
Hi folks,

Ive been here about six weeks and was doing well untill 2 days ago when i binged. I did the same last night too. Ive been doing very well and have lost 22 pounds but really need to steady myself again...

Id love to hear from anyone that has fallen into this trap, and most importantly those who have managed to get out again!! Love to you all...:laugh:


  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    get yourself on track as fast as possible...i went through this after the holidays and it took me several months before i return to MFP....good luck
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    i think eventually we all "wobble" just remember, this is a lifestyle change and "life" happens. i have stumbled and gotten back up. we are all here to support you. it just important for you to WANT this and to take it one day at a time. dont dwell on the past, just stay in the present. good luck, and feel free to add me if you want some more support!
  • HollyLLillis
    HollyLLillis Posts: 113 Member
    Believe me, I think all of us have done this... I have done this on a weekend, both days of just eating tons of crap... what you HAVE to do is just take it one day at a time... when monday rolls around you stick to your guns and just pretend this is the first day of your weight loss journey... I'm down 30 right now and I'm at a stand still but, heck, I am very happy that I am maintaining even tho I can have some pretty bad eating days... just start again the next day... you come this far don't give up, you can do it, you have already proven that you can!!!!
    Holly:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • skinnyhappy
    skinnyhappy Posts: 152 Member
    It happens! Either you need to reevaluate your caloric intake or you're not getting a specific nutrient...when you binge what are you eating? Listen to your body, you may just need more of a particular vitamin, or more fiber, etc. etc. Also, next time you feel like binging, head for the faucet and drink some water. Keep healthy snacks around. If you crave sweets, eat fruit. If it's salty, hummus and multigrain pita chips are great (high fiber, fuller faster!)

    It happens to me every few weeks, it's probably because I toe the line with my calorie intake. I should probably eat more!
  • Bigmomma0u812
    This sounds like me exactly.. I too have lost 22 lbs. Last weekend we had a lot of family things going on and I spent two days of unhealthy eating. It was sooo hard for me to go back to the diet Monday morning and even double hard to exercise on Tuesday but I just made myself do it. I'm nibbling a bit more than I did before but I think if I just keep denying myself and making myself exercise I'll get back to where I was. It's a shame what a few pounds weight loss, compliments and poor food choices can do in just a couple of days!!

    You'll get back in there, just keep visualizing how you're going to feel and look when you're done. ( I personally visualize all the shocked expressions I'll see from the people that have belittled me over the years.)

    Good luck!!!
  • allisoncook87
    allisoncook87 Posts: 160 Member
    I took a week off after losing 25 lbs and working out 2x a day at the least. I felt like junk eating how I wanted, not able to get outta bed in the morning. I feel awesome again getting up working out eating great. I also set a new goal, maybe that will help
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    Forget about yesterday -- focus on today!! You can't re-live yesterday you can only make today the best day ever :wink:
  • lkmisztela
    lkmisztela Posts: 23
    I had this just recently. I went away on vacay and consciously didn't log or track, walked 8-12 hrs a day but didn't do any intentional workouts or running. I didn't gain weight, but I felt pretty down just from post-vacay blahs and lack of structure after I got back. It took a good 2 wks, but I'm back at the exercise, I'm back to running.. I'm back!

    You just have to think that a slip is just that - a slip, and you can get back on track. The time it's a failure is if you never get back to it. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, get back at it. You can do it! :D
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    Keep your head in the game!

    I have my binging moments. The best thing I did was learn my triggers - the where, when, how, and whys of your binging. It's different for everyone.

    Here's how I figured it out:

    JOURNAL. When I feel the need to binge, I write down just a short note of what I'm doing, where I am, etc. I started out by documenting where I was (in the car for me, but it might be at home for you, or at a specific person's house), what time it was (for me, after work kept popping up), and what I was doing (On my way home, or On my way to see my then-boyfriend, but it might be going TO work if you stop at a coffee shop in the AM, or on the weekend while watching a sports game or something).

    ACTING ON MY FINDINGS. I learned SO MUCH from the patterns in that book after just 1 month.
    WHERE - I learned my favorite place to over eat is in my car. Makes sense. No one is there to see it.
    Solution? Make sure I have a calorie free drink and a pack of gum in the car. That way I won't stop for any of my usual binge triggers.
    On the flip side: I learned that I DON'T really binge when I'm at home. It's just the transit time that was really tough. At home, I'm too lazy to go out and get crap food, and I only keep good stuff around.
    WHEN - These revealed that I eat when I feel stressed - like after a hard day at work. It also was a HUGE red flag that I saw my relationship as a high stress situation, since I'd usually eat a sweet on the way to see him.
    Solution? I started keeping a water bottle in the car, and a pack of gum. That way, I could pop a piece of gum instead. I also took a hard look at the relationship w/ the guy I was dating and realized IT was really stressful too. After attempting to work on it, I ended it (and am in something FAR healthier several years later).
    I also noticed that I am more likely to make poor choices when I'm tired.
    Solution? When feeling really tired, eat only what you brought to work or eat only what is at home. Being hungry is better than being fat. Also, make rest/sleep a PRIORITY.
    WHY - See above "stressed" and "tired".
    HOW - My favorite things to binge on were Twix bars, hot chocolate, and a pastry AND a latte from Starbucks. Now, I only buy 1 Twix AS A TREAT on rare occasions. In fact, I rarely even go into gas stations anymore and I avoid the junk aisles at grocery stores and 7/11 type stores. IF I keep hot chocolate around, it's diet hot chocolate, and I don't keep this constantly on hand, so it's a "treat". I looked up the nutritional information for my favorite starbucks pastries (Pumpkin Scones). So I ended up deciding that I can either get a skinny latte and NO pastry, or a hot tea AND a PETITE scone - and ONLY when I go INTO a store - not use the drive through. I may still go through a drive thru for coffee once in a while, but it's either a skinny latte OR a hot tea. That cuts out that 400 calorie scone right there.

    Once you know yourself, you'll get those binges under control. Hang in there!
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Everyone binges, and if someone told me they never have I'd call them a liar...lol! You realized you did it and you can also stop doing it. Hold your head up and move forward. The past is the past and there is no reason to dwell there when you have tomorrow. You've worked your back end off to lose 22 keep on and lose another 22!