Finding it hard

I'm really finding it hard to stop myself snacking on crisps and chocolates,, I am craving them so much and have let myself down by eating 2 bags of crisps today,, In going to do a food shop after work tomorrow what things do you guys buy to snack on ,, and what meals do you cook that are healthy but filling ,, thanks


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    This is a very individualized thing and it will take some trial and error on your part. Some people eliminate those types of food completely. Some eliminate them for a short while and then gradually add them back in. Some keep eating them, but in smaller portions. Which strategy do you think would work for you? Start there, keep track of what you eat and how you feel and just keep making adjustments until you find what works for YOU.
  • MikeAV8s
    MikeAV8s Posts: 85 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    This is a very individualized thing and it will take some trial and error on your part. Some people eliminate those types of food completely. Some eliminate them for a short while and then gradually add them back in. Some keep eating them, but in smaller portions. Which strategy do you think would work for you? Start there, keep track of what you eat and how you feel and just keep making adjustments until you find what works for YOU.

    I think this is really good advice. Something that helps me is logging beforehand. I log my entire day while I eat breakfast. It isn't a magic bullet, but I think it helps me. Good luck.
  • KittyInBoots
    KittyInBoots Posts: 226 Member
    Honestly, I log junk food regardless, and enjoy it. I can still keep under my calorie limit.
  • losingweight1981
    losingweight1981 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for replies,, I think because I've got it stuck in my mind that I can only eat fish and veg,, making me crave the junk more,, I need to google some recipes I think and go from there
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    I think I'd die if I gave up chocolate/cheese/wine for good, but I keep myself from overindulging. I've found that if I allow myself ONE serving of ONE those things per day, I get along just fine. For example: if I have a glass of wine tonight, I cannot have a cheese sandwich or a bit of chocolate. But I may choose another ONE thing to have tomorrow.
  • 00EmilyJo00
    00EmilyJo00 Posts: 64 Member
    Everything in moderation. You don't have to cut stuff out completely because you'll end up craving it more and then giving in and eating way too much at once.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Just eat a bag of crisps and log it. If you keep completely denying the things you like to eat, it's going to be exceedingly difficult for you to hit your goal.
  • stmokomoko
    stmokomoko Posts: 98 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    This is a very individualized thing and it will take some trial and error on your part. Some people eliminate those types of food completely. Some eliminate them for a short while and then gradually add them back in. Some keep eating them, but in smaller portions. Which strategy do you think would work for you? Start there, keep track of what you eat and how you feel and just keep making adjustments until you find what works for YOU.

    This. There is no "moderation" for me. If I have a taste of something I'm REALLY craving, it's like unleashing the hounds of hell. So, until I can afford to, I'm staying away completely.

  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Thank you for replies,, I think because I've got it stuck in my mind that I can only eat fish and veg,, making me crave the junk more,, I need to google some recipes I think and go from there

    Definitely don't have to eat just fish and vegetables! My favorite lower calorie recipe blogs in order of favorite to least favorite (they're all good).

  • Jenp789
    Jenp789 Posts: 9 Member
    I don't deprive myself but do eat/drink in moderation and fit it into my daily calories without going over. I just tell myself if I have more it will taste the same as the last bite. I think because I don't deprive myself I don't binge.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,315 Member
    Fit it in your calories and log it.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Instead of cutting out the 'treats', do as others have suggested and allow yourself the treat, make sure you log it in your food diary, and then slowly back down how much you eat over time. If you cut out all fatty/sugary treats on day one, your body will crave them like mad. Think of it like an addiction, like smoking for example. You wouldn't want to quit cold-turkey. Instead say, "Okay, today I ate two bags of chips. Next week, I'm only going to eat one bag of chips a day. And the week after that, I'm going to eat half a bag of chips, and save half for the next day." If you cut your body off of what it's used to, you'll binge. Step it down gently.

    My go-to snack is celery with hummus. That tends to satisfy my 'crunchy/salty' craving.
  • losingweight1981
    losingweight1981 Posts: 21 Member
    Yes I think I will start by just having treat size chocs to satisfy my cravings and thank you all so much for the replies,, makes me more motivated
  • charleykayesmom
    charleykayesmom Posts: 92 Member
    Thank you for replies,, I think because I've got it stuck in my mind that I can only eat fish and veg,, making me crave the junk more,, I need to google some recipes I think and go from there

    You totally dont have to eat like that!!! I eat a lot and stick to my meal plan....its all about modifying the ingredients. I am eating things like Pulled BBQ Chicken, Chicken Salad on a wrap, Unfried Chicken, Protein Cheesecake, Apple Pancakes, Chicken Fried rice.....I watch my macros and calories and it keeps me full because I have the appropriate amount of proteins, carbs and fats in a day. It significantly reduces sugar cravings! Its totally possible to have delicious food and lose weight in a healthy way ;)