Losing weight while trying to conceive?

Hey everyone! I just wanted to see if any other ladies might be trying to conceive while losing weight at the same time? I have over 100 lbs to lose. I would wait until I lost the weight but I am 37 so I would like to start now. I am down 28 lbs so far. I have a 13 year old daughter and unfortunately my son was still born at 24 weeks back in 5/2013. I am finally ready to try again. Took us a year to conceive him so I figured I will work on losing weight and getting healthier while trying to conceive again.

Would love some support from other women in the same boat! I would love to share our weight loss and hopeful pregnancies! :)


  • johanna709
    johanna709 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there! I'm so glad I read your post. Im 28 years old and I'm having trouble conceiving. My doctor said that for every 5 lbs I loose, it increases my chance of becoming pregnant. I too have over 100 lbs to get rid off and I started walking yesterday. I feel extremely discouraged right now, but I'm hoping to turn things around.
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi! I am not trying to get pregnant, but am a birth doula. I would love to support you in your journey. Feel free to add me!
  • AngelMommy13
    AngelMommy13 Posts: 42 Member
    I sure will!
  • tiffanysotoxo
    tiffanysotoxo Posts: 36 Member
    I haven't started TTC just yet, but I will once I lose at least 50-80lbs. I'll send you a request!
  • AngelMommy13
    AngelMommy13 Posts: 42 Member
    johanna709 wrote: »
    Hi there! I'm so glad I read your post. Im 28 years old and I'm having trouble conceiving. My doctor said that for every 5 lbs I loose, it increases my chance of becoming pregnant. I too have over 100 lbs to get rid off and I started walking yesterday. I feel extremely discouraged right now, but I'm hoping to turn things around.

    Don't get discouraged! You got this! It won't be easy but the rewards will more than make up for it! Send me a friend request and we can motivate each other! For some reason I can't add you on my phone..
  • blessedhsmommy
    blessedhsmommy Posts: 2 Member
    My husband and I have talked about trying again, but with some pituitary problems and my weight , I keep putting it off. I had two miscarriages before having my two and feel like I need to lose this weight before trying.
  • AngelMommy13
    AngelMommy13 Posts: 42 Member
    My husband and I have talked about trying again, but with some pituitary problems and my weight , I keep putting it off. I had two miscarriages before having my two and feel like I need to lose this weight before trying.

    I totally understand that. My dr told me that I was free to try again whenever I wanted to. They couldn't find anything wrong or anything that could be a potential problem thankfully.. I would lose weight first if I wasn't 37..
  • PinkNubody
    PinkNubody Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I recently turned 40 and Im trying to conceive. My fiance and I have been trying for about 6 months. Ive never had problems in the past but I think the recent weight gain has had an impact. Im new to fitness pal and loss 4 pounds so far. I also use an app called Glow which has been helpful with tracking my flow and ovulation.
  • patience2016
    patience2016 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I am 36, and also new to myfitnesspal. I am finally in a happy and supportive relationship, and my dream is to have a baby with my wonderful partner. The irony is that since he and I had met, he's been very disciplined and consistent in eating better and exercising (he was quite overweight when we'd met), and he lost a lot of weight. I, on the other hand, had gained weight. I am glad to know that I am not the only one in this boat!
  • Terri693
    Terri693 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. My husband and i are trying to concieve but i need to lose about 60-70 pounds before the hospital will think about it we do have a 10 year old but i was alot slimmer back then! I feel time is running out i am 36. Good luck to everyone x
  • niamhy82l
    niamhy82l Posts: 1 Member
    I am the same in that have a substantial amount to lose but we can do this!!! I also have a 3 year old wee girl & have just started trying again, also new to myfitnesspal but have been exercising a good bit lately thankfully but Christmas was a bit wild
  • AngelMommy13
    AngelMommy13 Posts: 42 Member
    I am sure we can all do this! Feel free to add me. We can definitely motivate each other!
  • sarsarlove
    sarsarlove Posts: 1 Member
    Hey girls,

    Newish to this app... I am trying to loose weight cause I've had a second miscarriage in the past 8 months... it's been very hard emotionally.... I wanna just get super healthy so that my body has a better chance keeping the pregnancy when we decide to try again.
  • kvcash
    kvcash Posts: 30 Member
    I have about 100lbs to lose as well. My husband and I are not actively ttc but we are also not preventing. In the mean time, I am losing weight to help! I starting early this month and plan to continue until the goal is reached! I'm going to add you! I would love to have an accountability partner! :)
  • LourdesitaMaria
    LourdesitaMaria Posts: 58 Member
    Hi everyone! My husband and I are also TTC for the first time. I am 38 and this frightens me because I also have more 100+ lbs. to lose. Losing weight has been a life-long struggle for me, and how I wish I could have conquered it before now. I want to continue to lose weight, but I know that when one is trying to conceive there are certain nutrients that our bodies need and my low carb attempts were truly lacking in a lot of minerals and vitamins that we have to get from fruits and whole grains.

    Could you all, please, share how you are going about your eating as you TTC. I'm all mixed up now and need some help and encouragement.

    I'm so glad that I found this thread. Warm wishes to all! :blush:
  • hellokristen
    hellokristen Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everybody! I'm so happy I searched this and found you. We are in the not trying, not preventing crowd right now, but will begin ttc once we can have a baby that isn't born during the holidays. I'll be honest upfront, I'm waiting until this weekend to test to see if we got it this time, I've had a few symptoms but I'm not overly hopeful until I see 2 lines and no AF. We have a 5 year old son and are in a really good place to add to our family right now. That said, I'm working on about a 40 lb wight loss. I'm not going to stop while ttc, because each pound I am overweight is one more potential health concern for me and the baby. Feel free to add me and let's keep this thread active. Its good to have positive support in every aspect of this! <3
  • mimismommy11
    mimismommy11 Posts: 80 Member
    We've been trying to add on to our family since August 2014, suffered 3 miscarriages in 2015, and just started fertility treatments. I've been logging in consistently on MFP, but my weight has been stuck because I don't always log my food like I should. Exercise would probably help, too! Now that the holidays are done, I need to get my head back in the game. Anyone please feel free to add me, but I'll send some requests too. :smiley:
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    I am 41 years old and trying to conceive also. I have about 30-40 LBS to lose too. I have been trying to eat a lot more fruits and vegetables and making sure I don't miss my pre-natal vitamins. I do some mild exercise since I'm afraid to do anything too strenuous. My doctor just put me on Clomid to help with ovulation. I am hoping something works soon!