How many of you log housework/cleaning?



  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I log it only if it was heavy cleaning, and only log half the time I actually did it :)

    I only log it if I'm deep cleaning - the same with gardening. I don't log regular watering/weeding - unless I'm out in the garden for hours and doing more than just the when I dug up some bushes, that was a lot of work and I was starving afterwards. I do only log half of the time as well....
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    Not housework/cleaning. We don't do much heavy cleaning ourselves...but I would log any time my hubby and I really got out there and did yardwork.

    We have weekends where we are out there all day - raking, mowing, gardening, etc. Pouring sweat. Usually I don't go to the gym on those days, and I assume that all counts as something!
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I don't log it. I consider it daily routine.

    For me to consider any activity exercise....I have be working solely for the purpose of burning calories. Workout shoes on, workout bra, etc. And If my hair isn't wet, I didn't exercise to my ability. For me exercise is always about pushing myself to see how far I can go compared to how far I tell myself I can.

    I look at it this way. When I think about losing my weight, I don't say to myself "I think I'll go clean something really well". I got fat while still cleaning my house. For me, exercise is always a physical effort outside my regular routine. I may sweat at time cleaning, but it's not exercise. And for me it never will be.

    If I were to log cleaning...would I then have to log sex? walking to the car? washing the car? shopping? Sadly I can do all those...well except the one LOL. But I consider those freebie calories burned. They make up for the foods that are harder to track (no labels/homecooked), or little things I may have missed. I think of those calories burned as cushions for any intake I may have missed or miscalculated. But never exercise.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I do occasionally, but only on the days when I go buck-wild and deep clean everything, because on those days, the only way I can spend the time in cleaning is to put the baby on my back and do it while wearing her. She's about 22lbs now, so deep-cleaning for 2 hours while hauling her around is more of a workout than some of my "real" workouts.

    But otherwise, no, I don't count the other stuff.
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I do occasionally, but only on the days when I go buck-wild and deep clean everything, because on those days, the only way I can spend the time in cleaning is to put the baby on my back and do it while wearing her. She's about 22lbs now, so deep-cleaning for 2 hours while hauling her around is more of a workout than some of my "real" workouts.

    Now that would be a workout!
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member

    100% agreement! Especially for those of us that can't really exercise in conventional ways due to illness or physical limitations.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I log it; I log everything! I think the whole idea is "activity" which equals movement, increased heart rate, blood flow, even perspiration. It does not have to be "exercise", which face it, to some people is a bad word like "diet". It is important when going from sedentary to more active that you log your activity - that's progress. So, in my opinion, activity is what's most important, whether gardening, walking the dog, vacuuming, dusting, playing with the kids.
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    Hahaha I don't log any activity even if I do it. Somehow it will screw with my head and thing "ooh, I can eat a lot more".
    If I am hungry because I walked three miles....I eat.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    I do not usually log it but I did when I cleaned out the garage because that was a major undertaking. I have a small house so I can clean almost the entire thing in like 2 hours.
  • IndigoFlowers
    IndigoFlowers Posts: 221 Member
    I don't log cleaning.. however, if I were to handwash my car, cut the grass, or shovel show then I would log those activities and use my HRM to do so.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I just don't clean so I never have to struggle with this decision.
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    Wow, there is so much judgment towards those of us who log housework. Maybe you just don't clean the way I do? I have worn my hrm while cleaning and it goes almost as high as it does while walking. Since I log my walks, why wouldn't I log my cleaning? Your body doesn't know when you are at a gym and doesn't burn calories any differently. Why is there something magical about a gym? do they pump skinny juice into the water?? O_0

    My profile is set to sedentary as I work at a tech company.... cleaning my apartment is no mean feat. I don't log when I put a dish in the sink, but I log when I clean the kitchen or the bathroom. Y'all need to chill about this. For serious haha
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Wow, there is so much judgment towards those of us who log housework. Maybe you just don't clean the way I do? I have worn my hrm while cleaning and it goes almost as high as it does while walking. Since I log my walks, why wouldn't I log my cleaning? Your body doesn't know when you are at a gym and doesn't burn calories any differently. Why is there something magical about a gym? do they pump skinny juice into the water?? O_0

