Drink your water!

I always have a hard time getting my recommended amount of water in. Usually I'll drink coffee all morning, then drink nothing else until dinner time. Maybe a diet soda during lunch; not every day, but enough days. It's not a healthy habit. So, I've decided to take a new approach. I started adding a couple cucumber slices to my water cup and drinking from a straw. I did that all last week, and I drank much more water than I usually do. This was especially helpful for me on the weekend.
So, now I decided to make it a little game. To ensure I don't burn myself out on cucumber water, I've decided I'll try a new 'flavor' every week. Stick with it for 7 days, and then start each Monday with a new flavor of water. As an unexpected bonus, I haven't had a soda this whole time; I haven't even wanted on!
This week I bought some fresh mint leaves. I've added them for the last couple days, and it's a fun change and keeps me sipping away. I think next week I may try kiwi.
Just curious if anyone else has tips on getting their water in, or ways to "spice" it up. The keys for me are my favorite drink cup, a straw and some flavor!


  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Another option is a Soda Stream machine. Don't use the syrup, just shoot the carbonation into your flavored/infused or plain water.
  • racheladkins2002
    racheladkins2002 Posts: 211 Member
    I have found that I drink more water during the winter by having it hot. Sounds odd I know, but it warms me up like coffee without all of the sugar and milk I would have added in the past. I also like to use the Crystal light packets sometimes for a flavor boost at the office.
  • MissDeeDee78
    MissDeeDee78 Posts: 415 Member
    I think it's awesome that you're consuming more water, good for ya! Let's see, any type of berry mashed up (raspberry, strawberry, blackberry), any citrus fruit, kiwi is a good one, watermelon, a splash of juice, mango, pineapple (soaked in water). Herbal teas are great as long as you don't add anything to them. Good luck!
  • Katleskin
    Katleskin Posts: 111 Member
    I am hopeless at staying hydrated. I don't really get thirsty unless I'm exercising and even then it's only really as something to cool me down. I downloaded an app to my phone that reminds me every couple of hours/tells me if I'm hitting my target and, so far, it's really working (insomuch as I'm drinking the recommended amount). I think I'm a little less hungry as a result too. Not been at it long enough to see if it's helping the weight loss in any noticeable way though the increased toilet trips (extra steps!) have to count for something!

    I only ever drink coffee first thing then herbal teas and water for the rest of the day so I don't really miss 'flavours'. Kiwi is a nice addition to plain water though, ditto strawberries.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I have a 48oz Nalgene silo that I recently purchased. I fill it up when I get to work and try to get through at least one during the workday. I like that I can actually see progress since every 2 oz is marked on the bottle. I'm sure I should be drinking more, but my goal is to get through one and that's more than I used to drink, so I'll take it!
  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    sounds like me, straw and all. i started with organic cucumbers for a few months, moved on to cucumbers & spearmint leaves, tried pineapples, watermellon & melon. simplified life and now i actually drink herbal teas as flavored water (hated teas beforehand). i use 2g of black flavored raspberry tea leaves, brew it in coffee pot using 32oz of water, let it sit 10mins and than fill up a 27oz water bottle/cup about halfway (they sell 12" glass straws that fit in this size bottle perfect) and add water to top with 2 drops of liquid sweetener..makes for great flavored water. i do the same with spearmint tea leaves. the tea leaves benefits makes drinking water that i hate worthwhile plus theres many flavors to choose from.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    Keep one of these close. It really helps. Ignore the detox part and just use the water bottle.

  • Skinny_Kitty
    Skinny_Kitty Posts: 136 Member
    I was advised to take my weight and divide that in two... and that's how many ounces of water I should be drinking each day.

    Where I work, the water is just disgusting, so I keep a pack of bottled water under my desk (24 bottles at Winn Dixie is about $2.50. I know it's not very eco-friendly.. but at the point in my life right now, it is the most convenient for me).

    I try to drink two bottles before lunch, one with lunch and two bottles before I leave at 5:00... so that's 5 bottles (84.5 oz.!) a day, at work only! Once I'm home, I try to have one before dinner and one with dinner. Then I stop as I don't want to be waking up every second during the night to use the rest room.

    When I do this, I feel great. I was doing it when I was pregnant as I had to increase my fluids a lot... and I am starting back at it today!
  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    I have a Hydroflask, and I aim to drink two full bottles of it per day (so about 42oz). It's metal, so it keeps the water cool, and because it's metal it doesn't absorb funky flavors even if it's held a strong flavor for a day or two.

    I like to swap between oranges, grapefruit, limes, and lemons. Typically I do 1/4 of an orange or grapefruit, and 1/2 a lime or a lemon. It's just enough flavor to keep me from being tempted by soda.