Ways to increase caloric intake?

My trainer looked at my logs for the past month and says I am not eating enough calories, and I need to increase my carbs, lowering my fats. He wants me doing this through fruits and vegetables in the purest form? I hate cooking, suggestions on best way to do this?


  • KitCat103
    KitCat103 Posts: 3 Member
    Have you tried smoothies?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    what are you trying to accomplish? a low fat diet is not recommended. you need healthy fats to fuel your body and its vital to absorb vitamins and nutrients and your hormones rely on it.how many calories are you eating,how many carbs? why does he want to increase your carbs?
  • alyurete
    alyurete Posts: 20 Member
    Try dates and dried fruits! High carb, calorically dense, practically no fat.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    looked at your profile. it says you are prediabetic? I would not up your carbs unless the dr says its ok to do so. not all trainers are certified in nutrition or have a dietary background. talk to your dr first. this could be a disaster if you have insulin resistance or blood sugar issues depending on how many carbs you are eating now. also ask your trainer why he wants to up them and if he is certified in nutrition or any of those things. if hes not find another trainer. as for your calories we dont know how much you eat per day so we cant say. but if you are wanting to lose weight you need to input your info into mfp, how much you want to lose and eat to that calorie goal each day. and eat some of your exercise calories back. all that is needed is a caloric deficit to lose weight.make sure you have a food scale and weight all solids and semi solids and use cups for liquids
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    A lot of fruit and vegetable require no cooking. Apples, pears, carrots, celery, beetroot.

    Either fresh or out of a can. Easy peasy.

    What qualifications does your trainer have for giving out diet advice?

    Lentils, not sure where they fit in the fruit vs veg world, but are about as difficult to cook as 2 min noodles, more like 15 min noodles. Come in a packet, with flavouring.
  • homecraftedmom
    homecraftedmom Posts: 13 Member
    Yes trainer is certified. Yes working with dr. Know about healthy carbs. Been using mfp to get goals etc. I'm gluten intolerant dairy intolerant. Limits my choices. Thanks for the siggestions
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    How many grams of fat/carbs/protein are you getting on average?
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    When I'm down on calories nuts and yogurt work for me.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    If you want help with gym work, listen to the trainer.
    If you want help with food, find a Registered Dietitian. :)

    We need fats and oils.
    What are the purest forms of fruits and veggies? :grey_question::grey_question:
    Frozen fruits and veggies are more nutritious than fresh because the are frozen close to
    the farms instead of shipped and stored and moved far distances in trucks.

    I agree about eating dates and dried fruits as an easy way to get more calories.
    Other options for foods with more calories include peanut butter and nuts.
    Also add chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, and hemp seeds to your smoothies.
  • homecraftedmom
    homecraftedmom Posts: 13 Member
    MFP is saying i need to have between 2300-2700 calories per day. I average between 1300-1700. Thus his comment about not eating enough.
  • nonrg
    nonrg Posts: 73 Member
    edited January 2016
    Avocado and peanut butter are used to add healthy fat calories to my diet. I'd do that before adding carbs.

    I don't agree with the dried fruit idea myself, too much concentrated sugar per serving. If you really wanting to add carbs and stay away from gluten I'd eat a white sweet potato.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    nonrg wrote: »
    Avocado and peanut butter are used to add healthy fat calories to my diet. I'd do that before adding carbs.

    I don't agree with the dried fruit idea myself, too much concentrated sugar per serving. If you really wanting to add carbs and stay away from gluten I'd eat a white sweet potato.

    I don't see anything in OP's posts about a medical need to avoid sugar.
  • taypc
    taypc Posts: 20 Member
    what are you trying to accomplish? a low fat diet is not recommended. you need healthy fats to fuel your body and its vital to absorb vitamins and nutrients and your hormones rely on it.how many calories are you eating,how many carbs? why does he want to increase your carbs?

    What would you recommend as healthy fats?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    taypc wrote: »
    what are you trying to accomplish? a low fat diet is not recommended. you need healthy fats to fuel your body and its vital to absorb vitamins and nutrients and your hormones rely on it.how many calories are you eating,how many carbs? why does he want to increase your carbs?

    What would you recommend as healthy fats?

    healthy fats like nuts,seeds,avocado,peanut butter,nut butters,olive oil,salmon,flaxseed,chia seed.things like that.
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    nonrg wrote: »
    Avocado and peanut butter are used to add healthy fat calories to my diet. I'd do that before adding carbs.

