almost there...BUT

So, it dawns on me as to how close I am to reaching my goal weight...4lbs from it. My goal weight was chosen simply based on it was "Before kids" weight. So, here I am wondering something.....I know I am shaped differently, it happens . (post kids) but that is completely ok with me, I really like my shape now compared to before. Before my girls I was SOOO small on top, it made me butt heavy, even though I wasnt overweight. Now, I have a much more even shape and I like it. A lot! I guess my question is, am I the only the only one, who has/is gotten this close to their goal weight and think...."Geesh....I feel bigger than I did then"...Is it all in my head? Am I stronger now? (think so), is it the difference in how I am shaped? I am thinking of lowering my goal weight. Partly for this reason, partly because after joining MFP, I KNOW I can do it. I am not looking for "skinny", not my preference...just a lean look on a medium boned girl. Anyone besides me ever deal with this? I have such a WARPED view of looking for insight. Thanks ahead of time! :)


  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I think i know what you mean, I have 5 lbs left to lose, yet when I look in the mirror I don't look as slim as I should look, in my opinion?! I'm also wondering if I should lose another 3 lbs...when i finally reach my gw.

    Hmm, has all the exercise and calorie counting affected my vision??!
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    I'm not that close to my goal yet, but I have been trying on clothes that I used to wear when I was at my goal weight. I cant even get them on!! I have about 14 lbs. to go and I just don't see how I'm going to be able to wear them even then. I think I really am a 'shape shifter' :happy:
  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    I am the same way. I had my 4th baby 10 months ago. I am right at where I was before I had him and yet, my clothes don't fit the same and my body looks different. I think I need to lower my weight by 5-10 lbs and work on weights and toning more. It is a bit frustrating. Disappointing, I guess.
  • diembroadhurst
    I don't think that loosing 3lbs or 4lbs is really going to have a massive difference on the way you look now. I mean your weight can fluctuate by that over the course of a day or two just because of water retention. There comes a point where you have to forget about the weight on the scales and focus on making changes to your body through toning, strength training etc. Then you start to sculpt your body and look leaner. I think we can get too fixated on the number on the scale - its really not the right gauge when you are closer to the 'goal'.

    I personally have dropped alot of weight and have come to accept that my body looks like a balloon after its deflated after a party, all wrinkly and mishapen and not at all smooth and beautiful like a brand new balloon. Its taken a while to come to terms with that.
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    First of all -- Congrats for being so close to goal! Good for you.

    I'm 25lbs from my goal weight, so I'll let you know how I feel about my body when I ge there. Maybe it's not more weight you need to lose, just add some muscle. You said you want to be lean. Have you tried weight training? A few months ago I did a circiut training program for 6 weeks and saw a significant difference in my body in that short amount of time. That's when I actually started seeing abs! Now that I'm half-way to goal, I'm doing another 6 week circiut. Weight trainig will change your body shape dramatically. Best wishes!
  • roballesteros
    I am 3 lbs away from my goal (that I have changed 3 times) and I feel the same exact way. I have a very warped body image and I keep telling myself maybe I should loose 10 more pounds, but then I think I don't want to be skinny just healthy, technically I am healthy now but when I compare my current goal weight to others on this sight who are my same height I feel like I should lower my goal weight.
    I keep telling myself that when I get to my goal weight I will re-examine but I don't want to continually re-examine. I want to be happy about where I am weight-wise.
    Like you it seems easy to me to reach a lower goal weight because of this awesome sight, but do I want to keep loosing????
  • cornerofgreystreet
    cornerofgreystreet Posts: 180 Member
    I completely understand. I have lost 32 pounds yet I still have days that I feel even heavier than I did before I started. I think the closer I get to understanding the potential my body truly has the more dissatisfied I feel about the problem areas that I still have. I think it's great that you love your post-baby shape. My body has changed quite a bit too, I am carrying my weight in a different way. I like my new shape too, it feels more womanly and the curves are okay with me.

    Congrats on being so close to your goal weight! You should be so proud of your hard work!

    I hope you can find a place where you can be truly happy with your body no matter what the number on the scale says. Best of luck on all your continued success.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I wish I knew how to do that "blue box" reply thing, but I dont, so this will have to you all for simply letting me know I am not the only one. I agree with each and every one of you. I have not tried weight/strength training. I live in the sticks and it is too hard to get to a gym, but I am not against at home training either I guess....I am beginning to wonder if that is part of it, the fixated with numbers bit. I bought a bikini because I told my sister I would if she did. I look at myself, think "Look how far I have come" then right behind it think "what is someone with THAT for a weight number doing in a bikini?" I one has to know what you weigh, right?? This site is awesome. You all are awesome. No matter why you are here, we each have some battle, I suppose. But with help and encouragement like this, how can the fight to better health not be a positive one? :happy: Wish you all the best, each and every one of you!
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    I am not as close as you are. But, while I do care about the number on the scale, I also care about my appearance. No matter what the number says if I'm not happy when I look in the mirror then I find myself discouraged.

    to do the "Blue box" thing, just click on quote for the one you want to reply to.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I felt no real joy when I initially got to my goal weight. When I pondered why I realised it wasn't just my mummy tummy, it was also the fact that I'm at a life stage where my appearance matters less. When I lost weight in my 20s I got added attention, but now I'm not looking for that.

    I'm more satisfied now, a few months on. I like being a thin person again :laugh:
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I am not as close as you are. But, while I do care about the number on the scale, I also care about my appearance. No matter what the number says if I'm not happy when I look in the mirror then I find myself discouraged.

    to do the "Blue box" thing, just click on quote for the one you want to reply to.

    Agree about the appearance thing!!!...and THANK YOU!!