Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred

I was thinking about starting 30 day shred. I have a question about this workout. I would like to know how will I log this workout under exercise. ? Would it be cardio or weight lifting. Do I do it everyday or 3-5 days a week.? Please advice. Thanks


  • TwinMom12409
    From what I understand most people log it under circuit training. HTH. Not sure how often you do it. I was planning on beginning that tomorrow so I am interested in the responses.
  • sesecat
    sesecat Posts: 124 Member
    I have it too, but waiting a little while before I start since it's intense. I was told it's an every day thing - hence the 30 day shred. I'm on vacation soon, so I won't start this until I know I'm home for 30 days straight.
  • Steph_2011
    I started the 30 day shred on Monday and I plan on doing it every day and I log it under circuit training
  • wwhite94
    wwhite94 Posts: 176 Member
    I just started it today and yes you do it everyday. If you dont have an hrm (heart rate montior) that does calories then log it under circuit training.
  • moffee01
    moffee01 Posts: 68
    I started today and plan on doing everyday. Not sure how I'll handle it but...
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I'm just wrapping up my 2nd round of 30 day Shred. I have tried to do it everyday, however life sometimes gets in the way. I have 2 days left of the 30 and I started this round on June 9. Most people log it as 20 minutes of circuit training.
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    HI there-

    I'm on day 2 of level 2 and loving it! OK, I will speak profanities at the tv while working out and will stand in the shower afterward under a hot stream of water hoping that my muscles wont be too sore the next day, but the burn feels great! you can actually feel it working, you just feel good!

    Good luck! Feel free to add me!
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    Oops, sorry,forgot to add that I log it in as circuit training/general.
  • inclover
    inclover Posts: 4 Member
    I love Jillian Michaels DVD's.

    30 Day Shred is a great DVD, but I wouldn't wait. In my opinion it doesn't have to be "all or nothing" 30 straight days sounds intimidating, so my advice would be, don't put it off another day. Try it out, do it when you can. It's only 20 minutes. Then when you have the stregth keep at it everyday.
  • meetpapa
    meetpapa Posts: 20
    thanks everybody. Will start this weekend.