Diet chef

kazza97 Posts: 13
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all, I'm a newbie to this site, quite pleased as it looks like a lively forum!!
is anyone on Diet chef? I'm starting this on Thursday when my food arrives. Can't wait, feel quite motivated at the minute.
Is there any success stories around??



  • rachel678
    rachel678 Posts: 1

    I'm starting on Friday when my parcel comes. I'm quite looking forward to not feeling like a beach whale! Just need a kick up the bum and hoping this will work. Need something really structured. I did LL a few years ago and loved it as it was strict.

    Good luck
  • I started diet chef in January and have lost just over 2 and a half stone. My husband has lost 3 and a half stone. We are close to being the weight we were when we got married 17 years ago! We are both now trying to keep it up back on non-diet chef food! My fitness pal really helped with it though because we have an idea of calories of anything we are eating, not just the diet chef meals. Neither of us have found it hard and we feel heaps better for it. Hope you lose what you want too!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I never heard of it but welcome and good luck I am sure you will do great.
  • welshplum84
    welshplum84 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I started Diet Chef last thursday and I am loving it so far, for some reason I have got my brain set on this and nothing else :D
  • elimk1
    elimk1 Posts: 12
    I started diet chef yesterday,so far so good.
    good luck with your weight loss journey x
  • karen0201
    karen0201 Posts: 15
    Hey, Im on diet chef and have been for just over 2 weeks and have lost 12lbs so far!
    I love the food espec the chicken tikka masala, I dont even feel like im dieting because I'm spreading my meals out which means Im not going too long without eating so dont feel the need to raid the fridge.
    I'm going to Gran Canaria in October, so need to tone up some what by then.
    I have ordered the Jillian Michael 30 day DVD, cant wait for it to arrive!!

    Would recommend diet chef to anyone! LOVE IT!!!
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