New year new diet

Really trying to stay motivated to lose the weight and keep it off. Starting dancercise tomorrow hope you can help me stay motivated


  • Greenbirdsmom
    Greenbirdsmom Posts: 19 Member
    Add me maybe we can help each other
    I'm not sure how to add people
  • joey4014
    joey4014 Posts: 159 Member
    One day at a time AngieBaby. That's the best way to do it. Otherwise you get overwhelmed. Focus on just today, log your meals and have fun with dancercise.
    What kind of diet are you following?
  • angiebaby0121
    angiebaby0121 Posts: 3 Member
    Just healthy eating so cutting out chocolate crisps biscuits and trying to do more exercise I tried slimming world and Weightwatchers but didn't seem to work for me. Thanks I'm looking forward to dancercise
  • angiebaby0121
    angiebaby0121 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi greensbirdmom I would love to add you but don't how either lol