Staying Motivated or even getting motivated

How do you do it?

I've lost 50+ pounds twice now, once with MFP but after a while I just drift off and I can't get motivated to continue. It's so strange cause I can go gun ho for a while and nothing stops me and then I can't stop myself from giving up no matter how hard I try to get back on the wagon. I don't care to be super thin but I want to be thin enough to enjoy hiking mountains like I was doing in 2014 and yet I can't find the motivation.

The last year has been hell on my body and I've only gotten worse. I can't seem to stop myself from eating even when I'm not hungry. It's more like filling my time by eating. And I can't get myself to fill that time with something else.


  • TracyL430
    TracyL430 Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same food problem, I find myself eating because food is there. I eat things even when I'm full and then I eat something 'bad' (like a chocolate covered donut) and feel physically and emotionally worse. I started dieting last March and ate 'excellent' for 6 months, no bread, pasta, sweets, alcohol, anything bad and worked out like crazy; dropped 30lbs and 3 pants sizes, then I lost my diet partner and it was like I was never on it. Now I am miserable again, surprisingly only have gained back a little but still want/need to his my goal of another 22lbs. I need to be motivated again and stop eating 'junk/crap'. I want to look and feel good like my original plan.
    I do find that I eat when I am bored and staying busy would help also maybe drinking more water. Logging the food taken in is a big plus, seeing it on paper or on the log here hits home too.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    One day at a time. I know it sounds cliche but it has helped me to look forward to big goals, while focusing on the closest ones. You have to pick one day, start, and then build on that every day afterwards. After losing 70 lbs, I quit on myself, ate whatever I wanted for 3 months, and gained 7 lbs back. Then one day I told myself I could pick a direction. Keep going and gaining, or go the other way. I chose the other way. I started, just like I had 18 months earlier. At the end of the day, I often say, "ugh, I did it but I didn't like it. Can I really do this every day for more months?" I try not to do this. Its just one day, and then one day, and then one day. And they all add up. And eventually, boom, you're back in the swing of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    One day at a time. I know it sounds cliche but it has helped me to look forward to big goals, while focusing on the closest ones. You have to pick one day, start, and then build on that every day afterwards. After losing 70 lbs, I quit on myself, ate whatever I wanted for 3 months, and gained 7 lbs back. Then one day I told myself I could pick a direction. Keep going and gaining, or go the other way. I chose the other way. I started, just like I had 18 months earlier. At the end of the day, I often say, "ugh, I did it but I didn't like it. Can I really do this every day for more months?" I try not to do this. Its just one day, and then one day, and then one day. And they all add up. And eventually, boom, you're back in the swing of a healthy lifestyle.

    Thank you for this , I'm having the same trouble as the OP and this just makes so much sense, all I have to do is stay with in my allowance for one day, and hopefully one day will lead to two and then three.
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    drewhosick...... Your not alone in this, I so know where your coming from. I wish I knew what the answer is but alas I don't, all I know is that only we can put ourselves into the right frame of mind to do this no one else can do it for us......... I WILL STAY WITHIN MY CALORIE TARGET TODAY!
    Good luck to all that are finding it difficult to stick to there goals right now.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member

    I recently read a posting in these groups that helped me put things into perspective. Hope it helps you.

    I do give credit to @KnitorMiss for posting this and her related blog about motivation and just doing it!
    It helped me to regroup.

    Good Luck.
  • drewhosick
    drewhosick Posts: 5 Member
    I'll take a look at that post.

    Some days I feel that if I could just get rid of coffee I could be on the right path. I drink so much of it because I'm up at 4am for work.

    That alone feels like it would remove between 300 and 400 calories a day minimum when I make my own and more if I am buying.