Weight Watchers while using MFP



  • JMSSMSMommy
    JMSSMSMommy Posts: 2 Member
    I just logged my smart points of 30 today and also logged it in My fitness pal - came out to approx 1600 calories. On the old program, I was getting 26 points and with the food I ate - I would only log 1150 calories. Not sure if I am eating 'too much' but gonna give the new program a try. Granted 1600 includes 4 servings of veggies and one serving of fruit today.
  • RetroPolkaDot
    RetroPolkaDot Posts: 83 Member
    gooz71 wrote: »
    I did give it a try but was running out of points so quickly it became very frustrating. I'm going to talk to my WW leader this week and get her thoughts. I really like her.

    I know in my meeting the things people have been talking about really going up in points are things like coffee creamer, sweetened yogurt, ice cream, and some cereals.
    I don't care for most breakfast cereals because they get all soggy and gross and I don't really like yogurt. I did cut back on my coffee creamer because it doubled in points and that was not worth it to me. I cut the amount I use in half and I won't lie it took a bit of an adjustment but I'd rather use those points on a serving of cheese than all the creamer I had been using.
    One thing I did for a while, on Points Plus, was track upside down. Instead of starting with breakfast, I started my days with dinner. I'd track from 4pm until 4pm the following day. I found it was easier to lighten up breakfast and lunch than it was to lighten up dinner. On Points Plus I was frequently running out or extremely low of points by dinner time. I find that I don't do that as often on the new points.
    Yes, talk to your leader or bring it up in your meeting. This weeks topic is about tracking so it would be a great time to discuss it because maybe others in your meeting are struggling as well.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I'm actually really thinking about doing this. I've been converting the MFP info to WW points until the "new points" conversion thing came out. Today, I went to weigh in and they said that what they want you to really count now is: Calories, Saturated Fat, Sugar, and Protein. The leader said that fiber was still good and all, but they were more interested in making the program more protein friendly, and less friendly towards sugar and fat. An nutritionist I went to said that if you focus on proteins, then the fats/carb's will take care of themselves, but I'm not sure I like the new way WW is doing things. I'm really looking at just going for weigh in's and support and just tracking on MFP from now on.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    gooz71 wrote: »
    Thank you all for your input. I'm just so disappointed that they changed it to smartpoints. I also totally understand what they are trying to do, but it is basically now a lower carb diet. If you have a birthday party to go to and have a piece of cake and ice cream your points are basically blown for the whole day. :s

    I think you hit the nail on the head with this. I was having regular Greek yogurt and some "protein granola" for about 7 points before, and now it's like 10+. Lunches that I was having for 18-20 points are now closer to 25-30. Before, I was mostly going on my MFP numbers anyway - and in the converting of the points, was losing 1 to 1.5 pounds a week on average.

    Just really disheartened.

  • PepeLPew
    PepeLPew Posts: 92 Member
    Hey all,

    Great conversation here. I've been on ww for several years and am trying out the new smartfit points. It's clear that they've definitely increased for certain items. I also find that I am gaining way more activity points. With my fitbit curve hr synced after a day of teaching and walking I'm a usual 15 activity points. This seems unusually high. Previously a latte with half cup of 2% was maybe 3; now its 5 points ?!

    I am currently logging with fitbit and ww app over the course of next month. If I do not see any results I will switch to mfp.
  • morgan292929
    morgan292929 Posts: 2 Member
    I had just joined WW back in Sept after my sister had success with it and I did loose 9lbs in my first two weeks and was feeling really good with the points had illy daily routine and meals almost figured out then they go and "reinvent" their system, found it hard to track, my regular food went waaay up to the point I got so frustrated I cancelled and came back here-now wondering why I ever left :)
  • gooz71
    gooz71 Posts: 97 Member
    cebreisch wrote: »
    I'm actually really thinking about doing this. I've been converting the MFP info to WW points until the "new points" conversion thing came out. Today, I went to weigh in and they said that what they want you to really count now is: Calories, Saturated Fat, Sugar, and Protein. The leader said that fiber was still good and all, but they were more interested in making the program more protein friendly, and less friendly towards sugar and fat. An nutritionist I went to said that if you focus on proteins, then the fats/carb's will take care of themselves, but I'm not sure I like the new way WW is doing things. I'm really looking at just going for weigh in's and support and just tracking on MFP from now on.

    I tracked in MFP and WW today. Granted I had a bad day of eating (because I'm stressed about it..go figure) but MFP gives me 1,700 calories a day. WW gives me 30 smartpoints a day (plus weekly of 42). If I divide up my weekly I can have 36 a day. I figure if I give myself a few extra points a day it may be more like the points plus was for me, so if I bump it up to about 40 a day it might feel more "doable" for me. That would equal what MFP tells me to eat. It won't come off as fast as WW but that is okay. I'm going to see what my leader says when I tell her about the 36-40 a day.
  • bbeck9900
    bbeck9900 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm surprised no one here has tried the Simply Filling WW technique. Look into it, it is great. It hasn't changed. I go to WW meetings for the accountability. I like weighing in every week. But I have decided to go back to logging in on MFP. I usually follow simply filling, but been having issues lately with the recognizing when you're full part of the program. I wanted to go back to recognizing portions, etc. and I would rather track calories than count points. I say do what works for you, even if it is a mix up of a couple plans.
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    I used to do the simply filling WW thing and it worked for me. The only things I don't like about WW is the money it costs and the hideous meetings. Lining up like cattle to be weighed is just not my thing so I did it online and was happy with that.

    When I did it you could swap from the Pro points to simply filling daily or weekly. Is it still the same with the new smart points?

    Back in the day [1970s lol] if you wanted to lose weight you went to the doctor and he/she [more he] gave you a 'diet sheet'. This stated that you should eat lean meat, fish and shellfish, fruit and low carb veg, cut out cakes, pastry, biscuits, sweets and chocolate and cut right back on bread, potatoes, rice, pasta and dairy. Sounds like WW smart points to me - NOTHING is new lol.

  • RetroPolkaDot
    RetroPolkaDot Posts: 83 Member
    The other option you have is if Points Plus really worked for you just go back to that. You'd have to track points on paper instead of using the WW app and you have to use a calculator to figure out the points. There are ones online just google weight watchers points calculator. you should be able to find a points calculator on ebay if you don't own one.
  • songbird13291
    songbird13291 Posts: 120 Member
    I lost a lot of weight on Points Plus. My first week on Smart Points was a disaster and I stopped tracking midweek. My next two weeks on SmartPoints, I tracked here and also on WW. WW told me I was way over my points allotment, but I was consistently under my calorie budget here, and eating well -- not junk. So I stopped tracking there, it was only stressing me out. And I'm doing well, I lost a pound this week.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Just starting out with WW but still on MFP. I needed a new approach. I don't find it too bad v
  • Shawnee63
    Shawnee63 Posts: 39 Member
    Just starting out with WW but still on MFP. I needed a new approach. I don't find it too bad v
    I lost a lot of weight on Points Plus. My first week on Smart Points was a disaster and I stopped tracking midweek. My next two weeks on SmartPoints, I tracked here and also on WW. WW told me I was way over my points allotment, but I was consistently under my calorie budget here, and eating well -- not junk. So I stopped tracking there, it was only stressing me out. And I'm doing well, I lost a pound this week.

    Just starting WW today and really appreciate this post. I'm going to track in both places also and compare the two. Not feeling too good about what I'm reading about the new WW program, but will do my best.
    One thing I read re: WW is NOT to consider fruit as no points! This makes sense to me because of the sugar content. I especially understand this because I'm diabetic and I just cannot NOT consider the sugar in fruit. It's definitely going to raise the sugar levels in my blood, and fruit does have calories. I don't eat a lot of fruit, usually just what I put in my smoothies.
    Congrats on losing!
  • VASMA63
    VASMA63 Posts: 19 Member
    edited January 2016
    Re-joined WW last April (Lifetime member who re-gained most of the weight). I lost 65 lbs before the new tools were rolled out and then all hell broke loose. That is, I rely COMPLETELY on having an easy, reliable tracker and the website was (is?) hosed. I quit Dec 2nd but like you wanted to continue attending meetings for the public weigh in accountability and because I like my leader...Paid for meetings only for a few weeks after BTS was rolled out, (not doing their program as had no access to tools), but I felt "out of it" there (counter productive for me, nor does it contribute to the other members...) Switched completely to MFP on 1/1/ but am floundering around. Trying to find a new rhythm and joined a uber supportive FB group who follow the old PP plan with an online app to track. Not sure if that makes sense either (sort of one foot in, one foot out) but want to find some firm footing if I can. Best of luck to you.
  • buttersbunch
    buttersbunch Posts: 180 Member
    I lost 275 pounds (from 410 lbs. to 135 lbs.) with WW and switched to MFP once I reached my goal to maintain and have personal accountability.

    When I started WW my Saturday meeting time was perfect, but after 6 years it no longer suited our family schedule. Other locations/times never clicked... but so far I am doing GREAT using the MFP app to track my intake and stay healthy! You can do it too!!

  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,651 Member
    Ok, I'm not usually a rah rah type of person but 275 lbs is FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!!
  • laurenholt90
    laurenholt90 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been doing WW for 8 weeks. In that time I haven't lost any weight at all. Over xmas I stuck to the plan throughout - to the point I didn't enjoy xmas. After working out how many calories I have been eating on smart points plan I've been over eating by about 550 calories but sticking within points and now I'm very confused and unsure what I should do? Not sure whether to join Slimming World or start counting calories?