momma on a journey

Starting over. Just had my baby boy, and on the 13 it will be 1 month. I previously had lost 40 pounds before so I know sticking to a healthy diet and exercising plan can be done. I really feel this time around it'll be a bit more difficult but no excuses I'm in this for the long run. Never really had much friends on here before so this time around I want to interact with people who have or are trying to achieve some weight loss goals. Any advice would help.


  • 00EmilyJo00
    00EmilyJo00 Posts: 64 Member
    I had a baby 4 months ago also. Just stick to it and don't give up! You can do this :)
  • pookey96
    pookey96 Posts: 3 Member
    Awww thank u. I can't wait I know I must stay commited. Congrats on your new baby