Here I go again...

Well I fell off the wagon and have been gone for months now. But I'm trying again and hoping this time that it sticks. I feel like I need to do this for my health. Becoming skinnier and fitting into my clothes better will be an added bonus. If I can get healthy that will be the true victory.

Positive vibes for all, and hope everyone is having a wonderful day.


  • asyk805
    asyk805 Posts: 125 Member
    Fingers crossed for you! Good luck in your journey.
  • angelrebelde_1
    angelrebelde_1 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you! I'll take all the positive reinforcement I can get lol...thank you again and good luck in you journey.
  • thunder1982
    thunder1982 Posts: 280 Member
    I am back after a short (planned) break over xmas. I logged in for 3 months prior to xmas. Which is about the 3 or 4th stint I've had since joining the website over 5 years ago. The good news is that each hiatus has been shorter than the first plus I've had another 2 kids in that time period. Last time I kept the 10kg I'd lost off for nearly a year. This time I started out a bit heavier than before but am committed to get past my platue weight of previous attempts. When (not if) I am successful I am never going back to that number again.
  • dashley28
    dashley28 Posts: 32 Member
    Oh my goodness as I was reading your post I was thinking man this is so like me! I'm constantly on and off the band wagon, I think I over train, get tired and give up for a while. I love feeling healthy and am always so much happier when Im eating good! If I could just stick with a maintainable program for longer I think I could see some great results. Anyway sending some major good vibes your way!! :):)
  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    This sounds like me.........I have been here for 4 years this week and love my group of MFPals. I slipped towards the end of last year and with a Spanish holiday and Xmas I now have 10 lbs to lose.......I will do it with the support of my pals. Good luck to you
  • Linseymout
    Linseymout Posts: 159 Member
    Good for you!! You got this!
  • tronrulez
    tronrulez Posts: 58 Member
    Hi angelrebelde. Let's get this new start up going strong this time ;)