Just entering the community zone

Hey everyone, my name is alfred and I am an over-eater....the first step to recovery is realizing you have a problem, right?? Well, I've been using this website for 90 days now and I've lost about 16 pounds, which is such an amazing thing for me. I figured I would attempt to make friends with others who are going through similar struggles and so I am here..


  • phyllis731
    phyllis731 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi! This is my first evening here, too. Welcome!

    All the best to you!
  • amley012
    amley012 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. I've just started couple days ago. I so understand. Food is my first second and last name. I wish you the best of luck.

  • southparkave
    southparkave Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks both of you. I do recognize the therapeutic value of talking with another person who is going through similar struggles. I was on another website, fooducate, which emphasized the community aspect. Anyway, I really appreciate this app and I pray we all do well in our future endeavors.
  • nicolletitman68
    nicolletitman68 Posts: 7 Member
    MFP has helped me tremendously....I hit a plaueau and when I tried this app I lost 6lbs in a month. It's such a great support system.....and eye opener! I have lost almost 50 lbs so far. You CAN do this