravo stuff to me is "The Vaporizer," etc.: :smile: