How to keep motivated

Hey all,, for aslong as I can remember I have always been obese,, but the new year is here and I really want to get motivated into leading a healthier lifestyle,, where do I begin,, how do I stop my chocolate cravings,, how do I break the habit of going shopping and stocking up on junk when it is all I know! Where do I begin to start cooking healthy meals ,, how do I know what portion size to serve,, I know these may seem will questions but I am at a total loss,, is it all just about salads and fruits,, Ino that won't fill me up,, what's you guys snack on and what keeps you motivated,, sorry if that made no sense


  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    Count calories for your stats,( gender, height, weight, age. MFP does it for you) and the rest kinda falls into place. You can have chocolate, just make it fit your calories. Get a scale at some point to help tighten up counting. Get a set of measuring cups and spoons as well. Portions can be what you want as long as they fit your cals for the day. I have about 1500 cal. a day to eat. I eat anywhere from 100-500 calories for breakfast and lunch and 1000 cals. or more for dinner. I do it this was because it works best for me. I'm the kind of person who feels fuller longer on lots of protein. So I do that. Lots of ham, eggs, turkey, chicken, pork... Motivation comes and goes, but if you have determination and perseverance, you can do it! This app helps a lot. Read through and learn as you go. There are great and helpful, people on here, it can help your success. It has for me. I have lost 67 lbs with 29 to go and if it wasn't for this site, I'd still be struggling and probably fatter than ever! You can do it!
  • parsnipou
    parsnipou Posts: 32 Member
    I find it really helpful to do meal plan for the week and keep to your shopping list while shopping! Try to cook everything yourself if you can and control the portion and log in everything you eat. It does not need to be only veggies and fruits but it should be equilibrated. For example, something easy like grilled chicken breasts that you marinated or spiced, with wholewheat couscous and steamed veggies with pesto or some humus make a quick, easy, healthy meal. But most of all count your calories and control your portions. Start some light exercise at the same time like walking and you will quickly feel the results to keep motivated. Good luck!
  • losingweight1981
    losingweight1981 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for replying
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited January 2016
    Take it one step at a time, one food type at a time, one recipe at a time. Maybe create less of a deficit and gradually build up to your goal number. Google "portion size estimates" and you will get some good guidelines. That's in addition to weighing your food, etc as explained here on MFP. As for chocolate, try super dark chocolate, 70% cacao or greater. I eat 1 square most evenings. It is extremely satisfying. Also a few chocolate protein bars, such as Protein Plus and Quest chocolate brownie bars.

    I basically don't think about "motivation" any more. I think about habits. Establish good habits that you follow every day, just like you brush your teeth or take shower whether or not you "feel motivated" (hopefully, LOL). Your habits will carry you through. At least that's how it's worked for me. I'm 19 months in and still several months from my goal, and you just aren't going to feel motivated every minute of that long of a journey.

  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    edited January 2016
    You didn't gain weight over night and you don't need to lose it in a month. Set a reasonable weight loss goal (1-2# a week). If you get really hungry ask your MFP friends to check your diary, or post more info on here again. I learn a ton by reading these boards daily. I'm almost at goal weight and while it gets easier once the habits get set, it can still be hard with temptations around.

    I never buy junk food. I love it a lot. If someone else brings it into the house, I put it in a cabinet so I don't see it. I also stopped drinking wine, except for special occasions. Alcohol can derail you. Just get started, and use the app, and go slowly. See what you eat calorie wise today, without cutting back, then start aiming to stay under your calorie limit set in the MFP settings. If you go over a little, don't panic. It takes 3500 calories over your maintenance calories to add just one pound.
  • losingweight1981
    losingweight1981 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for you le advice I just feel like I will never be able to shift this weight,, but I feel as though if I use this site it may be helpful for me give me the kick up the bum that's so needed
  • mellowyellow1102
    mellowyellow1102 Posts: 12 Member
    each person is different in their approach to weight loss. I too have been obese a good majority of my life. For me I need to ease myself into weight loss/eating healthier. I find i fail if I drastically change everything all at once. Pick what is most important to start first. For me i'm setting a goal of 2,000 steps a day and logging my food daily. By logging each day you are seeing what your eating is doing for you. I used to think i didn't eat that much during the day until I logged every single thing i ate or drank. I was shocked to say the least...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Hey all,, for aslong as I can remember I have always been obese,, but the new year is here and I really want to get motivated into leading a healthier lifestyle,, where do I begin,, how do I stop my chocolate cravings,, how do I break the habit of going shopping and stocking up on junk when it is all I know! Where do I begin to start cooking healthy meals ,, how do I know what portion size to serve,, I know these may seem will questions but I am at a total loss,, is it all just about salads and fruits,, Ino that won't fill me up,, what's you guys snack on and what keeps you motivated,, sorry if that made no sense

    Eating only salads and fruits would leave you nutritionally lacking. Protein and dietary fat are both essential to proper nutrition. "My Plate" is a pretty good starting point for learning how to eat healthy. Websites like eating well and cooking lite are good places to start with recipes if you aren't already an avid cook.

    As portion sizes go, start with the recommended serving size of whatever the packaging says for packaged items. For veggies, one cup is generally considered a serving...generally this comes out to about 3 ounces...most meats, poultry and fish are 3-4 ounces per serving, etc. Once you start playing with it, you can adjust to your own preferences.

    Beyond that, take it a day at a steps. Trying to radically change everything overnight is a recipe for failure. Make small weekly and daily goals and take it one day at a time. Also, try to focus on the process of simply being a healthier your rather than focusing all of your energies on the scale.
  • ryanbrowning115
    ryanbrowning115 Posts: 69 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »

    Eating only salads and fruits would leave you nutritionally lacking. Protein and dietary fat are both essential to proper nutrition.

    Definitely agree here. I would focus on dramatically increasing my protein intake, building muscle, ensuring I have good intake of healthy fats and reducing carbs a bit. It is one thing to lose weight and another to loose fat/build muscle. More muscle you have, more efficient your body becomes-more calories you can consume. If you find yourself overwhelmed, read, read and read. Find someone who inspires you and learn from them. Here is a nice article I read today about how to set goals and stick with them:

    Most of all: Good luck! Stick with it!
  • CampLondon
    CampLondon Posts: 239 Member
  • ladycclear
    ladycclear Posts: 50 Member
    You don't need motivation to eat healthy. Instead, you just decide to do it, and follow through.

    It's hard, and there are temptations everywhere to eat things that are over-processed or full of too much sugar and calories and not enough natural nutrition, but you decided to eat healthy and now you just have to do it.
    • -Make simple meals at home--use lots of seasonings and spices on your veggies.
    • -Plan what you eat and make time to eat it. Don't eat after a certain time at night to stop evening snack calories.
    • -Set a grocery budget and just don't bring processed junk home. Say no to unnatural food dyes and see how fast the selection of "junk" you can still eat diminishes.

      My mantra: I control what goes in my mouth.

      Note: Feel free to click and add me as a friend. I need accountability buddies who will nudge me if I forget my own decision to eat healthy and be active.