Throwing away food...



  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    edited January 2016
    If it makes you feel any better, Africans starving has more to do with supply issues and local corruption than it does to you wasting food. There's plenty of food around the world. So go ahead and trash the food but next time look up for a reliable recipe.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    krithsai wrote: »
    If it makes you feel any better, Africans starving has more to do with supply issues and local corruption than it does to you wasting food. There's plenty of food around the world. So go ahead and trash the food but next time look up for a reliable recipe.

    haha, I was going to say something similar.

    I don't like wasting food because it is bad for my pocket. Since I count calories I rarely leave anything on my plate. If I logged it then I eat it, and I won't log something just so it doesn't go to waste. If we make something horrible, then it gets tossed and oh well, we learned what we didn't like. Luckily that doesn't happen often.

    I get more irritated by my children who beg for a bowl of cereal only to eat 1 bite and then be "done", only to come back and want an apple, only to eat half of it and then be "done, only to.... you get the idea.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    My mom said it, and I'm pretty sure her mom said it. I was telling my Mom the other day to try and not eat everything on her plate, gradually, and she's like "what about those starving people?". I'm like "Seriously? How will they benefit if you stay fat?".

    I used to tell my mom that I would box up the food and send it to Africa. She didn't think I was the least bit funny.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    I also hate wasting food, my mom tells me 1 cup of rice can feed a family of 5 in Cambodia (my home country)
    So I try my best to just finish it, even if it doesn't taste the best. But if it isn't absolutely horrible to the point it may make someone sick, I will take it out and give it to someone who needs a hot meal, so that way I can feel better about not wasting it and knowing someone else has eaten, just me though..
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Clawsal wrote: »
    On a similar note, last week I really disliked a sauce I used with spaghetti. So I spent 10 minutes washing the pasta and separating it from the chunks of sauce so I could re-use it with another sauce. :neutral:

    Oh my. I'm not sure I'd ever be so cost effective.

    To answer your question, I don't mind throwing out food if I hate it. I was once prepping breakfast for the week and made eggs with bell peppers but something about it was off and I couldn't stand it. Better to toss than to make myself gag over a meal!

    I do have trouble when I set a meal in front of me and I find myself with 3 or 4 bites left. I'm not hungry anymore but I logged it and it isn't enough food to save for another day. I still eat those bites, it's never enough to make me feel stuffed but I do wish mentally I could stop when I want to and feel okay about the throwing away. THAT is a hold over from childhood.
  • angerelle
    angerelle Posts: 175 Member
    Is it something that turned out wrong and ended up tasting horrible, or just a combination that you personally didn't like? A group near me keep a freezer full of donated meals for local people who need them, if they're ill, or new parents or just going through a tough time - anything similar near you? If it is just truly horrible, I'd chuck it though!
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    edited January 2016
    evileen99 wrote: »
    My mom said it, and I'm pretty sure her mom said it. I was telling my Mom the other day to try and not eat everything on her plate, gradually, and she's like "what about those starving people?". I'm like "Seriously? How will they benefit if you stay fat?".

    I used to tell my mom that I would box up the food and send it to Africa. She didn't think I was the least bit funny.

    When I was a kid I'd said "well why aren't you sending it to them?" My mom never liked that question.
  • teacherkatz
    teacherkatz Posts: 101 Member
    "better waste than waist" my mother always says
  • chulipa
    chulipa Posts: 650 Member
    I feed it to my dog or cat and if one doesn't finish it I feed it to the other one lol.

    But they may not eat it either then you know its bad
  • Odilerubia
    Odilerubia Posts: 80 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hilarious all these comments. I think you just have to find a balance, you know you are a very responsible person when it comes to taking care of your food, so allow yourself to throw in the the cats dish and then the trash. Take a deep breath and thats it.
    For keeping your fresh ingredients as long as fresh as possible, Pinterest has the best tips to not waist too much.
    I m living with my 12 year old and me, so a very small household and I hate to see food go to waiste. Specially since I pick up food from a bank every week and I feel I owe it to the volunteers to be super responsible with all those precious gifts. When I notice I have to many fresh products I will pass some houses of people who I know have a tight budget. They are always so happy when I come by and the foodbank knows this so they will always give me much much more than their other regular clients.
    To make a long story short: be consious and forgive yourself for not always being the greatest chef in the world.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    Clawsal wrote: »
    On a similar note, last week I really disliked a sauce I used with spaghetti. So I spent 10 minutes washing the pasta and separating it from the chunks of sauce so I could re-use it with another sauce. :neutral:

    you are adorable

    honestly i would probably do the same thing lol
  • VASMA63
    VASMA63 Posts: 19 Member
    Difficult for me too - the old pearl "All food goes to waste, it doesn't have to pass through you first." is etched in my mind. For me personally, I work part time in a relay center and I bring it to our break room where it is gone faster than if a cloud of locusts passed through!
  • sisu89
    sisu89 Posts: 38 Member
    OMG do I ever!!! Particularly with leftovers! Right now I have about 3 meals worth of spaghetti (bf always cooks way more than we need!), a pork chop, and an enchilada! How am I ever going to eat all that before they start getting gross? It's particularly frustrating that my boyfriend refuses to eat leftovers, and yet he makes a ton of food!
  • stranger2310
    stranger2310 Posts: 28 Member
    I read this on a reddit article: ""Whether it's in my stomach or in the trash, it's gone to waste--already spent the money on it." Worth considering?

    Where I live we recycle food which is collected once a week (helps for veg peelings, spoiled food, etc. - it can all be composted). If you're that conscientious or you find you're doing it a lot then find a recycling centre to take it. Otherwise make it into something else. Or just throw it away and be done with it. It's clearly bothering you enough to make a post, so perhaps the 'forget about it' mantra is not going to work. Be proactive!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I always found the whole "Finish your food, there are people starving in Africa" to be particularly cruel. Like "hahaha starving people! You don't have any food, and I have so much that I don't even want this, and I'm STILL shovelling it in my pie-hole!"
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    last time i got involved in a conversation like this i was crucified since i have no problem throwing away food, and apparently that means i dont care about starving kids in third world countries. :/

    that said, i still don't have a problem throwing it away. toss it. years and years ago i made a meatloaf so bad even the dog wouldnt eat it LOL
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    You do know those starving Africans (btw, who was the crazy person who even thought of that?) don't benefit by you eating more, right?


    When my great grandpa was ruining our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with guilt, the starving kids were in China. Is that wierd?

  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    if it is nice enough to eat if again but not the next day you could just freeze it
  • DrifterBear
    DrifterBear Posts: 265 Member
    I hate wasting the money more than anything. Get over it and get better at cooking!
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    The fallacy with the "Starving kids in Africa" argument is that the kids will still be starving whether you eat everything on your plate or not.

    In my town, we have a special bin for food scraps that gets collected and it's turned into compost - maybe get yourself a compost bin or worm farm, so if you don't eat it, you still won't be "wasting" it.