
Hello everyone :)
So I'm really liking this app. It's keeping me on track as far as my meal planning and not going over board.
I get really lazy though and it's so hard to get in that workout mode. I've been forcing myself but after a workout I feel great.
So what motivates you to get up and get a workout in when you're tired from work or just lazy?


  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    The "I feel great" part after the workout motivates me. I want to feel great and I have learned how to get there. Not always easy still but it motivates me.
    Plus what helps after a while, for me the workouts became part of a routine, akin to going to work etc it is just built in to the normal day to day life for me.
  • Yes, that feeling I get afterward is also what is starting to push me to workout more.
    I think that's what I need to do. Maybe setting up a certain time in the day I will dedicate to a good workout and keep a routine. It's always been the hardest part for me.
    Thanks for the input :)
  • beeconeofhope
    beeconeofhope Posts: 26 Member
    Being an example for my daughter and my wish to be firm instead of flabby does it for me I also love the way I feel at the end especially when I complete a full jullin Michael's riped in 30 session haha only did half today but I am sick with a cold and the more I tried the more my head hurt so I stopped lol guess I just be half ripped In 15 for the day ;)
  • That's great motivation right there, staying healthy for your daughter. I'd suggest you take a break until you're all better to start working out. I took a break until I felt better when I had a cold last week. Might do more harm than good if you workout while sick.
  • HealthySideofLife
    HealthySideofLife Posts: 80 Member
    This is my second go at losing weight. The first time I lost about 80 pounds. That alone is motivation for me so I know I can do it again! Plus, I have all the clothes that I love of when I weighed less that I want to fit back into :smile:
  • kmadison0915
    kmadison0915 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I'm new to this app and am trying to lose some weight after giving birth 4 1/2 months ago. Really need some motivation. This is the heaviest i have been in my life (217). But I also have four children that helped achieve this weight. I have a treadmill, some weights, ab roller, bicycle, and a rebounder (just bought a used one yesterday. Plus have a Xbox but no workout DVDs, but can access YouTube. Only problem is I have two younger children (19 months and 4 1/2 months). So it makes it hard to fit time in like I would want to. Of course my husband helps out as much as he can. But I breastfeed so lol I'm always needed just about. So I have to break up my time here and there. Haven't really been able to get on treadmill much due to it being upstairs in our office (nor the bicycle), so I bought a used rebounder. I'm hoping this will help until I have more freedom from my 4 1/2 month old (soon I know). I don't eat meat but eat fish. Only eat organic foods. Recently moved from California back to Texas. Not great produce here like there ,so have been having to eat more processed food then I would like (Amy's organic meals). Also have started drinking matcha green tea powder (plus other herbal teas like nettle,ginger and etc), making green smoothies,taking organic black seed oil and taking prenatal vitamins (when I remember to). Plus plan on start to take a little turmeric powder as well. I know this is a lot to read but I'm looking for motivation and need some pointers as well. I REALLY need to get this weight down!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!! Help please someone.
  • WendyLaubach
    WendyLaubach Posts: 518 Member
    Suddenly realizing you're at the highest weight of your life can make you kind of panicky, can't it? But I've been here a little over two months now and have read lots and lots of stories of people who came here, worked at it steadily and faithfully, and lost the weight. You can absolutely do it. The young kids may make it difficult to find uninterrupted exercise time, but they can't make you put too much food in your mouth, right? So use the site's calculator, figure out how many calories per day you should be eating, log in everything and count those calories. If you can exercise, too, great, but it's the calories that are key. Once you see steady progress you'll calm down and realize you're on the right track. I'm at 215 myself, but you know what--when I got here last year I was at 245. It works.
  • becalecca
    becalecca Posts: 1 Member
    I have to get up at 515/530am for work, but I've started getting up at 5am just to do a little workout (even just yoga) before work. Something that always stuck with me is that someone said that if you had to get up earlier for work or for your kids, you'd do it, no question. So, why can't you have that same dedication for yourself? Works for me.