Looking for MFP friends - lots to lose

LLT38 Posts: 172 Member
I just started MFP last month. I am 38, 5'2 and weigh 216 lbs. I am aiming to get under 150 lbs. My weight has never been that low for my entire adult life so I may want to lose more when I get there. I am expecting this to take well over a year. I am looking for friends so we can help motivate each other to keep going to our goals.


  • xickel
    xickel Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I started about a week ago. I've lost 85 pounds so far and now want to lose another 50 - 60. I'm all about encouraging others on their journey! Good luck!
  • DMHouston
    DMHouston Posts: 2 Member
    I too started about a week ago and am looking at losing about 100lbs. Would love to get back to my pre pregnancy weight. My oldest is now 16, so I understand the struggle. I could use the support and motivation.
  • adpiorkowski
    adpiorkowski Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • scyssy
    scyssy Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me