Sugar struggle

Hiya, recently come back to this app after Xmas and over indulging. Last few entries I've noticed I'm over my sugar recommendations everyday. I have 1-2 cups of tea which I confess I have sugar in so I know I can cut this down but even before I add these I'm over my allowance with fruit and veg. Any body else having this problem or got any advice? Do I need to cut down "natural" sugars?


  • rak173
    rak173 Posts: 105 Member
    I have the same issue..I am always over with my sugars even on days that I rock at everything else. I believe it calculates an unreasonably low number for the amount of sugar we should aim to have for the day. If you do a search you will probably find numerous threads about this. Unless you have a health issue (in which you should go by your doctors advice), just try to reduce your added sugars where you can.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    You don't need to cut down on sugar (natural or otherwise) unless you have medical issues, or unless you eat so much sugar other nutritional foods are being crowded out. I've switched what I monitor on MFP from sugar to fiber instead.

    I allow for a sugary treat everyday (usually chocolate). Then I get natural sugars from fruit, veggies, dairy and grains or starches. I drink tea without sugar most of the time. You could always step down the amount of sugar you use.
  • Kazzy68
    Kazzy68 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you, I'd never really worried before about sugar but recently (due to news and various media's) started getting concerned. And to be honest with my experience of doctors I'd rather ask other dieters and get healthy champions. Do you have any other tips for weight loss? Now I've hit mid 20's seem to be struggling getting rid of the extras lol
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I would worry more about macros overall. What are your percentages set to? How many g of protein do you get? That's way more important. I'm always under my sugar on my weekly average, but that's just because of the way I eat.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Unless you have a medical condition which warrants monitoring your sugar intake, I wouldn't worry about it. Personally, I switched my sugar to fibre, and sodium to iron to make sure I am getting enough of those things. I prefer to make sure I am getting enough of those two instead.
    Kazzy68 wrote: »
    Thank you, I'd never really worried before about sugar but recently (due to news and various media's) started getting concerned. And to be honest with my experience of doctors I'd rather ask other dieters and get healthy champions. Do you have any other tips for weight loss? Now I've hit mid 20's seem to be struggling getting rid of the extras lol

    As for other suggestions, I strongly suggest reading through the stickied threads at the top of the getting started and general weight loss boards titled "Most Helpful Posts." These have a lot of great information in them on setting appropriate goals, using metrics other than just the scale to measure progress (I have taken measurements and pictures), and making sure that you are logging accurately (one of the main reasons people experience difficulties with losing). The most important thing is to be persistent, consistent, and patient. That's my best advice.
  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    Truvia fan here, I don't think sugar is all that bad but I find personally my cravings are reduced when I cut it out. I use a ton in my tea and oatmeal
  • Kazzy68
    Kazzy68 Posts: 6 Member
    I know I don't get enough protein and my fibre is on the dodgy side too. I'm working on eating more dairy for protein but have a love hate relationship with dairy and I've just finished research high fibre foods.
  • Kazzy68
    Kazzy68 Posts: 6 Member
    I don't use sugar substitutes after a catalogue of problems I've experienced not saying any body else shouldn't use them. Just for me there a no no.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Kazzy68 wrote: »
    I don't use sugar substitutes after a catalogue of problems I've experienced not saying any body else shouldn't use them. Just for me there a no no.

    I don't like the aftertaste of sugar substitutes. Protein sources meat, lentils, beans, I use a protein powder nearly every day, eggs. Fibre mostly from veg and fruits and chia seeds. My protein powder has some fibre in it too. Raspberries are fabulous for fibre.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Avocados are my fave source of fiber. YUM! Actually, I've been pretty obsessed with them lately. I wish raspberries weren't so darn expensive, because they sure are delicious. I wonder if blackberries have as much....
  • Kazzy68
    Kazzy68 Posts: 6 Member
    @lilawolf sorry missed your message my percentages are 50% carbs 30 fat and 20 protein. @nutmegoreo what protein powder do you use if you don't mind my asking all the ones I've had taste like cardboard. Although am I trying just to do everything with unprocessed foods and drinks. As I'm getting my taste buds back after stopping smoking.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Kazzy68 wrote: »
    @lilawolf sorry missed your message my percentages are 50% carbs 30 fat and 20 protein. @nutmegoreo what protein powder do you use if you don't mind my asking all the ones I've had taste like cardboard. Although am I trying just to do everything with unprocessed foods and drinks. As I'm getting my taste buds back after stopping smoking.

    I don't mind sharing, but it does have stevia in it, so it took a few months to get used to the aftertaste. I stayed with it because I like the macro and micro breakdown. It is the VegaOne, all-in-one, natural flavor. Adding spinach and berries helps.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited January 2016
    Protein powders. Make them with milk. With water they taste like liquid cat puke. Also get a blender. Walmart has affordable protein powders. You can also eat protein bars. Or drink protein pre-made shakes (not slim fast or carnation), but real protein shakes.
    Congratulations on quitting smoking. I quit and people that smoke stink to me now. Bad stink.
  • lkokot
    lkokot Posts: 80 Member
    I have the same problem myself. What I found is that sugar is in pretty much everything we eat; even stuff that doesn't taste sweet so cutting it out is not as easy as it should be.
  • drdst91
    drdst91 Posts: 15 Member
    Just so you know, most protein bars have high sugar content. Best to read the labels. I like the Kashi protein bars. The one I eat, Dark Mocha Almond has 6 grams of sugar, 4 grams of fiber and 6 grams of protein. However, the Quaker Oats Weight Control Maple Brown Sugar has 6 grams of fiber, 1 gram of sugar, and 7 grams of protein. Personally, I am going to switch to eating this oatmeal instead of a protein bar. Obviously, the oatmeal is a better nutritious choice.
  • Kazzy68
    Kazzy68 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks @nutmegoreo and drdst91 I had never thought of the oat bars used to eat a breakfast oat bar every day Janet my mum still smokes and I'm not bothered when she smokes its the hour after that gets me the stale smell lol. Oh and thanks congratulations to you to haven't had a night out yet since quitting so think that'll be my test but food is starting to taste different...