Time to get started

My name is Katrina I have struggled with my weight since is was in the third grade. My parents always say I was so skinny until I discovered my love of food. And let's be honest I love food. I have lived a life that food was my only comfort. I was sexually abused as a child, had a marriage where I was emotionally abused and now I'm with someone that is amazing. I have always been honest with my self about my weight. But a recent vacation I just couldn't get over the pictures. I stepped on the scale and was shocked to see 310. I was always until 300. I scared me. I need to get healthy for myself and my amazing family. I can do this.


  • MikeAV8s
    MikeAV8s Posts: 85 Member
    You absolutely can do this! Cliche' time, Rome wasn't built in a day, you didn't gain it all in a few months.......etc. Make a reasoned, attainable plan with some goals along the way. I would offer the advice to not demonize nor moralize food, food is food. It is neither good nor bad, its just food. Don't do crazy stuff, don't cut out entire food groups, don't completely cut out foods you love. Eat a balanced diet in moderation with an eye on you macros without being too anal about it. Get some exercise when you can. I wish you the best. The above advice is worth exactly what you paid for it.
  • CherieCora
    CherieCora Posts: 9 Member
    I know that feeling. I too got on the scale with an "idea" of what I weighed and when the scale moved wayyyy past my expectations, I was crushed. I think my heart dropped to my toes and I shed a couple of tears. Then, I installed the MFP app and have been taking steps to a better me. I think that some people have to reach rock bottom before we realize that we need to change. I'd be glad to offer you some support throughout your journey if you promise to keep me accountable as well :smile: I'll add you as a friend.
  • olsonkatrina
    olsonkatrina Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you guys