    My profile is set to sedentary as I work at a tech company.... cleaning my apartment is no mean feat. I don't log when I put a dish in the sink, but I log when I clean the kitchen or the bathroom. Y'all need to chill about this. For serious haha

    I wholeheartedly agree.
  • HCbaby
    HCbaby Posts: 10
    I do, but only like once a week when I do the major cleaning like vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom etc. Not for the everyday stuff like making beds wiping counters etc. Either way it is all moving your body and getting exercise.
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    Wow, there is so much judgment towards those of us who log housework. Maybe you just don't clean the way I do? I have worn my hrm while cleaning and it goes almost as high as it does while walking. Since I log my walks, why wouldn't I log my cleaning?

    Well, some of us (me :bigsmile: ) are too lazy to log that in, too. And no, I don't clean hard. My place is small.

    On the Livestrong site, I logged everything I did, bumping up from total sedentary. OMG, it took over my life and I was on that site 5+ hours a day.
    I didn't catch a whiff of any judgement though...maybe my gauge is off today?
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Wow, there is so much judgment towards those of us who log housework. Maybe you just don't clean the way I do? I have worn my hrm while cleaning and it goes almost as high as it does while walking. Since I log my walks, why wouldn't I log my cleaning? Your body doesn't know when you are at a gym and doesn't burn calories any differently. Why is there something magical about a gym? do they pump skinny juice into the water?? O_0

    My profile is set to sedentary as I work at a tech company.... cleaning my apartment is no mean feat. I don't log when I put a dish in the sink, but I log when I clean the kitchen or the bathroom. Y'all need to chill about this. For serious haha

    Cleaning is a normal every day activity for most people and it is already accounted for in your BMR - the calories you need to just 'live', living includes breathing and digesting food and going up and downstairs to the toilet and household chores etc. It just doesn't make sense to me to count it as exercise unless it's something out of the ordinary because you are simply counting it twice and skewing your own stats.

    I wouldn't judge any one who counts it, if you are doing so and it's working for you then you can't argue with that - but when asked our opinions on it as we were with this thread, of course people are going to share their views, it is called a 'discussion' forum after all :)
  • farfalledibaciodinotte
    farfalledibaciodinotte Posts: 181 Member
    I don't think house cleaning should be considered a "workout" cleaning is part of your everyday life and if you want to have a clean house, you should clean it. Now if you want to lose weight should do a "workout"

    lol someone who actually cleans for a living, would think much differently.. not to be negative, but I'm quite compulsive when cleaning, and I tend to break a sweat. yes.. IT COUNTS.
  • elinsofie
    elinsofie Posts: 69 Member

    Cleaning is a normal every day activity for most people and it is already accounted for in your BMR - the calories you need to just 'live', living includes breathing and digesting food and going up and downstairs to the toilet and household chores etc. It just doesn't make sense to me to count it as exercise unless it's something out of the ordinary because you are simply counting it twice and skewing your own stats.

    BMR does not include household chores. The BMR Calculator page says:

    "Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is an estimate of how many calories you'd burn if you were to do nothing but rest for 24 hours. It represents the minimum amount of energy needed to keep your body functioning, including breathing and keeping your heart beating.

    Your BMR does not include the calories you burn from normal daily activities or exercise."

    Let's say your BMR is about 1400 cals and activity level is set to sedentary. Then MFP adds 350 cals to the BMR to estimate your daily calorie burn. If the amount of cleaning you do goes within those 350 cals along with the rest of the every day stuff, then don't log it. But shouldn't anything beyond those 350 be logged, no matter if it's called cleaning or working out?
  • yesterday was the first day that I ever have. I'm going on vacation and I wanted to clean my whole house so I don't come home and feel the need to clean. I even used a timer and once it started going I didn't stop moving, I went from one chore to the next and went for an hour and a half. I'll only be logging house work when I do things like that. Otherwise I won't.
  • I don't log my daily chores such as gardening, mowing, housework, etc. I think exercise needs to be a state of mind, as well as an activity. Exercise should be intentional.

    My friend wrote a really great blog about this, though......
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