Cheat Days

Do you have one? How often? Do you have guidelines or just forget them a ll and eat whatever, whenever? I was talking to a friend of mine who is very health oriented and she herself has a cheat day and eats ALL day, everything she wants. For just one day every month.

Do you have one?


  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I tried that once and it didn't work out only because my body started craving the bad foods and wanted to eat more of it. So I decided to give it up because I've worked so hard to lose the weight so why mess it all up. Now I just stick to good foods but once in awhile for a snack I have a little dessert...but I dont ever have a whole day to eat whatever or i'll never want to go back.:flowerforyou:
  • wantconfidence
    thats pretty much how i do it one day a month i can eat whatever its awesome i usually use it for like holidays special ocasions
    as long as its one day u wont gain weight sumtimes the day after i actually lose weight
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't plan regular 'cheat days', but if there is an occasion - eating out, party, family event, etc. - where I know unhealthy food will be served I go with it. As long as it's not too often.
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    no cheat day.... but I do give myself a coupon to have one cheat meal a week. i won't always use the coupon, but I allow myself the meal for being on track for all my meals during the week. I won't even log the cals for that meal. Works well for me and it doesn't wreck my drive for jumping right back on my regular foods. But then again, my "cheat meals" always tend to be healthier than the avg persons meal... I just relax on quantity, measuring, and logging for that meal and eat whatever I want without stressing over my macros.
  • MrsBubba
    MrsBubba Posts: 14 Member
    Every Sunday. It's my 1 day a week off from exercise and counting calories. I don't have time to eat anything or everything I want but we typically have Mexican for lunch, something unhealthy and quick for dinner, and I'll have coffee with breakfast. It's good to have a day, whether it's every week or once a month, where you give yourself a break. Absolutely nothing wrong with it.
  • Keri_girl
    Keri_girl Posts: 44
    I don't need cheat days simply because I allow myself evil little snacks each day. Today is was a large M&M cookie and my typical snack of peanut butter. I don't feel like I'm depriving myself. I even have pizza once a week! The whole point of this is moderation and learning how you can eat. If you feel you need a cheat day make sure that you log it as you would your regular meals so you can see how it effects you.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I don't have a cheat day and I don't really understand them. Please no one flog me cause this is just my opinion, but I don't want to put crap in my body regardless of what day it is or how good I have been doing or what the scales say. I am not saying I never eat anything unhealthy (although that is my goal and I am getting closer to it daily) but the more I eat healthy, the less I crave anything sugary, processed, candy, even ice cream....
    So I just wouldn't understand spending 29 days a month eating what my body needs and ridding it of pure unnecessary processed junk, just to spend that one day putting the junk back in, just to have to get rid of it and the cravings that it produces.
    Again, just my opinion and please don't flog me for it, as I won't flog you for yours. :wink:
  • wanderson99
    If you have a cheat day each week, that works on your mind so that you don't have the feeling that you are depriving yourself. On my cheat day, I don't total go bonkers and eat everything in sight. I usually pick a meal, like dinner and have whatever I want and maybe an extra beer or two, then I eat a healthy breakfast and lunch. Sometimes, I just pick a cheat item, like onion rings and have it with a salad. This way I am not depriving myself and I'm getting that junk food fix my body is craving. If you say to yourself, "No! I'm not cheating!" you'll deprive yourself and possibly binge. If you say, "Yes, today I can totallty blow my diet." Then you'll feel guilty. Find a happy medium. Hope that helps. :)
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    I don't plan regular 'cheat days', but if there is an occasion - eating out, party, family event, etc. - where I know unhealthy food will be served I go with it. As long as it's not too often.
    This is my goal as well.
  • tassles
    tassles Posts: 172
    I allow myself to have a yummy snack every day as long as it remains within my calorie allowance....I know that if I were to cut them out all together I wouldn't last and id give it all up!....I eat healthy the rest of the day of course and on special occasions at parties etc. (probably once a month) I will eat whatever I want that's on offer ....but I still try to limit it all by not going back for seconds etc.

    I guess I'm in this for the long haul its a lifestyle change and if I couldn't have the foods i love ever then I'd quickly go back to my old ways....eating NOTHING but junk! LOL!!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I don't need cheat days simply because I allow myself evil little snacks each day. Today is was a large M&M cookie and my typical snack of peanut butter. I don't feel like I'm depriving myself. I even have pizza once a week! The whole point of this is moderation and learning how you can eat. If you feel you need a cheat day make sure that you log it as you would your regular meals so you can see how it effects you.

    LOL @ 'evil little snacks''...snacks are my Achilles heel and kryptonite all rolled into one!
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    When I first started this, I thought I'd have an indulge day every week or so. To my surprise, I haven't needed one that often; I don't need any regularly scheduled ones at all. If, say, my family decides to toss a BBQ, then I go with it and eat over my daily budget. Nothing crazy though. I still log everything and make sure it doesn't get ridiculous.

    I think the key is finding healthy foods that you ENJOY, so you don't feel deprived on a daily basis. That way you won't need any "cheat days." Portion control is also awesome; with smaller portions, you can have a treat every day :9
  • Abrasue
    Abrasue Posts: 218 Member
    I cheat once a week typically. I think it is important in that it tents to 'trick' my metabolism into reving up after eating clean all week long. it take a couple days to get the water weight off from being knocked out of ketosis but its worth it to me and keeps me sane too!!
  • d_llopez
    d_llopez Posts: 167 Member
    No whole day cheats for me. I think your body does start to crave the foods and to do a whole day is too much.

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  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    I don't have cheat days, but that's just me. I do however still have the foods that I love, but just in a healthier version or smaller portion. Pizza, for instance, I will make myself and load it up with sauce and veggies. I still have all of the things I love, but usually modified and homecooked versions of them.