I looked in the mirror.

Over the last two years I have gained weight. A lot of weight. 80 pounds of excess weight for no apparent reason. Last year I had surgery to remove a 3 pound cystic tumor which caused me to lose my right ovary and fallopian tube. Since that surgery, I have been packing on even more weight. I have tried cutting calories, exercising more and nothing helps. I looked in the mirror today for the first time and was disgusted with what I saw. I have seen so many doctors and each one keeps throwing weight loss pamphlets at me. It is so defeating to have people look at me and judge me like all I do is sit around and eat crap all day. I really don't! Just needed to vent, I guess....


  • charleykayesmom
    charleykayesmom Posts: 92 Member
    Hi there! I am sorry you are struggling! I can totally understand that you feel the way you do. Its hard to feel so defeated. People are mean, rude and judgemental....you have to surround yourself with people who will support you. I would love to help support you and I truely believe in NO JUDGEMENT ZONES. Everyone has a different story, different struggles....I will sen you a buddy request! I think I can help you!
  • seelemonster
    seelemonster Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you! I really appreciate it.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Sorry that you feel so defeated and have had bad experiences having weightloss thrown in your face by the professionals that you are seeing.

    You are not new here so have probably got all your stats and weekly goal all set up.
    May I suggest you start at the beginning again.

    Make sure you have a digital food scale to weigh your solids, everything, and liquid cups and spoons for all non-solids.

    Start at losing .5 lb a week, just a small amount (250 cals) less per day than your maintenance. Then gradually reduce it down to 1.5-2 lbs a week. It is easier than doing the big dive down to a big deficit.
    After a couple of months, once you are logging honestly every day, start exercise.
    Walking is good. Start slow and build on it. Walk around your home, your neighbourhood a treadmill. Anything for extra movement, build up your time and speed gradually.

    Start adding different exercises, including some resistance work to help retain muscles, once you have a bit more stamina.
    YouTube has great videos that you can do at home. 10 min ones are a great start and again build on it until you feel a class may be a good idea. Aqua fit and Zumba Gold are great for beginners.

    It is a slow challenging process losing weight and keeping it off. Go slow, one thing at a time and remember to love yourself no matter what.

    Cheers, h.
  • seelemonster
    seelemonster Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you, for that. When I graduated high school I was 140 pounds. I don't want to be skinny, I want to be healthy. I want to lead an active lifestyle! I just don't know why I am gaining all this weight. It doesn't make sense to me.

    Sorry that you feel so defeated and have had bad experiences having weightloss thrown in your face by the professionals that you are seeing.

    You are not new here so have probably got all your stats and weekly goal all set up.
    May I suggest you start at the beginning again.

    Make sure you have a digital food scale to weigh your solids, everything, and liquid cups and spoons for all non-solids.

    Start at losing .5 lb a week, just a small amount (250 cals) less per day than your maintenance. Then gradually reduce it down to 1.5-2 lbs a week. It is easier than doing the big dive down to a big deficit.
    After a couple of months, once you are logging honestly every day, start exercise.
    Walking is good. Start slow and build on it. Walk around your home, your neighbourhood a treadmill. Anything for extra movement, build up your time and speed gradually.

    Start adding different exercises, including some resistance work to help retain muscles, once you have a bit more stamina.
    YouTube has great videos that you can do at home. 10 min ones are a great start and again build on it until you feel a class may be a good idea. Aqua fit and Zumba Gold are great for beginners.

    It is a slow challenging process losing weight and keeping it off. Go slow, one thing at a time and remember to love yourself no matter what.

    Cheers, h.