    I don't agree with the dried fruit idea myself, too much concentrated sugar per serving. If you really wanting to add carbs and stay away from gluten I'd eat a white sweet potato.

    I don't see anything in OP's posts about a medical need to avoid sugar.

    Her profile says she is pre-diabetic. The problem with adding fruit is you are adding sugar. I to am pre-diabetic and my doc and endocrinologist both say I should keep my sugar under 50, unless it is a special occasion or something. Not always successful but usually close.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    kmash32 wrote: »
    nonrg wrote: »
    Avocado and peanut butter are used to add healthy fat calories to my diet. I'd do that before adding carbs.

    I don't agree with the dried fruit idea myself, too much concentrated sugar per serving. If you really wanting to add carbs and stay away from gluten I'd eat a white sweet potato.

    I don't see anything in OP's posts about a medical need to avoid sugar.

    Her profile says she is pre-diabetic. The problem with adding fruit is you are adding sugar. I to am pre-diabetic and my doc and endocrinologist both say I should keep my sugar under 50, unless it is a special occasion or something. Not always successful but usually close.

    Thanks for the additional context -- I hadn't looked at her profile.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    MFP is saying i need to have between 2300-2700 calories per day. I average between 1300-1700. Thus his comment about not eating enough.

    ok did you put in your height,age,weight and how much you want to lose into MFP? what did you set your activity level to? do you work? if so are you active at your job or do you sit all day? 2300-2700 a day is a lot and 1300-1600 may be on the low end but for some its not too low.it all depends on your height,weight,age,etc. I would think the 2300-2700 would be to maintain or gain weight unless you are putting your activity level at active or extremely active. with what your profile says you want to lose I kinda dont think its gonna give you such a high number. maybe 1800-2000, again depending on your stats. something just doesnt sound right with the calorie amount it gave you. go back and try again and see what it gives you.
  • homecraftedmom
    homecraftedmom Posts: 13 Member
    Ok, let me clear up some confusion.....I WAS prediabetic, per my doctor, ONLY because of my A1C numbers. I have a strong chance of becoming diabetic because of my family history. I am gluten intolerant, dairy intolerant, and I avoid sugar because it caused cravings that I dont like. My diet thus far has been okay. My trainer just wants me adding a few more carbs to my diet, trying to avoid any extra fats. I redid my settings and it is telling me 2400 calories. I am active, and I workout 60 min a day. Since I dont eat gluten and Im trying not to eat dried fruit, etc, what others use for carbs? I am thinking sweet potatoes, pumpkin, reg potatoes, starchy vegies like corn and peas. Maybe I just need to practice becoming a better cook. My trainer and I are just trying something different to see if it helps my metabolism.
  • homecraftedmom
    homecraftedmom Posts: 13 Member
    I changed the MFP settings....Sedentary says 1600 calories, Lightly active - 1900. I had it on active because of the fact that I workout an hour a day, 6 days a week. I am a stay at home mom. For example. I am pretty much done eating for today and I am only at 1200 calories so far. Im thinking if i just include another snack/small meal throughout the day I should be fine.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    ok if you are a stay at home mom I would probably go with the lightly active. MFP has your exercise built in. so lightly active would be a start then eat back 50-75% of exercise calories you get from exercise. as for other carbs,yes sweet potatoes,reg potatoes,beans, corn and peas sure but they are high in carbs. if you are only at 1200 calories and need to eat say the 1900. then I would incorporate peanut butter,nuts,seed,nut butters,.when you say you avoid sugar do you avoid fruits and veggies? those have sugar in them,or do you mean added/processed sugars like cookies,cakes,sodas,etc? as for setting your mfp to active that would mean you are always on your feet like a delivery person,waitress,etc (not saying you are not as a stay at home mom as I was one too).as for your metabolism. it either works or is slow(which comes from yoyo dieting,eating too little,etc). if you think its a metabolism issue have it tested. eating more food isnt going to necessarily improve it. exercise can. thats a proven fact but there is no proof that food speeds it up or helps it in any way.if you are stressed or not getting enough sleep that can slow down weight loss too.healthy fats are needed though so make sure you get enough fat,carbs and protein. what are your goals and his? building muscle or losing weight/fat?