Hi Everybody


I'm new to this site as of today. How does everyone like it? Has it helped you all? I was on another program that worked, but was very expensive and liked to bankrupt me in the grocery budget. It also didn't seem very realistic to me. Hope this site can help me do this myself. I need to finish my weight loss program. I started out at 180lbs. and I'm now 153lbs. (I gained 3lbs over Christmas). I'd like to be at 130-135lbs. I wish everyone luck.


  • deenamoeba

    I'm new to this site as of today. How does everyone like it? Has it helped you all? I was on another program that worked, but was very expensive and liked to bankrupt me in the grocery budget. It also didn't seem very realistic to me. Hope this site can help me do this myself. I need to finish my weight loss program. I started out at 180lbs. and I'm now 153lbs. (I gained 3lbs over Christmas). I'd like to be at 130-135lbs. I wish everyone luck.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    This site is really great and it has helped pretty much everyone that has been on here. Check out some other threads and you will see that. Everyone I talk to loves it here. There are plenty of things to use on this site to help you out. Good luck!!
  • brookefoley
    brookefoley Posts: 104 Member
    This site is fabulous. It is so motivating to look at everyone's before and after pics. I have been on here now a little over a week. Tracking my calories and exercise is so helpful. And best of all it's free, and it shows that you CAN do this yourself without any crazy dehydrated plastic food. haha
    Plus, everyone else on here is great! The support is wonderful.
    Best of luck!!