Change to app??

Hi, I used to do my calories on a week to week basic and use my excess at the weekend


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    You should still be able to see your weekly totals (under "Nutrition") and use that to plan your week. I'm on the Android app.
  • Editme12
    Editme12 Posts: 71 Member
    Not sure what you're asking here.
  • dakmum
    dakmum Posts: 13 Member
    Sorry I did wonder if it made any sense lol. It just used to be so clear on a Friday night I was say 500 calories under weekly goal. Now I can't see anything obvious it seems to average it every day.
  • Editme12
    Editme12 Posts: 71 Member
    If I understand what you're asking, you can see calories under the Nutrition tab, but it will show how far "under your calories" goal you are for the week. So, if you are 2 days away from the end of the week, you'll have WAY more extra calories, because it will be counting those 2 days that you haven't yet eaten anything.
  • dakmum
    dakmum Posts: 13 Member
    Yes it think I'm so, its now rolling so moving on each day so never a definitive end day!!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You can set what day you want your "week" to start on.
  • dakmum
    dakmum Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Jennifer, that's it!! I had it on 7 days so I've changed it to Monday so should go back to set week.