What does fitness mean to you?

sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
What does fitness mean to you? To me it means being healthy. Eating well, exercising, being a healthy weight. But evidently to a lot of people this site is only for those still trying to lose weight and if you have already done so you need to get the hell off. And lord forbid you should show off your body that you worked your *kitten* off for.

What is wrong with people that makes them think it is ok to pm people and be rude to them for showing their bodies? Or in some cases do this just because they are still on the site after meeting their goal? WHY?! This site is meant for everyone looking to be fit - losing weight, gaining weight and yes even maintaining weight.

End of rant.


  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Agreed. I've never been overweight, but I have a crummy relationship with food. Most people say I'm skinny, but it won't be for long if things keep going the way they have.
    I understand that this website really is geared towards weight loss (hence the green/red numbers of the food diary). I try to be sensitive to that fact by never mentioning my actual weight. Some day, when I feel proud enough of my accomplishments, I might post a full picture of myself... in shorts and a T-Shirt :tongue:
    However, I've been lucky in that no one's called me out. I'm blessed with the BEST group of MFP friends who are nothing but supportive.
  • jacque1109
    jacque1109 Posts: 129
    mean's grovin' to fergie ferg... "Working on my fitness" ...

    Nah, for real it means- working out 3 - 4 times per week, reguardless of life.